Page 27 of Celestial Bodies

“I never tire of seeing you walk out of that tunnel.” Dacias leaned over andkissed Julen’s cheek.

“I never tire of seeing you—period. Where are we off to tonight?”

Julen continued to marvel at all the secret little dens and hovels Dacias knew about. Each time felt like a mysterious adventure. Dacias led the way with his steadiness and warm hands. They’d never kissed, and while Julen appreciated Dacias’s cautious pace, he had to admit he was feeling…antsy. He wanted to kiss Daciasso badly.

Dacias smiled and whispered, “I have something pretty extravagant planned for tonight, but you have to trust me. Do you trust me?”

Julen was taken aback by that but nodded as he brushed a bit of hair from Dacias’s face. “Yes, I trust you.”

“Good. Follow me.”

Dacias led Julen to an alleyway. He reached into his bag and pulled out an outfit. “Put this on.”

Julen looked at the garment: a bright green shirt and gold harem pants. “What is this?”

“Put them on. You’ll understand soon.”

“Here? Somebody will see!”

Dacias stretched his arms and legs, attempting to shield Julen from people passing by. “I’ll stand guard. Put them on. Quick!”

Julen did, and Dacias turned around to look at him. “Beautiful.”

Julen laughed and rubbed his hands along Dacias’s shoulders. “What is this all about?”

“Shh…no questions. Not yet, anyway.”

Dacias took Julen’s clothes, tossed them into the bag, then pulled out a small tin and a brush. He opened the tin, turned Julen’s head, and began painting Julen’s neck.

“Dacias. What are you doing?”

Julen could see Dacias’s smirk out of the corner of his eye. “You’ll see…just one more…perfect!”

Dacias reached into the bag and pulled out a UIN. “Tonight, your name is Klorin Validar. A trainee in the Rugirean Fighting Forces, with the green claws on your neck to prove it, on leave with his brother Dacias and headingto a summer festival called Callorum in the southern tip of Rugiria.”

The air left Julen’s body like a punch to the gut. A cold shiver ran up his spine. His chest constricted, and he thought he might faint. “What?”

“You’ve seen everything there is to see in Cupidor. You always ask about Rugiria, so I thought I’d show you.” He waggled his eyebrows at Julen.

This is it. The night I die.

“Dacias. This is a terrible, terrible,terribleidea. What’s the punishment for smuggling a Lapistrean into your territory?”Not to mention the son of Haligran.

Dacias rubbed Julen’s arms. “There will be no punishment because nobody is going to find out. You said you trust me, right?”

Julen’s heart pounded, and his knees wobbled.You shouldn’t trust me.“Of course, but Dacias, this is such a bad idea. Someone will catch us.”

“They won’t. Klorin’s on leave, so records will show he isn’t supposed to be on duty. He also gave his permission and assured me he’d stay home. He wants to meet you, though.”

I’m going to throw up.

Dacias continued, “Ferrean and my father are away. The festival is so far from the city center that we must take a horse. My family never goes that far south, so nobody will suspect a thing because nobody will know who the Validars are. I’ve thought this through, Arlo. I wouldn’t put you in jeopardy.”

He closed the distance between him and Julen. “Please. I’m excited to show you my home. Do you trust me?”

Julen looked at Dacias. He did trust him. He wanted to go to Rugiria. It sounded glorious. Would this be the dumbest decision he ever made? Yes. Most likely. He should tell Dacias the truth now, but that look in his eyes…

Julen swallowed and nodded. “Just…if things get hairy, please run. Don’t worry about me. You need to protect yourself, Dacias.”