Page 65 of Celestial Bodies

“He’s unconscious, but he lives. They’re loading him into a carriage with a guardian escort now. They are taking him to Vinculux.”

Dacias’s legs buckled. The world spun around him, and his hands and feetfelt cold.

Souzie braced herself against the wall. “No…no…no…”

Sounds from the front of the castle startled Latima. “I’ve told you all I know. You must leave.”

Souzie heaved against the castle wall. Dacias grabbed her arm and rushed them back to the wooded area, where they paused.

“Souzie, look at me. Please, look at me.” Souzie looked at Dacias. He wasn’t sure if she could hear him. “We have to go back to your place right now.”

Souzie spoke as if she were in a trance. “They’re sending him there. He’s going to that place…”

Dacias clutched her arms. “And I am going to get him out.”


Chapter 27


Dacias bolted into Souzie’s home the moment she opened the door. “KLORIN!”

Souzie followed close behind. Her heavy silence rattled Dacias, but he couldn’t worry about that now. He had to save Julen.

He recalled a briefing during his training, during which the commander discussed Vinculux. He knew the prison was on the northern outskirts of Lapistra, past a row of immense dormant volcanoes. The harsh landscape and threat of volcanic disturbances made the journey treacherous.

Dacias barreled into Souzie’s bedroom. Klorin sat upright, his eyes wide. “What happened? Where is he?”

Dacias could barely speak. The words burned his tongue.They’re taking him to Vinculux.Vinculux. His chest grew tight, and he crouched onto the ground and started rocking.

Klorin bolted out of bed. “Dacias, tell me what happened.”

Souzie stepped in. “He attacked Haligran.” There was no life in her voice. Klorin gasped. “Who did?” He looked at Dacias. “You?”

Souzie continued, “No. Julen. He nearly killed Haligran. They’re taking him to Vinculux.”

Dacias started doing his box breathing.Don’t lose it. He needs you. Pull ittogether.

Klorin’s mouth fell open. “Fuck…”

Dacias rose from the ground. “I need supplies. I need a horse to get there. Or should I shift? I shouldn’t. A lion running across Lapistra? I’m an idiot. They’re already on their way, and I need to get to him.”

Klorin stood and tried to comfort his brother, but Dacias shook him off and started rummaging through Souzie’s apartment, looking for supplies. He didn’t even know what he needed, but he had to move. Dacias’s thoughts were pulling him into the abyss, and he had to move before he fell in.

Get there. Get him out. Focus.

Klorin walked after him. “Dacias, you need to stop for a minute. Vinculux is a death trap. You can’t be hasty.”

Dacias exploded, “Fuck that! Ihaveto be hasty. I have to be therenow! The longer he’s there, the more harm will come to him.”

Klorin held his hands up. “I know. I know you are concerned, but you have to be smart. Let’s think about this.”

Dacias wasn’t looking for supplies anymore. He was pacing about the room. “Iamthinking. I need supplies. I have to get…to get…”

“You don’t even know what you need; you must calm down,” Klorin implored.