“Let’s listen. Maybe we can make out more,” Dacias suggested.
Make haste for Vinculux…Horses ready…Make haste for Vinculux…Secure the carriage…
Souzie cussed under her breath. “By the Mother Planet, someone did break into the castle! The timing couldn’t be worse.”
Dacias’s mind spiraled. What if the assailant attacked Julen? He couldn’t hide the edge in his voice as he asked, “Do you think Julen will be trying to signal to us? Can we see into his window from here?”
Souzie crawled to the edge of the stable, motioning Dacias to stay put, and took a peek. “All right. The coast is clear. His room looks out onto the side of the castle facing west. We’ll go into the trees and loop around to his window.”
Dacias gave a nod. “Let’s do it. He must be trying to signal to us. Has this kind of thing happened before? You don’t think an assailant would attack Julen, do you?”
Souzie shook her head. “It is far more likely that someone tried to attack Haligran, considering what a scum-ridden pig’s ass he is. Get closer. When I tap your leg, we need to bolt to the trees. Follow close behind me.”
Dacias nodded and moved closer to Souzie. She peaked out from the edge of the stable. A quick tap and they were off.
They made it to the trees and paused. Souzie motioned to the direction they were heading. She began creeping along the border where the trees met the courtyard but remained hidden in the shadows. Dacias stayed close behind. They crept through the woods, making their way towards Julen’s bedchamber, but froze at the site of shattered windows and a swarm of people milling about a grand room of the castle.
Dacias’s eyes widened at the scene before him. Dozens of guardians and what appeared to be servants hurried about the room, sweeping up debris. A woman with long dark hair gazed out the window, tears streaming down her face, her gasping breaths echoing in the night. A team of women flitted around her, handing her a drink, damping her forehead with rags, and rubbing her hands soothingly.
“Is that the queen?” Dacias asked, and Souzie nodded in reply.
Behind her, Dacias could see the guardians lifting bureaus, desks, and pieces of furniture.It’s like somebody shot a cannon into the room!
Dacias rested a hand on her shoulder. “Is Haligran in there?”
She whispered, “No. That’s a good sign. He was probably the target. We should look in Julen’s room. He’s most likely there. Don’t worry.”
They continued their journey through the woods, making their way to Julen’s bedchamber. The window was closed, and the room looked dark.Not a good sign.
Dacias whispered, the edge in his voice even stronger now, “Souzie, Julen could have been attacked. They’ve apprehended someone, and it sounds like they’re taking the prisoner to Vinculux.”
Souzie looked about the courtyard. Her breath hitched, and she pointed. “Latima!”
A young girl stood by the rear castle entrance, wringing her hands.
Souzie continued, “She’s supposed to let us in. Let’s go.”
Souzie rushed along the foliage back to the stables, and Dacias followed. Souzie scanned the area, looked up toward the parapet, and then back at Dacias. “All of the guardians must be dealing with whatever is happening. I don’t see anyone standing guard back here. Let’s go. Stay close.”
She darted across the courtyard, and Dacias trailed close behind, desperately trying to make as little noise as possible.
Latima saw them and rushed to Souzie. Her voice shook with emotion, and she did her best to control it. “You must leave at once. It isn’t safe. I can send a courier messenger to you tomorrow, but if the guardians see you—”
Dacias interrupted, “Please, what has happened? Is Julen hurt? Where is he?”
Souzie clutched Latima’s shoulders, “Latima. Please tell us what happened.”
Latima closed her eyes. “Listen to me closely because you must run once I’m finished.”
They both nodded, and Latima carried on. “The king was…he was abusing the queen. Servants said they heard the sounds of fighting and saw the prince enter their quarters. The servants fetched for guardians and…”
Dacias’s stomach clenched into a knot.No, please don’t tell me he hurt Julen.
Latima gripped Souzie’s wrist. “Souzie, they say the prince was levitating. That he was manipulating wind in ways they’d never seen before, he attacked the king! He almost killed Haligran, but the king’s guardians sh—they shot him with crossbows.”
“What?! Where is he? Does he live?” Dacias was ready to storm the castle and look for Julen himself.
Souzied grabbed his arm and held it tight. “What happened to Julen?” she asked Latima.