Souzie glided into view, admiring her reflection momentarily before noticing his. “You. Look.Sizzling.I could mount you like a steed.”
She wore a black netted gown that hugged her elegantly slender neck and draped down the front of her body, exposing her ebony skin at the back. The lower half split to reveal a leg and a black corset underneath. In her high-heeled black boots, she stood a bit taller than Julen. He couldn’t help but smile at their reflection.
“Holy Vexora. We look like courtesans ready for crime,” Julen remarked.
“Oh! Almost forgot.” Souzie sauntered over to the vanity and returned carrying eye shadow. “This will help disguise you.” She applieda tonof eyeshadow on him, the brush stroking the entirety of the top half of his face.
He turned back to the mirror and gasped. Souzie had applied shadow to create the illusion of a masquerade mask, making him unrecognizable. His green eyes glowed against the dark shadow. He looked…beautiful. His heart bloomed.
Souzie examined her handiwork. “Perfect. What can I say? I’m an artist.” She snorted and kissed his cheek.
Julen looked in the mirror. “I can’t believe this.” He turned and admired her outfit. “You look fuckinglethal!Did you make that?”
Souzie was an expert knifesman as well as a seamstress. It’s how she supported herself after the imprisonment of herfather.
She beamed with pride. “Yes, I did.”
Julen shook his head with wonder. “That’s incredible.” He inched closer to examine the garment. “Is that fisherman netting?” He asked.
Souzie’s eyes betrayed the truth, but still she denied it. “No! I would never. How dare you!”
Julen smirked. She poked fun at him relentlessly. It was a rare occasion to have the chance to give it back, and he wasn’t about to miss the opportunity. “I thought I smelled something. I just assumed it was you.” He grinned and bit his lip, waiting for her enraged retort.
Souzie gasped and her eyes widened. “Youbitch!” She laughed and wielded a small gust of wind to muss his hair.
He yelped and whined, “My hair!”
Souzie approached Julen, a maniacal smile stretched across her face. “You know I could take that knife and dig every freckle out of that earnest little face of yours.”
Julen cocked a brow and leaned in. Their noses almost touched. “You couldn’t catch a dead hog in those heels, and you’re certainly not catching me!” He took off in a flash.
“Don’t you run away from me!” Souzie screamed. “I need help walking in these!”
She shot another gust of wind to blow the door shut, but Julen was too fast. He escaped just before it closed.
Julen heard her call out as he ran. “Don’t make me kick these boots off and chase you to Cupidor!”
He stopped by the front door, and keeled over in laughter. Souzie rounded the corner and approached him, holding the drink. “You little shit.”
Julen couldn’t stop laughing. Soon, she laughed with him and said, “Look who’s smiling again.” She winked and handed him the glass. “Help me finish this drink.”
He took another sip and coughed. “Ugh, it’s awful. You’re no tapster, Souzie.”
She took the glass and sipped it, too. “Hmm…it is a bit strong, but it’s better than most of the swill in Cupidor.” She set the glass down on a table bythe door, then held her arm out for Julen to take. “Come, love, our chariot awaits. And by chariot, I mean the mini-cart you’re flagging for us because I can barely walk in these fucking clodhoppers.”
He swallowed his nerves and linked arms with her, feeling the warmth of his best friend—the friend who had just pulled him out of his misery in her signature, devilish way.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
She smiled and brushed the back of her hand down his cheek. “Anytime, love.”
Chapter 3
Passing the territory checkpoints took forever. You needed to display your UIN (Unique Identification Number) card. Guardians had lists of valid numbers, and it took them forever to approve passage through the tunnel connecting Lapistra and Cupidor.