The blue upholstered booth he sat in hurt his ass, and his shirt dug into his skin. All right, so he had overdressed for the occasion. The sleeveless chainmail top cut low at the chest was sexy, butdamnwas it uncomfortable.
Who am I fooling? I’m being stood up.
Dacias couldn’t shake his sadness. It seemed like it was all falling into place. Souzie’s plan for Dacias to run into Arlo at the bookshop had gone off without a hitch, and while Arlo told him he had another commitment tonight, the euphoria of “maybe” had given him hope.
The blue and purple glowing stones matched his gloomy mood. The bronze candelabras in the shape of mythical mermaids looked more like a gaggle of mocking school girls than scintillating sirens of the sea.Well, fuck you too!
Time to go. When you start picking fights with the decor, it’s time to cut your losses and lick the wounds at home. He flagged down the server and handed him a wad of money, practically bribing him.Don’t tell anyone I sat here waiting this long.
He stood up and cracked his back.They need new seats in this place.The performer played a happy melody, neither here nor there, but distracting enough to make Dacias’s awkward exit just a dash more surreptitious.
Sidestepping tipsy patrons, he raced to the exit and collided with a mop of brown curls.
Arlo fell to the ground, tossed backward by the force of the crash into Dacias. He shook his head, orienting himself to his new position as a heap on the floor, and then looked up.
His face morphed from shock to relief to embarrassment, and his cheeks glowed red. Dacias had to stop himself from diving on top of him.This boy is so adorable.
“I have to stop falling in front of you,” Arlo said with an embarrassed little grin.
Dacias could barely contain himself. “You came!” He lifted Arlo off the ground, who gasped at the suddenness of being airborne.
Arlo brushed the hair out of his eyes. “I came…”
“I didn’t think you would. I was about to leave.”
Arlo’s face fell, and he looked at the ground. “Oh, I’m sorry I’m so late. Perhaps I can walk you back to the tunnel if you have to leave? I understand if you don’t want me to, though.”
Dacias cocked his head at Arlo. “What? Of course, I’m not leavingnow.You just arrived. Here. Let’s go sit.” Dacias laced their fingers together and led him to the table that was, fortunately, still vacant since Dacias’s departure. “I’m so glad you could make it!”
He led Arlo back to the booth and flagged the server. “What are you drinking? My treat.”
“No, no. Let me. I’ve kept you waiting,” Arlo protested.
Dacias shook his head. “We didn’t have a set time. I knew you had something to do. It’s fine.”
“Well, we can split it at least.” Arlo’s soft smile set Dacias’s heart ablaze.
“That’s kind of you.”
The server approached and shouted, “He came!”
Don’t ruin this for me, man!Dacias chuckled awkwardly. “Ha ha…yeah. We’ll have—”
The server turned to Arlo and said, “He’s been waiting a very long time.”
Arlo’s eyes bulged. “What?”
“No, no. I just got here. Really.” Dacias shot the server a look.
The server coughed nervously and quickly pivoted. “What’ll it be, boys?”
“What would you like?” Dacias asked.
Arlo looked unsure, squinting at the drinks menu. “Um…whatever you are having?”
“Two blue streams. Single shot.”
The server took Dacias’s order, and then Arlo leaned closer to Dacias, whispering, “Youdidwait a long time. Let me pay.”