“It’s her, isn’t it? The girl.” At my nod he whistles low under his breath.

“And…she’s living with you?” he asks in disbelief.

“It’s only temporary. Someone broke in, trashed her apartment. She didn’t have any other place to go,” I say in response, though technically, that’s not true. Of course, as always, my brother sees through the bullshit and calls me out on it.

“Sure. Cause you know, it’s not like she couldn’t stay with her mom, or at a hotel, maybe? Or hell, even a friend’s house. No, her only choice was you. A practical stranger. Sounds reasonable,” he says dryly.

Something about how he says it rubs me the wrong way. It’s not like I kidnapped her. She got into my car willingly and for some reason, it seems important for him to know that.

“I didn't force her to come with me. I gave her the option, and she chose to come home with me.”

“Ah—but that’s just it. Whydidyou do that? You never let people into your space. Hell, you barely tolerate me in your house.”

“That’s not true,” I scoff, but he just gives me a bland look.

“Look, all I’m saying is she must be special to you,and I’m glad. It’s about time someone knocked down those walls of yours.”

“I don’t have a clue what you are talking about. I barely know her,” I lie.

“You obviously like her enough to live with her, albeit temporarily, and what’s not to like? She is a beautiful woman, who, by the way she was looking at you, is clearly interested. You would be an idiot not to go for it.”

Standing, he stalks towards the door, turning back to me before opening it, his face serious, giving me a look I can’t quite interpret.

“I know you feel responsible for Celia’s death, but that shit’s on them and not you. At some point, you have to stop punishing yourself. You deserve to be happy too, Arch.” And with that, he leaves.

Jayce’s words echo in my mind the whole drive home. Is that what I’m doing? Punishing myself? I don’t know.

What I do know is that despite what he says, it was my fault. Even our mother blames me.

Yet…he never has, though he has every right to.

While I don’t agree with him, hearing him say those words, knowing he doesn’t hold me responsible, makes me feel a bit…lighter, slightly more hopeful.

Trudging up the stairs to my room, I freeze at the top of the landing, my blood turning to ice in my veins.

Maggie stands in the open doorway to my room, arms wrapped around her middle as she curls in on herself. Her face screws up as she winces in pain, and it feels as if someone has sliced me open, my blood and guts spilling out onto the floor.

Fuck—is she sick?

She was sick or hurting and came looking for me, and I wasn’t here.

I curse myself for leaving her here alone. I didn’t even think to give her my number. Evidently, I wasn’t fuckingthinkingat all.

“Maggie,” I say, reaching out, cupping her face in my palms. She doesn’t feel clammy or feverish, so that’s good, right?

“Hey, Baby look at me. What’s wrong?”

“Thank God you’re back.” She breathes out a sigh of relief.

The look on her face when she gazes up at me like I am the answer to all her prayers, is my absolute undoing, and with that, my heart tumbles from my chest to join the puddle of gore at my feet.



Iknew something was off as soon as I woke up.

After Archer ran off, leaving me alone and basically speechless, I showered, made dinner, and curled up on the sofa in the living room to catch up on my reading. Fortunately, even though most of my books were ruined, my e-reader survived.