“As you should. Now, let’s go.”
Chapter 18
Dacias stayed close to the bar, hoping to avoid the drunk bodies on the dance court. The last thing he wanted to do was dance. Fuck, he didn’t want to be there at all!
“So, where’s your lady?” He really hoped this wouldn’t be some kind of a blind date. If whoever Klorin waited for showed up with a “friend,” Dacias would throw a fit.
Klorin surveyed the crowd. “Not sure. I don’t think she’s here yet.”
Dacias had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. He knew he was behaving like a child, but he hated being at the place where he and Julen had danced. His mind raced back to that night. Jovia being an asshole and Dacias coming to the aid of the Prince of Lapistra like a numbskull.So much for those instincts.
He turned to the tapster and ordered another drink. A hand reached out and stroked his wrist.
“Well, hello, sunshine.”
Dacias turned to see a man about his age with light blond hair, making eyes at him. From the look of his attire, Dacias assumed he was a sex worker.I am not the one, my friend.Dacias gave the man a small smile and reached for his drink.
The man bit his lower lip and asked, “Care to buy a boy a beverage?”
Dacias didn’t want anything to do with this exchange, but he didn’t have anyone else to talk to. Soon, Klorin’s date would arrive, and Dacias would just sulk alone at the bar. “What are you having?”
“Whatever you’re drinking, handsome.”
Dacias ordered another, and the tapster brought it over.
The man took it and said, “Thanks. I’m Meretrix.”
Klorin slunk over and began chatting. “Hi… uh, Dacias, I think she might be here soon.”
Dacias raised his brow at Klorin. “Great… Let me know when she arrives, and you can introduce us.”
Dacias didn’t understand why Klorin looked so awkward. He turned back to Meretrix.
“What are you looking for, Dacias?” Meretrix brushed his long fingers along Dacias’s arms. His hooded eyes told Dacias exactly what Meretrix wanted to provide.
“Truthfully. I just want to talk to someone. Not sure if I’ll be good business, but I can buy you some drinks.”
Meretrix raised an eyebrow. “It’s always the handsome ones who just want totalk.” He took a sip from his drink. “You look sad. What’s the matter?”
Dacias shook his head, his eyes looking down at the floor.
Meretrix nodded. “Breakup?”
Dacias nodded.
“I can always tell. Whoever they are doesn’t deserve those sad puppy eyes. You should have some fun and forget about them.” Meretrix traced the veins of Dacias’s forearm. Dacias was about to gently brush the hand away when he spotted them from the corner of his eye.
Julen walked in with Souzie by his side. They stopped halfway into the dance hall and looked around. Dacias saw Souzie’s eyes land on something. He followed her gaze and saw Klorin looking back at her.Klorin, you fucker.
Dacias turned his head back to Souzie to see her eyes planted on him,laced with shock. Then he saw Julen, those shattered green eyes staring at Dacias as Meretrix stroked his arm.