I am in the middle of setting up a display when I sense it: someone is behind me. Fear grips me as footstepsmove closer, and I stiffen, rooted to the spot. I look around for something that could be used as a weapon, but the only things close by are books. I pick up one of the heavier hardbacks from the table and spin around, ready to strike, when I see Jane’s startled face.

Her hand reaches out to clutch at her chest. Is she having a heart attack?

Oh God! What have I done? A mix of guilt and horror flood my system when I realize I might have just killed the closest thing I have to a mom.

“Shit!” I curse out loud, letting the book fall to the floor. I grab ahold of her by both her shoulders, my hands fluttering rapidly around her head and neck before grabbing her wrist to check her pulse. It’s beating fast and strong.That’s good, right?Oh—what the hell am I doing? I have no idea how to tell if someone is having a heart attack. She needs a doctor.

“Are you ok? Should we go to the ER? Do I need to call Dr. Osborne?” I ask her, naming the neurologist who has been managing her care for the past six years. She shrugs out of my hold.

“What are you going on about? I'm fine. You just scared the hell out of me is all,” she finally responds.

“So…you’re not having a heart attack?” I ask.

“No. I’m fine.” The lines between her brows deepen, as the corners of her mouth turn down.

“Honestly, it’s you I’m worried about honey. What has come over you lately? You have been out of sorts…well, for a while now.” My stomach twists at the concern in her voice.

I have always tried to be as uncomplicated and as easy-going as possible. I worked hard in school to make good grades, cleaned my room without being asked, and helped around the house as much as possible. I kept my head down and stayed out of trouble because I knew stress wasn’t good for Jane’s condition.

She has been so strong and healthy lately. Her doctor started her on a new treatment plan, and it is working well so far. Her energy levels are up, and she’s moving around much better. She even has this healthy glow to her face I haven’t seen in, well…a very long time. To see all that progress ruined because I can’t seem to keep myself together would honestly just wreck me.

“You’re right. I have been stressed out lately. I promise, though, everything is ok.” She gives me an arch look.

“You just tried to hit me over the head with a book. Mags, you are not fine.” I wince. Yeah…I’ll admit, that was not one of my finer moments.

“I know you aren’t gonna want to hear this but… I think you should take some time off.”

“No, I—” She holds up a hand, effectively cutting me off.

“I love that you love this old place as much as I do. It will give me immense joy to know that one day, I will get to retire knowing you will take excellent care of it.” My chest tightens at her praise, my eyes growing misty. “But that day is not today. To put it frankly—you work too much. Now, go on. Scram… I don’t want to see you back here forat leasta week,” she says, making shooing motions at me.

“But who will work my shifts?” I protest, digging in my heels.

“I think Natya and I can manage for a while.”

Natya is my closest friend. She works here part time when she doesn’t have classes at the local art college. With spring semester just ending, I’m sure she would be grateful for the extra hours.

Honestly, some time off doesn’t sound that bad. Only, I’m afraid that with no one around to keep an eye on her, Jane will overexert herself. Without me here, who will take care of things when she’s unable to?

“Uh uh…I know that look,” she admonishes me. “I am a grown woman, Maggie, and I assure you, I am perfectly capable of runningmybookstore in your absence.”

Softening her tone, she continues, “You know I love you as if you were my own flesh and blood. I am so grateful for all the things you have done to help me over the years, but this hasn’t been fair to you. I am the parent.Iam supposed to take care ofyou, not the other way around. So please—let me do this. You deserve this break.”

Oh, that’s not fair… How am I supposed to argue with that?

I know she feels guilty for having to depend on me so much, but I have never once held any sort of resentment or anger toward her. In all honesty, it felt nice to beneeded. It was like my way of paying her back for taking me in when she didn’t have to.

As far as adopted moms go, I know I lucked up. She is the best. When my own mother abandoned me, she stepped up and took me in. So, no. If she needs me to work extra when she isn’t feeling well or needs someone to take her to doctor’s appointments, then I will gladly do so, just as I know I will do this for her as well.

She looks up at me with watery eyes, pure determination on her face, and I can tell this is important to her. She isn’t going to back down. My shoulders slump in defeat, and I let out a sigh.

“Ok. One week. But you need to promise me you won’t overdo it, and that you’ll call me if you need anything,” I tell her.

“Deal. Now go. Be young. Have fun,” she singsongs, herding me out the front door, leaving me feeling as if I just got hustled. “But, not too much fun.”

“Oh…and don’t forget to use protection!” she yells right as I step out onto the sidewalk. Blood rushes to my cheeks, and I duck down, hiding my face when I notice several heads turn in my direction.

I quicken my pace, now eager to get as far away as possible.