Page 24 of Celestial Bodies

Dacias waved his hand. “He’s crazy. I just got here. Besides, it doesn’t matter. You’re here.” Without thinking, Dacias reached over and gripped Arlo’s hand.

Arlo looked at his hand, then up at Dacias through long lashes—a dusting of blush on his cheeks. “Thank you for waiting.”

Dacias shrugged, playing it smooth, hoping his pounding heart didn’t show through his skimpy shirt.

Now that they were situated, Dacias had a moment to take him in. Arlo had a black cloth wrapped around his head like a band, with some material drooping down to obscure part of his face while messy brown curls tumbled over it.

His loose white tunic hung casually, revealing glimpses of his chest, and Dacias caught the scattering of freckles along his shoulders.

A warm, tingling sensation went up his spine as he gazed at Arlo. “You look wonderful.”

Patches of red sprouted on Arlo’s neck as he fidgeted with his shirt. “No, I was in a rush. I’m a mess.”

“No, you look wonderful. Truly.”

Arlo’s eyelids started to droop, and Dacias caught him brushing his fingertips over his chest. Arlo snapped himself out of whatever was happening to him, shaking his head and looking away from Dacias as he said, “Thank you. You do, too.”

They sat like that for a bit. Arlo settled into the moment. Dacias could have stared at Arlo’s sheepish gaze forever, but he knew someone had to break the silence. “How was the event? It was a family function, right?”

Arlo’s face fell, and he clutched the edge of the table. “Yes, it was a family function.” He shook his head, his lips pinched in a frown. “It was awful. I’m glad I snuck away.”

“Me too. Boring dinner?”

Arlo’s face fell. “Yes. A horribly awkward dinner. My family is not the warmest bunch, which is typical for Lapistra. We’re not pleasantly inclined, as I’m sure you know.”

“I have heard their demeanor matches the chilly temperature of the region, but you’re the first Lapistrean I’ve had a real conversation with. So far, I’m enjoying it!”

Arlo grinned and looked down once again. “You’re very sweet.”

The server dropped off the drinks, and Dacias raised his. “Well, here’s to a night away from the family!”

Arlo laughed and clinked his glass with Dacias’s. “Cheers.”

Dacias couldn’t help but comment on the head attire. “Nice headband. Strong fashion statement.”

“What? Oh! Goodness, I must look so stupid.” Arlo fidgeted with the fabric for a moment. “I didn’t want conflict. You never know who might peg me for a Lapistrean and want to start a fight or something.”

Dacias understood. The first time they laid eyes on one another was moments before his shithead of a brother punched out a Lapsitrean—no wonder Arlo disguised himself. “Most people who come to Cupidor don’t care. There are a couple of assholes, my brother for one, who do, but you’re with me. Nothing will happen.”

Arlo smiled. “My knight in shining armor.” He scrunched his face and shook his head. “That was cliché. Sorry.”

Intent on breaking this boy out of his bashful self-consciousness, Dacias said, “You could never be cliché, Arlo.”

“Why did you want to find me?” Arlo asked.

Dacias blinked at the sudden shift in topic. He didn’t know how to respondto that. “Huh?”

Arlo smirked and rolled his eyes. “What was a soldier like you doing in a bookshop today?”

Dacias decided to play a bit with Arlo. “Are you saying I’m not a reader?”

Arlo’s eyes widened, and he stuttered. “What? N-no! I mean—I don’t know. I don’t know you, really. I’m sure you…read…” Arlo squeezed his eyes shut and then plopped his head on the table. “I’m ruining this.”

Dacias laughed, loving how cute Arlo looked all flustered. “Don’t worry. I’m not being serious, and, yes, I can read.”

Arlo covered his head with his hands, his voice muffled by his arms as he said, “That’s not what I meant!”

Dacias leaned back as he chuckled. “I know, I know.” He lifted Arlo’s head with a finger under his chin, making sure Arlo was looking at him, and whispered, “Besides, why wouldn’t I want to find you?”