Several hours later,after I have cleaned my tiny flat, rearranged my bookshelves, and painted my nails, Ifind myself sitting on the stoop of my apartment building, talking to Mr. Darcy.
No, not the arrogant but lovable Mr. Darcy from my favorite Austen novel. This Mr. Darcy is a one-eared stray cat that lives in the alley between buildings.
I’ve spent the last few hours trying to coax him out of hiding with a can of tuna, and he now sits on the bottom step, sniffing at the blue can like it’s toxic.
“You know, for someone I saw eating out of the dumpster this morning, you sure are picky,” I tell him, to which he just glares at me.
They were out of his favorite brand of cat food at the store, so I figured this would suffice. I mean, what cat doesn’t like tuna? This one, apparently. Taking one last sniff, he hisses at it and takes off back down the narrow alley. You would think a scrawny little stray wouldn’t be so particular with what he eats, but this one…is a snob.
I pick up and discard the offending can in the trash outside and am walking back up to my apartment when I feel eyes on the back of my neck. I turn around, but there’s no one there.
Movement catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. I glance towards the building across the street from mine, finding most of the windows darkened, and nothing suspicious. The only movement comes from a fluttering of curtains in one of the upper windows. I can’t see into the room from this distance, but last I knew that apartment was empty.That’s odd.
The sun has set, taking its warmth along with it, and a cool spring breeze blows through, sending a shiver downmy spine. Wrapping my arms around myself, I look back one more time before turning back to my apartment.
Inside, I hear the text alert on my phone going off in quick succession. Picking it up, I see it’s the group chat I am in with Natya, and our friends Susannah and Gael. Susannah and Gael go to school with Natya and are more her friends than mine, but they are always nice to me.
Natya: I hear our girl Mags was given a week off from work.
Natya: You know what that means…. Girls Night!
Susannah: Bout time you took a vacation Maggie.
Susannah: I’m in.
Gael: Oh, so I’m included in your girls night too?
Natya: Duh… It wouldn’tbe a party without you.
Gael: Damn right it wouldn’t!
Natya: Mags…You in?
I stare at my phone,conflicted. I’m not big on clubs. The whole bar scene isn’t really my thing. I don’t dance, and after what happened the first time I got drunk, I’m not really a big drinker.
But…I think getting out and being around my friends might be good for me. Plus, I haven’t seen them much lately, since they have been busy with final exams.
I think of Jane’s words from earlier.Go. Be young. Have fun.Making up my mind, I text back.
Me: Yea. I’m in.
Later that evening, I find myself trekking down River Street arm in arm with Natya as we make our way to one of the bars. After spending the past two hours gorging on bar food and frozen daiquiris, everyone was ready to go dancing. Cause what doesn’t scream dancing like greasy fried food and sugary sweet frozen liquor?
Even though I limited myself to only one drink, being the lightweight I am, I already feel a little buzz.
A loud techno pop greets us at the door as we stop to show our IDs and pay the cover. Before we are even fully inside, I can already tell this place is going to be packed.
Sure enough, I was right. As we push our way through the throngs of sweaty bodies, we luck out when we see a couple getting up from one of the high-top tables that surround the large, open dance floor. We rush over to snag it, agreeing that the two of us will stay back anddefend our claim, while Susannah and Gael go the bar to get everyone drinks.
Even though this place is not really my scene, I find myself having fun. I’m glad I chose to come out tonight. I can already feel myself loosening up, although that could just be from the alcohol. Whatever the reason, I am enjoying myself. I’m not sure I even realized how much I missed being able to have a normal night out until now.
“I’m glad I came out tonight,” I say to Natya, voicing my thoughts aloud.
“Me too. You don’t get out enough. You are too young to be staying in every night with your pretty nose in a book. Now, if only we can find you a man,” she yells into my ear, trying to be heard over the music. I can’t help but smile fondly as I think of Jane pretty much saying the same thing to me earlier.