Page 34 of Celestial Bodies

The warmth of Dacias’s hands against his head sent a soothing sensation down his body like warm honey dripping over him. He wrapped his arms around Dacias’s neck and breathed him in. That beautiful citrus smell overwhelmed him. He felt weightless.

Dacias’s full lips clasped onto his. He tugged on Julen’s lower lip. A mewling sound escaped Julen. Their tongues met, and Julen could finallytaste this man.

They paused for a moment and looked at each other. Julen fell into the blue of Dacias’s eyes. The color swirled about him like the mist that hovers over a lagoon in the early morning.

The sound of his heartbeat was the only thing Julen could hear. He felt a lightness, a giddiness he hadn’t experienced since childhood when youthful naivety gave way to unadulterated joy.

He leaned in and kissed Dacias again. He never wanted it to end. Julen closed his eyes and felt the cool breeze of the sea wash over him as the kiss grew more passionate. His body quaked with desire. He wanted to pull Dacias to the ground and rip his clothes off until Dacias pulled away.

“Arlo…Arlo, what’s happening?”

Julen looked up at Dacias with a questioning gaze. Dacias motioned to the ground, and Julen saw it.

They were…floating? Hovering? The two of them levitated about a foot off the ground. The wind encircled them like they were in the eye of a cyclone that had formed into something solid at the base. A platform they now stood upon.

Julen looked up at Dacias, then down again, back up, and squealed. The cyclone vanished, causing them to plummet.

They landed on the ground in a heap. Julen looked about the field. “What? What was that? What were you doing?”

Dacias laughed. “Me? I didn’t do that. That was you! Your Lapistreanwind. We’re not in Cupidor anymore, remember?” He laughed some more, then said, “Now you’re the one with surprises. You didn’t warn me you could dothat!”

“I…I can’t. I…” Julen felt his body shake. He patted his hands over his torso and limbs. Did he do that? What on Vexora just happened? “I…I’m so sorry. I guess I just—I don’t know.”

Dacias shook his head. “You’re funny, you know that? Come here.”

He scooped Julen off the ground and gave him another kiss. “Our first kiss. How was it?” He winked at Julen.

Julen couldn’t help himself. He kissed him again, slower this time,savoring every moment. He wanted to remember the taste of Dacias forever.

“I loved it.” Julen paused to collect himself, closing his eyes to check in with his feelings before continuing. “Dacias… I… I want more.”


Chapter 12


“What?!You went to Rugiria? ALONE? Have you lost your fucking mind?”

Julen anticipated some pushback from Souzie, but she was having a full-blown meltdown. He raised his arms in defense. “I wasn’t expecting it! It seemed important to him, so I didn’t want to disappoint him.”

“You risked yourself and him because you didn’t want to disappoint him? That’s a problem.”

Julen could tell a lecture was coming on. Souzie leaned in closer, staring at him intently. The weight of her stare felt like a physical force, and he looked at her with trepidation.

“What?” Julen asked.

Souzie blinked a few times. “Are you planning on telling Dacias your secret anytime soon?”

Julen slumped his shoulders, and he scrubbed his face with his hands.

She rolled her eyes as she scolded him. “When you were flirting at the Crag, a pseudonym was a good idea. I figured you’d make out, and that’d be it. But you’re seeing him regularly now. Don’t you think he deserves to know the truth?”

Julen knew the answer to that question, but the idea of losing Dacias broke his heart. “Souzie, what if he pushes me away after he finds out?” He took adeep breath. “I don’t think I can handle that.”

Souzie caressed his shoulder and motioned for him to rest his head on hers. “If he doesn’t want you because of who you are, then he doesn’t deserve you, Julen.”

“I like him so much, Souzie. He makes me feel worthy, like I’m…” His voice cracked, and the words escaped as a whisper. “…not broken.”