Knowing I could have lost Maggie before I ever even knew her, that my actions could have resulted in the end of her life, only reminds me how truly unworthy of her I am.
“Fuck, man. So she doesn’t remember anything? It seems unlikely. I would think killing a man would be pretty hard to forget.” I shrug.
“I don’t know. If she does remember, she’s never let on. Memory loss is not uncommon with what I gave her, and itwasa heavy dose for her weight.”
“You know you have to tell her—right?”
“Archer…” he continues when I don’t respond. “You must tell her. Not only because she deserves to know the truth, but also because that means she has been attacked on two different occasions. That’s not a coincidence, and you fucking know it. She needs to know for her own safety. If someone knows about what she did, they could be after her for the murder. If so, you know they will come for her again.”
He gives me an exasperated look like I’m an idiot, and it makes me want to punch him in his face. The fact that I never even considered that as a possibility proves just how off my game I’ve been. Could it really be that simple? All just an act of revenge?
What if Ian being there that night wasn’t planned but opportunistic? He saw something he wanted and couldn’t keep his hands to himself. If someone knew his whereabouts and put two and two together, could they be after Maggie for his murder?
My chest tightens, and it’s difficult to take a full breath. What if I’ve been looking in the wrong direction this whole time?
I’ve been so busy getting lost in her, I have been distracted from seeing the bigger picture. If something were to happen to her because of my negligence, I would never be able to live with myself.
This whole conversation has set me on edge. Filled with a sudden deep sense of urgency to be close to Maggie, I start gathering my things.
“Enough.” My voice comes out high and tight. “I have to go. I don’t care who you go with for the catering, just get it done.” I stand abruptly, rushing out of the office, leaving a stunned Jayce in my wake.
I barrel through the bar, pushing past customers on my way out the door.
Once in my car, I open the app I installed on my phone that allows me to track Maggie’s location, relieved to see she’s still inside her apartment.
Unwilling to put any extra distance between us, Idecide not to make the drive back to the coast, instead opting to stay at my new apartment—which just so happens to be located across the street from hers.
I unlock my door, tossing my keys on the kitchen island, my footsteps echoing loudly through the mostly empty space as I pace the parquet floors. My body feels restless, jittery, like I have downed five shots of espresso. I decide to go for a run, hoping it will help burn off some of this extra energy, but even after pushing myself until my legs damn near gave out, I still can’t shake this feeling of impending doom.
The sun has long set by the time I give up and give in to this irrational need to lay eyes on her, to touch her and know she’s okay.
All the lights are off when I let myself into Maggie’s apartment.
She is already in bed, curled up on her side, her face relaxed in sleep.
Now that I have seen her, I should leave, but I don’t.
I’m not sure how long I stand there like that, watching her sleep. Long enough that I eventually kick off my shoes and strip down to just my briefs before crawling into her tiny bed behind her.
I half expect her to scream or startle awake, but she just lets out a sweet sigh, fully relaxing her body into mine, and that knot in my chest finally unwinds. Here, in my arms, is where she belongs, and I will make damn sure nothing and no one takes her from me.
Iwake up surrounded by a cloud of sandalwood and citrus, an immovable wall at my back. It’s then I remember Archer slipped into my bed sometime during the night. A warm, fuzzy feeling spreads throughout my chest, and I’m unable to contain my smile. I soak it up, basking in this feeling of utter contentment.
I wish I could just stay here like this all day.
But…I can’t.
As I start to get up, the arm around my waist tightens. “Where do you think you’re going?” Archer rasps in my ear, his voice heavy with sleep, causing my toes to curl.
“I need to get up,” I answer but make no attempt to move.
As if drawn to him, my body leans back further, snuggling against his bare chest and soaking up the heat from his body.
“I told Jane I would work this morning.”