Page 78 of Celestial Bodies

Julen sat up and saw the dread in the other creatures’ faces. They surrounded the sand creature, Anjular whispering calming words while Iacuora cursed at the window. Julen ran to the group and knelt near the beast.

“What is it? What’s happening?”

Anjular looked at Julen, her face a mix of rage and sadness. “Your father enters.”

Julen could hear the echo of his father’s voice reverberating off the blackness surrounding them. The light from the stone flashed brighter. It wasn’t beautiful or radiant. The colors seemed ominous and cruel, as if the light exposed something ugly from within.

The image in the window shifted, revealing the area in Vinculux where Carnufor stored the creatures and where Julen’s body was undoubtedly contained. Carnufor came into view.

Julen shook his fists at the image of the disgusting man. “I’ll get you! You hear me, you vicious, disgusting bastard! I’LL GET YOU!”

It became evident to Julen that they were observing the scene from someone’s perspective. The view shifted, mirroring the movement of one’s eyes as they navigated through life. Julen ran to the window.Is this a wayout?He didn’t feel the same tug that he had with the crystal, but he could see the interior of Vinculux. Surely, this was a potential way out. He reached for the window while Iacuora screamed, “Don’t do it, human!”

Julen made contact before she finished and was shocked by a lightning bolt. It sent him sailing backward. He landed with a thud and coughed. However, the pain was short-lived, and he was soon steadying his breath. Iacuora slithered to his side. “I admire the tenacity, little human, but you are foolish to think we haven’t tried every possibility. The next time a stupid idea enters your brain, consult with us before acting on it.”

Haligran’s voice reverberated throughout the space once more. “Hmm. It is getting easier. Smoother. It’s less of a fight to enter them.”

Haligran’s voice was a mix of his own and the raspy sounds of the sand creature, which wailed as it clutched its head. The other monsters spoke to it in odd, guttural languages, trying to subdue the poor thing. Julen turned back to the window. The beast entered a chamber where a male prisoner stood. The man wore a gray one-piece uniform and looked malnourished. His bewildered eyes widened as the creature approached.

The prisoner backed up on all fours while screaming and wedged himself in a corner, crying for mercy. The image of the sand creature’s hand came into view. Its long arm stretched forward, growing unnaturally. It neared the prisoner, who shrieked at the sight. The sandy arm extended until it was just inches away from the prisoner. The fingers opened and began growing.

The prisoner’s eyes widened even more, and horror filled his gaze. Then, he fell into a trance as if something in the palm of the sandy hand had hypnotized him.

Suddenly, his mouth opened wider and wider until it became a gaping, unnatural hole. The creature’s powers controlled the man’s movements. Tears streamed down the prisoner’s face as his mouth stretched wider. Instantly, a stream of sand shot into him, filling his mouth. The prisoner’s body reacted, fighting the deprivation of air, convulsing as it sought relief. Slowly, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground, dead.

Carnufor’s voice blurted out, “Much improved, Sire. You’re nearing the stage when you can travel outside prison walls with one of thesecreatures.”

“What’s his status?” Haligran asked in response.

Carnufor no doubt knew who Haligran meant. “The prince is stable. You should be able to inhabit him without risk of fatality. Shall we give it a try, Your Majesty?”

The King released an amused huff. “Yes.”

The image in the window slowly went out of focus again, the grimy dust acting as a film covering the image.

The sand creature lay on the ground, wailing a pitiful, raspy moan. Slowly, the moan morphed into a whine. Haligran was gone.

Julen’s body shook. The sick feeling in his stomach rumbled, and rivulets of cold sweat slithered down his back. His father would channel it into his body soon. The crystal’s ominous purple glow tugged at him again. Bolts of lightning ripped through it. Julen closed his eyes but couldn’t stop the flow of tears.


Chapter 35


Dacias narrowed his eyes at the two men standing guard at the gate in front of Vinculux. He and Klorin held Souzie by the arms, acting as guardians hauling a prisoner to her fate. Souzie tugged away occasionally, creating the appearance of resistance. Their performance was good, but their disguises would have been more convincing had they arrived with the cart as planned. Dacias kept his gaze low and brushed his fingers along his neck, ensuring the uniform covered his claw marks.

Klorin tried to convince Souzie to switch clothes with him. He wanted her to be the guardian, thinking she’d stand a better chance of escaping if anything went awry. Souzie simply raised a brow and said, “Women cannot join the guardian ranks in Lapistra.”

As they drew closer to the entrance, the men flanking the entrance approached, and Dacias assumed the role of cruel Lapistrean Guardian. “Defector sentenced to imprisonment. We have orders to take this Rugirean sympathizer into the complex for processing.”

The guardians eyed Souzie, who averted her gaze. One of them inched towards her and lifted her head by the chin.

“A female?” The guardian let out a low laugh. “We’ll certainly have fun with this one.” He backed away, kicking a plume of soot at her. “Traitoroushag. You’ll rue the day you tried to turn your back on Lapistra.”

Dacias clenched his jaw and could feel the rage emanating from Klorin. They loathed nothing more than men who mistreated women. Dacias’s urge to tie them up and rake his claws over their bodies was overwhelming; their cries for mercy would sound like sweet music to his ears.Later. Focus on getting him out first.

The other guardian asked, “Where’s the prisoner caravan? We usually mark documentation to confirm the prisoner’s successful delivery.”