Page 8 of Celestial Bodies

“Yes, he is. Look at him.”

Julen’s heart beat faster, and he fixed his eyes on the drink to keep from looking. “He’s probably looking at someone behind me.”

“There is nobody behind you.” She nudged him with her elbow. “Go talk to him.”

Julen’s breath hitched. “What would I say? Besides, he’s Rugirean. He probably hates me.”

Souzie shook her head. “He might not know you’re Lapistrean. That tog is unrecognizable.” She tugged at the bottom of Julen’s top. “Besides, don’t talk about yourfather.Make up some name and flirt!” She nudged him. “And if he does recognize the tog, well, who knows? He might surprise you.Not everyone’s an ethnocentric asshole like your father.”

Suddenly, the hovel filled with the sounds of shattering glass. Julen looked behind Souzie to see two men, one of whom had the Rugirean claw marks, face to face in a heated argument.

“You fucking beast. You rat-faced Rugirean, you’re nothing compared to me! I control the wind. I’m like aGodcompared to you!”

The Rugirean gripped the belligerent Lapistrean by the lapels of his coat. “God?Ha! The only thing I see is some shit-faced Lapistrean who’s about to have a broken jaw.”

The man swung a right hook and clobbered the belligerent Lapistrean. An all-out brawl began, and Blue-Eyed Hunk de-escalated the situation, pulling the two apart.

A warm, tingly feeling washed over Julen.

Souzie grabbed his arm and led him to the exit. “Shit! I hate it when this happens. Let’s beat it. I want to go dancing anyway.”

Julen looked at Souzie hard. “Does this happen often? You said we’d be fine!”

She waved her hand, dismissing the issue. “Oh, some idiots can’t hold their intoxins. Stop worrying!”

Julen turned back to take one last look at the beautiful man. Their gazes locked, and the man looked at him with disappointment before Souzie pulled Julen up the stairs.


Chapter 4


Three intoxins later, Julen feltgood. The dance court spun around him, a blur of bodies shimmering under a kaleidoscope of glowing crystals.

A wave of pure bliss washed over him as he swayed to the band’s hypnotic tune—a sleek and sultry melody from a group of horn players, their notes sliding up and down the scales, undulating through the dancing crowd. The carnal smells around him ignited a fire inside.

His shoulders released. His body felt malleable. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this loose.

Boldness took over, and he did a little twirl, laughing at himself. This is what he wanted: to sputter around on a dance floor and forget.

He waded through the swirling bodies, trying to get to the bar for another intoxin. He lost his footing and clattered to the ground.

Julen looked up to see Blue-Eyed Hunk with two boys draped on either side of him.

The two boys laughed and pointed at Julen.

The blond one on the right taunted, “Have you ever seen such a faceplant? Poor little Lapistrean. Someone can’t handle their intoxins.”

Julen’s face burned. He picked himself up and was about to hurry to the opposite side of the dance hall when someone grabbed his arm and turnedhim.

He was suddenly face to face with Blue-Eyed Hunk.

“Dance with me.”

Julen froze.It’s him.“What?”

He smiled at Julen. “Dance with me. They’ll seethe with jealousy.” His smile took Julen’s breath away.