
“Iwill fucking kill you,” Archer growls as he raises the hand that holds his gun.

My father, however, continues to hide behind me, using me as a human shield and blocking any real hope for Archer to get a good shot.

He snickers. “That will be hard to do when you’re already dead.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the glint of metal shining off my father’s gun as he aims it directly at Archer.

Panic tightens my lungs as fear and helplessness take hold. I don’t know how I’m going to fix this, all I know is I cannot just stand here and do nothing. I only need to get away long enough for Archer to strike first.

That’s when I remember the small knife still clutched in my hand, and I realize what I have to do. Unfortunately, it’s too small to do any real damage, but it might be enough to help me get free.

As if he can already tell what I’m thinking, Archer gives me a subtle shake of his head, pleading with his eyes for me not to do this. I should listen to him, but I don’t see any other way, and I refuse to stand here and watch Archer die.

Looking into his handsome face, I let the depth of my emotions shine through, knowing that if this goes wrong, I may never get the chance to say those words but needing him to know them just the same.

I close my eyes, calling upon all the pain and rage I keep bottled up inside, letting it wrap around me like a shield of armor.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I raise my fist, jamming the knife directly into the forearm that’s holding me, twisting as goes in for maximum pain and damage.

The next few things happen as if in slow motion. My father curses aloud, his hold on me loosening. I spin around to free myself from his grasp, but my feet slip on the slick marble floor.

Twin gun shots ring out, and I take a step back, my foot meeting nothing but air. I scramble, reaching for the railing as I try to find purchase on the stairs, but it’s too late. Just as I begin to fall, I see my father’s body collapse to his knees, blood dripping from a hole in the middle of his forehead.

Everything after that becomes a blur. My body crashes as I roll and tumble down the steps, eventually landing hard at the foot. Flashes of bright light dance before my eyes, and I blink rapidly to clear them until Ifind myself gazing up into most beautiful pair of gray eyes—Archer.

My heart flutters in my chest as I look upon the man I fell in love with, but instead of seeing that love reflected back at me, I see pure, unadulterated fear as he falls to his knees at my side.

I open my mouth to ask him what’s wrong, but my lips won’t cooperate. Warmth spreads through the center of my belly. Archer rips off his t-shirt, pressing it firmly to my stomach, and it’s only then I realize I’ve been shot. He turns to look over his shoulder, yelling to some other men who have now appeared.

Pain rips through my chest like fire, but I fight through it.

I need to get his attention.

I need to tell him I’m sorry.

I didn’t mean for this to happen. I never wanted him to watch me die this way, not like his sister. I have to tell him that I love him, that I’m sorry, make sure he knows that it’s not his fault. I don’t want him to carry the burden of this guilt.

My arm feels like it weighs a ton, but I force it to move, needing him to just look at me. His head snaps up at my touch, and my heart breaks for him.

“I—I’m sorry. I love you.”

He says something back, but I can’t hear it. Everything sounds muffled, as if I’m slowly sinking underwater.

He brushes his lips over mine, but I can barely feel them. Everything has gone cold.

I try to fight.

To stay.

But in the end, no matter how hard I try, the darkness still finds me.

