Fingers run through my hair as short nails graze across my scalp. I moan as I fight to stay asleep, wanting to remain in this sweet dream as long as possible. My nose brushes across the silky-smooth skin of Maggie’s stomach as I kiss a path all the way down to?—
Feminine laughter startles me awake.
“That good, huh?”
My head jerks upright, heart leaping into my throat—Maggie’s awake.
“Archer?” she asks, brows pinched when I don’t say anything, and my God, it’s so good to hear her voice. My eyes burn as a wave of emotion clogs my throat, making it impossible to speak.
As if knowing what I need, she pulls the covers back, sliding over to one side.
“Come here.” She pats the space beside her.
I kick off my shoes, crawling into the hospital bed with her. It’s a tight fit, but I don’t mind. The need to hold her too strong, to know she’s truly alive and well and whole.
“What happened?” she asks, and I recount the events from that night.
“How long have I been out?”
“Three days,” I tell her, and her eyes widen. She rubs at the thick stubble that lines my jaw.
“Have you left at all?” I shake my head.
“Baby—you’ve got to take care of yourself. You need to shower, sleep.”
“I will. I just… I couldn’t leave you.” She nods, and we fall into a comfortable silence.
“My mother?” she finally asks.
“She’s ok. She made it out.”
“Good… That’s good,” she says flatly. “Is it wrong I don’t feel sad—about my father, I mean? I feel like I should be upset or something, but it’s not like I really knew him, and he didn’t seem like he was a good person.”
“No, baby—I don’t think it’s wrong. Your father was an asshole.”
She looks away, nodding.
“I am glad about my mom though. Maybe now, she can finally find some peace.”
There is a knock at the door, the doctor coming in to check on Maggie. I excuse myself, getting up out of the bed, to allow him to do his exam.
As soon as he’s finished, Jane arrives, and I decide to leave the room to give them some privacy, knowing they have a lot to catch up on.
Maggie’s hand snakes out latching on to mine. “You’re not leaving, are you?” The tremor in her voice strikes a pang in my chest. To think, I actually considered walking away.
Bending down I place a kiss on her forehead. “No, Little Rose. I’ll be right outside.” The sheer relief on her face is a balm to my tarnished soul. I am undeserving of her in every way, but when she looks at me like that, she makes me want to be someone better. Someone worthy.
I step out to give them some time alone, only to run into the one person I never expected to have to face again—my mother.
I keep my head down, looking towards the floor as I try to blend into the wall, hoping to go unnoticed, but of course I’m not that lucky.
“Hey Mom,” I say, looking up into cerulean eyes I haven’t seen in years. The last time I saw them was when she blamed me for the death of her daughter, the nightshe called me a monster and told me she wished it had been me instead—something I never told Jayce.
I step to the side allowing her to pass, only she doesn’t move. My stomach tangles in knots, my breaths becoming shallow. Please…not today. Not here. After everything I have been through these last few days, I don’t think I could handle her anger or judgment. Not now.
She swallows hard, her hands fisted at her side. I stand stock still, waiting for whatever harsh words she plans to hurl at me this time, determined to let her speak her peace if that’s what she needs.