I jump as the clearing of a throat interrupts our conversation, and alerts me to the customer at the counter waiting to check out.How long has he been there?My flush deepens as I wonder just what he may have overheard.

Thankfully, Natya can sense my internal freak-out, because she walks over to ring him up while I slink away to clock out.

I’m supposed to be meeting Jane here after my shift, but she hasn’t arrived yet, so I decide to hang out and read while I wait.

I’m reaching down to grab my bag from where I stashed it under the counter when Natya whistles. “Holy shit, Mags! Check out the silver fox.”

I peek up over the counter to see a middle-aged man with dark auburn hair, slightly graying at the temples. Opening the door, he steps over the threshold, and the first thing I notice is that he is dressed in an expensive suit that appears to be expertly tailored to his large frame.

The second is the many colorful tattoos that peek out above his collar and covering the backs of both his hands.

Natya is right. Objectively, the man is handsome, but something about him unnerves me. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something about this man feels off.

Standing up fully, I step out from behind the counter.

“Welcome in. Can I…help you find anything?” I greet, my voice coming out unnaturally bright.

He spins on his heel turning to face me, his green eyes narrowing as they lock with mine. He looks me over, inspecting me intently like I’m some kind of wingedinsect pinned to the wall. I stand fixed in place, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest as a light sweat breaks out over my skin, making my palms feel clammy.

Finally, he breaks his gaze, and I let out the breath I was holding in a whoosh.

“No. Thank you,” he answers. His rich baritone voice comes out with the slightest hint of an Irish lilt. “I’m just—looking.”

“Well, let us know if you need anything.”

Now thoroughly creeped out, I dash back to the safety of the register, where Natya stands with wide, unblinking eyes.

“What the hell was that about?” she whispers under her breath.

“I have no idea,” I say honestly, not taking my eyes off the mysterious patron.

Determined not to leave Natya alone with this man, I grab my bag and wait for Jane at one of the small tables in front of the large bay window at the front of the store.

As it turns out, he doesn’t stay long. He peruses the shelves briefly, never picking anything up, before he walks towards the exit empty handed. Pausing at the door, he turns to me, catching my eye before he says, “I’ll be seeing you.”

A shiver rolls down my spine. What. The. Fuck—Seriously, what is with that guy?

A loud thump pulls my attention away, and I look over to see Jane. She stands unmoving, staring blankly at the door the man just disappeared through. I walk over toher, bending down to pick up the book she dropped, but it’s as if she doesn’t even see me.

“Hey,” I say, tapping her lightly on the arm. “You okay? Do you need to sit down?”

I gesture to the chair I just vacated, unsure what’s going on but worried she may pass out. She looks entirely too pale, and I wonder if she has eaten anything today.

I’m immediately flooded with guilt. I never should have stayed away a whole week. She obviously hasn’t been taking care of herself.

Her head turns to me with a vacant expression, “Who was that man?” she asks.

“I don’t know. Just a customer, I guess. Seriously—are you sure you don’t want to sit?”

She shakes her head, looking back towards the door.

“Do you know him or something?”

“No…I don’t. He just looked like someone…” She trails off before turning back to me, smiling broadly, the haunted expression now wiped clean from her face.

That’s odd.

“Now—look at you darling girl,” she chimes, taking my hands and holding my arms out at my sides. She looks me up and down before throwing her arms around me in a warm embrace. Something in my gut unknots as her familiar scent of lavender and patchouli surrounds me and chases away any lingering sense of unease. “You look wonderful. Practically glowing. I told you some time off was just what you needed.”