He put Julen’s hands on his shoulders and swayed to the band’s slow tune.
“They’ve been hanging on me since I got here. I used to date the blond one. He’s as insufferable as you would imagine. They both are.”
Julen looked back at the two other boys. He couldn’t hide his smile at how appalled they looked.
Julen couldn’t believe this was happening. One moment, he was on the ground, and the next, he was dancing in the arms of this Rugirean cadet. His brain couldn’t keep up.
“Are you hurt?” the man asked.
Julen was taken aback by the man’s concern.Does he not notice the tog?Julen swallowed the nerves in his throat. “No. Just my pride.” He laughed awkwardly, and the man released another glittering smile that made Julen want to melt like putty in his arms.
He surveyed Julen’s attire with a smirk. “Never thought I’d see the Lapistrean battle tog in such a state.”
Julen choked. “Oh! Uh…”Damn, he does recognize it. I shouldn’t have worn this. I am so stupid.
Blue-Eyed Hunk smiled. “I appreciate the reinterpretation. It takes some guts to dress like that in Lapistra, I imagine.” Julen looked down at himself. He felt embarrassed. The man continued, “Are you military personnel?”
Julen couldn’t hide the bitterness in his voice. “No. Not military. I just like to mangle their uniforms.”
The man’s deep laugh made Julen’s heart flutter. It was the most beautiful thing Julen had ever heard. A deep, masculine sound filled with joy.Fuck, calm down, Julen.
“Not very patriotic of you.” The man altered his voice to sound like a stuffy school instructor, and Julen giggled.
“I guessI’m not feeling very patriotic these days.”
The man raised an eyebrow at Julen. “Interesting. I’m Dacias.”
Gracious, that’s a sizzling name.Julen almost introduced himself and then recalled Souzie’s advice to make up a name. “I’m… Arlo.”
“Pleasure.” Dacias’s cocky smirk could stop time itself, and Julen blushed.I should say something. Julen cleared his throat and said, “It’s nice to meet you. I saw you back at the Black Crag.”
“You did. I saw you, too.” Dacias smirked.
Those tingles came back with a vengeance. Julen cleared his throat. “Good job keeping the peace back there. It looked kind of hairy for a moment.”
“I’ve had a lot of practice. My brother, Ferrean, has an incessant need to start shit wherever he goes. He’s what one would call…an asshole.” Julen laughed, and Dacias shook his head. “But, such is life. We don’t get to choose our families, right?”
Don’t I know it.Julen nodded in agreement.Am I really having an honest to goodness conversation with this man?It all felt too perfect. Julen didn’t trust it. “Why did you help me when I tripped?”
Dacias raised his shoulders. “I didn’t like that they laughed at you like that. Plus, I love pissing off Jovia.”
Hmm. Jovia.Julen peeked back at that snake of a blond boy. “Jovia is your—”
Dacias interrupted, “Myex, yes.”
Julen nodded his head. “Was it a bad breakup?”
“Let’s just say he had a wandering eye.” Dacias pursed his lips up, giving Julen a knowing look.
Julen shook his head in disbelief. Who could have a wandering eye when they had a man like this? Just touching this man’s shoulders…his big, strong shoulders…made Julen weak in the knees.
Julen looked at Dacias and shook his head. “He’s a fool.” Dacias grinned, and Julen’s gaze fell on the green claw marks. “You’re a cadet.” Julen swallowed hard and continued, “They don’t care that…that you…” Just speaking about it so casually was new for him. He leaned in and whispered, “…prefer men?”
Dacias guffawed and then caught himself. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh. It’s so different in Rugiria.” Dacias looked at Julen. His gaze lingered on his lips, then rose to Julen’s eyes. “I’ve heard it’s hard to be like us in Lapistra.”
Julen looked down. That old feeling of anxiety crept back into his stomach to ruin this lovely moment.
Dacias continued, “It’s not a big deal in Rugiria. Not even for the Fighting Forces.”