Julen’s outstretched arms shook before him under his father’s scorn.
Haligran cupped the flame with his hand as he moved closer. His voice pelted Julen like hail. “Now, I’m five feet away. Blow this damned flame out. Now.”
Julen stared at the flame. He couldn’t move.
“DO IT!” Haligran’s bellowing voice pounded Julen’s ears like drums.
Julen couldn’t look up. He couldn’t look at his father.
Haligran strode to Julen with a speed that made him cringe. He held the candlestick a foot away from Julen’s face.
He said nothing; he just waited. Julen closed his eyes. Rage and terror warred in his body.
They stood there like that for what felt like an eternity until Haligran threw the glass candlestick across the room. It shattered against the wall. He shot a fist-sized gust of wind at Julen’s left rib cage, which sent him clattering to the ground, gasping.
Haligran slowly lowered to the floor and spoke in a low,husky tone. “When my father learned that I leaped from my horse during a jousting training, he beat me with a broom handle until I passed out. Tell me,son, would you even survive if I did that to you?”
Haligran stood again and stared down at Julen’s crumpled body, still gasping for air. “I think not.” With that, Haligran left the room.
Finally, alone, Julen couldn’t hold back his tears. Pain throbbed in his side. He yearned for comfort, for even the faintest sign of affection. One person had ever offered it: Souzie.
Chapter 2
Julen looked up as Souzie returned to her bedroom carrying a drink and an ice pack. Fury blazed in her eyes. “What I wouldn’t give to cut off that man’s balls and shove ‘em down his fucking throat.”
The softness of her bed enveloped Julen like a cloud, and the lavender walls and warm candlelight soothed his racing mind.
Souzie continued, “I bet his dick is deformed. Like, abnormally small or split down the middle like a two-headed snake. Something bizarre like that.”
Julen chuckled and hissed at the pain it caused his side. “Please don’t talk about my father’s penis,” he begged.
“I’m just saying, there has to be reason why he’s such an awful fucking bastard. My guess is a tiny cock.”
Souzie knew first-hand how awful King Haligran could be. Julen and Souzie met in an education facility on a military compound before Haligran seized control of Lapistra. They were each other’s everything. Souzie was the only person Julen had ever confided in about his sexuality, and she guarded it with her life, a life that Julen had saved.
Souzie rested the ice pack on Julen’s side. “That will help with the bruising.” Then handed him the glass. “And this will help with your nerves.”
He sipped, and the strong intoxin smacked his taste buds and threw himinto a coughing fit. Through gasping breaths, he looked up at Souzie and pouted, “I thought this was water! How about a warning if you’re going to poison me?” He set the drink on her nightstand.
Souzie rolled her eyes. “The last thing you need iswater. You should get downright soused. Especially after the day you just had.”
Julen turned onto his stomach, burying his head in her pillow. “Don’t remind me.”
She sat on the edge of the bed and caressed his back. “I’m so sorry, love. It must have been awful.”
He shook his head in disbelief. He had trained so hard. “How can this be? What’s wrong with me?”
Souzie cocked her head, and her eyes narrowed, deep in thought. “Maybe wind manipulation isn’t your power? Maybe you were destined to be a shapeshifter.” Her grin reached both ears. “I could see you changing into a beautiful bird or a pretty little butterfly! That would fit your personality perfectly.”
Julen shook his head. “I wish, but that ship has sailed.”
On Vexora, geography determined the manifestation of power. Lapistreans controlled the wind, whereas Rugireans, their rivals on the continent of Terratan, could shapeshift.
Souzie leaned down and gave Julen a kiss on his temple. “You’ll manifest in time, darling. I’m sure of it.”