Page 45 of Celestial Bodies

The skin on his face, usually sunkissed and vibrant, looked ashen. His lips trembled as he stared at Julen, and his eyes were red.

Julen panicked. Had something happened? Had Klorin been hurt while training? Dacias looked broken but forced a smile as he looked at Julen.

Julen rushed to his side. “What happened? You look upset. Tell me.”

He reached for Dacias’s hands, who received them with caution. He looked at Julen’s hands for a moment, then back up into Julen’s eyes.

Dacias took a deep breath and said, “My brother told me something ridiculous that has me spiraling. Something about you.”

No. Even beneath the warmth of the sun, Julen felt cold.

Julen’s voice betrayed his nerves. “Your brother? Klorin?”

Dacias shook his head. “Ferrean. He’s been following us. Jovia told him about us. The jealous bastard.” Dacias took another breath. He averted his eyes from Julen. “He told me he found out that your name isn’t Arlo. You’re Prince Julen, son of Haligran. I told him he was ridiculous.”

Julen couldn’t speak. He felt numb. Not numb. Gutted. His stomach dropped.

Dacias looked back up at him, an agonized look in his eyes. “It’s not true, Arlo. Tell me it’s not true.”

Julen stood in silence. This was the last way he wanted Dacias to find out. He screamed at himself in his head, cursing himself for waiting. He should have told Dacias sooner. It shouldn’t be happening like this.

His silence said it all. Dacias’s face morphed into enraged shock. His eyes brimmed, and his body shook. He emitted a cold rage that felt like a physical barrier between them.

“Arlo, please tell me he’s wrong. Please tell me who your family is. Who are they? What are their names? What do they do?” Dacias paused, took a breath, and continued. “I need you to tell me he is wrong, that it’s a vicious lie meant to break my heart and keep me away from you. Please tell me that.”

Julen’s throat turned to sand, his voice unable to scrape through.

Dacias narrowed his gaze at him. “Are you him?”

Julen knew if he spoke, he’d start crying.Please let this be a nightmare. Don’t let this be real.

Try as he might, he couldn’t stop the tears from falling. His emotions revealed the truth. He knew it, and so did Dacias, who closed his eyes, rubbed them hard, and beelined toward Rugiria’s tunnel.

No. No. No. I can’t let this happen.

Julen ran to him. He grabbed his arm, but Dacias shook him off.

Julen sobbed as he pleaded. “Dacias, please! I wanted to tell you. I tried! Please don’t go.Please.”

Dacias stopped. His fists clenched at his side. Julen could see his shoulders rising and falling, but Dacias wouldn’t face him.

“They were right. You’re all liars—awful, deceitful bastards who just hurt us. Goodbye.”

Julen leaped to his feet and ran after him. He grabbed Dacias again, this time gripping as tightly as possible. “No, Dacias. I am not like them.Please!Please believe me.”

Dacias grabbed Julen’s shoulders so hard it hurt. His gaze bore into Julen’s eyes. The hate and hurt in them shattered Julen.

“Your father killed my mother.”

Julen’s knees buckled. His breathing stopped, and he had tunnel vision.


“Your father’s embargo killed my mother. She couldn’t fight her illness without the minerals. He’s a murderer. Your family are murderers.”

Julen heaved. It was like his lungs had withered to nothing, and he was gasping into a body that no longer accepted air.

“You lied to me. You lied to me, and I didn’t find out from you. I found out from myfuckingbrother.” The last two words reverberated off the shops in Cupidor. Dacias let go of Julen and clenched his fists; his body thrummed as rage wafted off him. “And you’re engaged to someone! You hid it all from me.”