Page 46 of Celestial Bodies

Julen spoke through his sobs. “Because I was afraid. I was afraid you’d hate me. Please don’t hate me. Please.”

They stood facing each other, shaking—one with fury, the other with desperation.

“Well, now you’ll never know how I would have reacted if you’d told me the truth.”

Julen wailed, “Dacias, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to. I…I wanted to tell you, but I was scared…”

Dacias turned toward the tunnel and began walking.

Julen ran after him and grabbed his arm, but Dacias pushed him off. Once freed, Dacias bolted.

Julen chased after him. Dacias weaved in and out of people as he scrambled to the checkpoint. Julen could barely see through his tears. He screamed Dacias’s name over and over, but Dacias didn’t stop. He ran faster.Julen’s heart beat so hard he thought he might die. He ran faster and faster, calling for Dacias, but lost him in the crowd. Julen didn’t have a Rugirean UIN. He couldn’t follow him to the checkpoint. He couldn’t keep up with him.

Dacias was gone.


Chapter 16


The pink hue of the sand reminded Dacias of Arlo’s lips.No, not Arlo’s. Julen’s. Fuck the beach.

Nearly three weeks had passed since Dacias ran from Julen, yet he still couldn’t shake the boy from his mind. Nothing could distract him, not even the beach and the beautiful boys who had invited him out. They just made it worse because they were so…not Arlo.

Julen!Dacias had to remember that was his real name.

The pounding in Dacias’s head intensified.Julenhad been to his home.Julenrisked Dacias’s and Klorin’s life!Julenhad lied to him for so long.

He couldn’t tolerate deceit.

As mad as he was at Julen, Dacias was furious with Ferrean. He had proved Dacias wrong.Asshole.His smug face the day he strolled into Dacias’s room, holding official briefings describing the Zephyrus family. It would be forever burned in his memory. The description of Julen—there was no disputing it. Dacias had wanted so badly to believe it wasn’t true. He pummeled Ferrean, calling him a dirty liar. Telling him heknewit wasn’t true and that he wouldproveFerrean wrong.

Well, that sure as shit isn’t what happened.

Ferrean had followed him to Cupidor one night, saw them together,and made it his mission to destroy Dacias’s relationship with a Lapistrean. Learning that Arlo was thePrinceof Lapistra made it all the sweeter for Ferrean. Now, he could leverage it against Dacias. Cavorting with the enemy in this way was treason, and it would be next to impossible for Dacias to prove that he hadn’t known he was sleeping around with Haligran’s son.

Dacias felt a clawing sense of violation, and he hated how weak he felt. He had been so intimate with Julen, and he had laid it all out there, never knowing the truth.

Dacias clutched at the anger because it was easier to manage. Feeling angry was better than feeling hurt. And he was hurt—deeply, deeply hurt. His heart felt empty. He had started allowing himself to think that it could evolve into something more, that they could be together in Rugiria, maybe, but that would never happen now.Ugh…I need to forget that boy!

He went to the city center’s main stretch and brushed his fingers along the buildings’ opalescent stones. The sun descended, and the glowing crystals cast orange and yellow rays on the cobblestone pathways. He wouldn’t turn to look at the rising moon. He didn’t know if he could ever watch the celestial bodies side by side ever again.

He made his way to the path leading home. The house appeared, and Klorin sat on the front steps. He had an eyebrow raised as Dacias approached. “Still miserable?”

Dacias said nothing.

Klorin rose from the steps and hugged Dacias. “Want to talk about it?”

“No.” A thought entered his mind, and he whipped his gaze at Klorin. “Did you know? Did she tell you?”

Klorin shook his head. “She told me nothing. Only that he’s her best friend and has done things for her that very few would dare to do.”

Dacias snatched a flower from the ground, ripped the petals off, and tossed the stem. “That’s all well and good, but he’s still a liar.”

Klorin nodded. “He shouldn’t have lied to you like that. Though, he might have felt compelled to lie because of who his father is. It doesn’t seem like he’s like Haligran, right?”

Dacias looked down. “It’s not just who his father is. I trusted him. Wemade love. I almost told him I loved him. All while not knowing him at all.” He clenched his fists and then looked at his brother. “He’s engaged to be married, Klorin! Don’t you think that should have come up in conversation?”