Page 30 of Celestial Bodies

Julen took in the scene before him. The vastness of the field allowed multiple bands to play, each in a different area. People ran about with strange sticks, releasing colorful smoke. Everyone carried a mug of something, undoubtedly an intoxin, and some inhaled smoke from a long, sinuous wand. Their laughter afterward alluded to it being some kind of hallucinogen.

Dacias gripped Julen’s hand. “Welcome to Callorum! The Summer Festival of the South.”

Julen couldn’t believe how much fun the rest of the continent seemed to have. Whether Cupidor or Rugiria,everyonelived a better life than in Lapistra.

They began to walk deeper into the festival, causing Julen to shout over the music. “This is insane! It’s so kind of your brother. I feel guilty!”

Dacias shook his head. “Don’t! He suggested it. He says he’s too old for festivals like this. He’s only a year older than me, but I won’t argue.”

Julen still marveled over the gesture. “I’ll have to write him a thank you note. Would you give it to him for me?”

Dacias released a hearty laugh. “Arlo, you’re just adorable, you know that?” He leaned down and kissed Julen on the head, and Julen couldn’t help but wish the kiss had landed somewhere else.

Dacias motioned to a stand, handing out mugs. “Let’s get a drink and dance! There are two types of dancing at Callorum: wild and slow. Let’s start wild, then go slow.”

Julen laughed. “That feels like the reverse order of how most things should go, but I’m fine with it.”

Dacias handed Julen a mug, and they strolled over to an area of the field where people thrashed about like wild animals. A fast-playing fiddle band played raucous music, and the dancers matched their energy.

Julen leaned into Dacias and shouted, “Goodness, they’re dancing likemaniacs! Aren’t they afraid of passing out in this heat?”

Dacias took a long gulp of his drink and said, “I don’t think they care! Are you ready?”

Julen looked wide-eyed at Dacias. “What? We just got our drinks!”

Dacias set the two mugs on a table, took Julen by the hand, and whisked him into the frenzy.

Dacias began whipping his head like a wild horse. His fiery hair flopped from side to side, launching beads of sweat off his head. He started jumping like a lunatic and grabbed Julen’s hands.

He swung Julen around in a circle, and Julen bellowed with laughter. “JUMP! START JUMPING!”

Julen obeyed. “WHAT ARE WE DOING?” Julen asked.


Someone grabbed Julen’s hand and pulled him into a ring dance. He seized Dacias’s hand, and soon, the entire group danced in circles around the band.

The tempo shifted, accelerating rapidly, and the circle dance stopped. A ring formed away from the band, and couples began taking turns dancing in the center, with everyone clapping around the perimeter.

As the latest couple finished, Dacias grabbed Julen’s hand and dragged him to the center. Before Julen could protest, Dacias lifted him into his arms and hoisted him over his head. Julen yelled and demanded to be put down but couldn’t stop laughing. Dacias began spinning in a circle, the two of them like some human weathervane. Julen cackled and screamed as the world spun around him.

The fiddlers approached a crescendo, and Dacias bent his knees and tossed Julen into the air. Julen, completely airborne, shrieked as he descended and landed in Dacias’s outstretched arms.Holy Vexora, he is so strong!

As the music stopped, Dacias finished by grandly dipping Julen. The ring around them applauded and laughed. Dacias took a grand bow and then motioned to Julen. The crowd cheered louder, and Julen bowed, giggling from embarrassment.

Julen couldn’t help but notice the response to two men dancing together.Rugiria is just…perfect.

A new song began, and Dacias walked Julen back to the table, grabbed their mugs, and handed Julen his.

“You are crazy! You could have broken an arm or thrown out your back!”

“Would have been worth it.” Dacias wrapped his arm around Julen’s shoulder. The two of them stared at each other for a moment. Dacias nuzzled his head into Julen’s, then led him away from the wild dancing.

They walked to another part of the field where a band played a slower tune.

Dacias looked at Julen. “Well, now I think we’ve earned a slow dance, no?”

Julen cackled and shook his head. “We’ve earned a nap, but a slow dance sounds lovely.”