“I thought you would. On the count of three,” Carnufor said.
Julen nodded and raised his arm as if to align the syringe with the vein. He focused on his power, feeling the sting of searing heat begin to build in his outstretched limb.
Carnufor began counting. “One, two, thr—”
Souzie grabbed Carnufor’s arm up and headbutted him. At the same time, Julen released two bolts in rapid succession, incinerating the guardians on either side.
Carnufor recoiled as blood poured from his nose. Souzie wrestled the blade from his arm and jammed it into his remaining good eye.
Julen ran to them and shot a shard of wind at Carnufor’s throat. He was about to follow up with a lightning bolt when Souzie unleashed a boulder of wind that hurled the disgusting man across the room and into a furnace. Julen quickly ran to close the open hatch, locking Carnufor inside and burning him alive.
Julen ran back to where Souzie lay on the ground, panting. “Oh, thank you, Mother Planet!”
He hugged her tightly until Souzie whispered, “You’re going to snap something, love.”
“Sorry!” Julen loosened his hold and wiped away his tears. “I’m just so happy. I thought you had passed out.”
“So did he.” She winked and continued, “Sedatives never really worked on me.”
Julen shook his head and let out a relieved laugh. “Or perhaps he underestimated just who he was messing with.”
“That too.”
Julen bent down to kiss her cheek. “I’m so fucking happy you’re safe.”
She cupped his face. “Don’t celebrate yet. The boys need our help.”
Chapter 43
The Viscura lay on the ground, its translucent skin torn at the stomach from the blow that pierced its torso. With Julen gone, the bulk of the fighting rested on Anjular’s shoulders. Iacuora and the sand creature raced about the field, doing everything they could to distract the guardians as Anjular continued her assault. Entire sections of the prison wall now lay in rubble, and Anjular flung piece after piece at the tenacious guardians. Her face betrayed her weariness. Klorin’s cougar still lay on the ground, unconscious from the wind boulder that had thrown him against the wall. Dacias pressed his palms to the wound, desperately trying to halt the blood flow.
The Multarmirus lay in the shaft nearby, bleeding profusely from its arms, not having any of the protective layering that the sand creature and Iacuora had.
Dacias felt that the end was near. His comrades were exhausted, and the guardians outnumbered them. His mind warred between staying with Klorin and rushing into the field to continue the attack.
Then, the ground began to shake. Dacias thought back to the quake at the volcanoes and panicked.
The ground erupted, bits shooting to the sky like a geyser. Lavender tendrils billowed out of the hole from the blast, and Julen emerged with hisarm around Souzie. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they rose to the sky.
At the same time, a cacophony of battle cries rang out as prisoners began racing out of the building, holding axes, swords, and blades, and rushing toward the guardians.
Lightning struck in rapid fire. Souzie formed a barrier protecting Julen as he released his power with newfound precision.
The image of Julen and Souzie emerging from the ground in a purple tornado while embracing each other made Dacias howl with delight. “THAT’S MY MAN!”
The Caligoneans fought with renewed fervor at the sight before them.
The emaciated prisoners fought with an energy that seemed impossible. Some would try to wield wind, but their gaunt limbs couldn’t manifest their power, so they stuck to impaling the bastards who’d imprisoned them with physical weapons.
One by one, the guardians either perished or fled until none remained.
Julen’s gaze met Dacias’s, and he released a smile that nearly stopped Dacias’s heart.You did it, Julen.
Dacias made the shape of his heart with his hands, and Julen blew him a kiss in response.