Page 15 of Celestial Bodies

“Because it was clear you were upset!” Jovia protested.

Dacias shook his head and put his hands up in a placating manner. These fights got them nowhere.Why even try?

Jovia continued, “Darling, I didn’t know you were so old-fashioned! Nobody’s monogamous these days.”

Dacias knew this was true. The thought of someone else touching his lover made him want to pick up a chair and throw it through a window. He knew he was possessive, but he didn’t care.

He longed for what his father and mother had. Their love had been so strong. Dacias would catch glimpses of their longing gazes as the family sat for dinner. His brothers would argue over…whatever…and he’d watch as his parents tuned the world out and spoke to each other with their eyes. They understood each other so well; the other would know what was wrong just by looking.

That’s what Dacias wanted. True connection. Something beyond the casual sex, inhalants, and endless gossip that occupied Jovia and his self-obsessed friends.

Jovia’s face was still smug, clearly convinced he would prevail in this tug-of-war. It wasn’t happening. “I think we just want different things, Jovia.”

Dacias began walking away as Jovia screamed, “You cannot be serious! Do you know how many people want me? Do you know how lucky you are?”

Dacias stopped in his tracks, heat coursing through his body. He looked back at Jovia. He wanted to say something, but he stopped himself. Why be hurtful? What was the point? It was over—time to move on.

Dacias found Klorin sitting with a group of friends. They laughed on a blanket and soaked up the last of the sun’s rays as the light faded on the beach.

Dacias stood over his brother, who looked up and asked, “How’s it going,Dax?”

“I want to go to Cupidor. Now.”


Dacias braced himself as he plodded along the slick black cobblestones. The air in Cupidor was pungent, and a woody, musky smell from freshly fallen rain smothered his senses.

Klorin had made it clear that he had no desire to trek through the rain with his brother, but Dacias persisted, knowing Klorin still felt guilty about what happened in the changing room with the other cadets.

Dacias couldn’t shake the vision of Arlo dancing under a rainbow of crystals, and speaking with Jovia only solidified his desire to see him again.

Dacias knew it was foolish, but he just couldn’t help himself. There was a vulnerability in Arlo’s eyes that he found intoxicating and heartbreaking simultaneously. The boy had sliced up a battle tog, a symbol of Lapistra’s might, and made it into…the most sizzling thing Dacias had ever seen. It was so rebellious.It was so fuckingsexy.

Not to mention, Dacias could have sworn he spotted freckles peeking from under Arlo’s makeup.If so, then I’m a goner.

Dacias was no scholar, but he did have instincts, and they told him to find Arlo. They’d never failed him before.

He nearly lost his footing, rushing down the slick steps leading to the Black Crag, and heard Klorin laughing behind him. He turned to give his brother an obscene gesture.

“Can you remind me why we came here during a rainstorm?” Klorin asked.

“Just for fun,” Dacias replied.

Klorin raised an eyebrow. “All right, and you’re sure this has nothing to do with a certain someone?”

Dacias clenched his hands at his sides. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I just need a drink. Let’s blow off some steam.”

“Sure. Let’s blow off some steam. Oh, is this the Black Crag? Are youleading me to where you first saw him?” Klorin rolled his eyes. “Didn’t see that one coming.”

“Shut up! I liked this place. Plus, we should patch up things with the owner. After what Ferrean did, it’s the least we can do.”

They walked down the stairs, and a sparse crowd greeted them. The burgundy hue made it hard to distinguish faces, and Dacias squinted as he scanned the bar.

No Arlo.Dacias’s shoulders fell.

Klorin stepped to his side. “Grab a drink?”

Dacias snapped out of his stupor and replied, “What? Oh, yes. Sounds good.”