Page 74 of Ride By Your Side

As her big brother, it’s always been my job to support her as long as she was happy. If leaving this place was what it took, then I had to be okay with it. But now, seeing her genuinely happy here for the first time, it’s a relief.

Walking around the car, I reach for Veronica’s hand and link my fingers through hers.

“It’s kind of weird, though, right?” I ask. “I’m not sure I ever pictured Blair as the settling down and living in a cookie cutter house type.”

While the place isn’t huge, it matches many of the other houses here in Evergreen, with a nice white picket fence and flowers lining the small pathway toward the front door.

“Well, that’s only because she had other priorities. But now our girl has gone and found herself the love and her life, and that tends to change things. I mean, look at you,” she muses, waving toward me as we walk the cobblestone path toward the bright red front door.

“What about me?” I ask, straightening up, even though part of me already suspects I know the answer.

“You’re whipped,” she casually suggests, as if she didn’t just drop a bomb, and raises her hand to knock.

“Excuse me?” I ask with a small scoff. “I am not whipped.”

Before she can answer, the front door opens, and my younger sister beams at us, a giant smile plastered on her face. Not only did she and Ford just purchase their first home, but her business is thriving as well.

“Hey guys,” she practically squeals, leaning in to give us both a hug.

“So, sis, what’s new?” Blair asks, turning her attention toward Veronica as I try not to roll my eyes. They love that they get tocall themselves sisters, especially since we’ve still done nothing to put an end to our marriage.

“Well, I was just telling your brother here that he is, in fact, pretty whipped,” Veronica casually states as she lets herself inside.

I let out a small grunt. “I am not.”

Blair looks toward me with knowing eyes. “I hate to say it, but my sister here has a point. You’re pretty fucking whipped.”

“Alright, whatever. You two keep living in this dreamworld of yours. I mean, what else is new?” I joke, taking a step forward to follow them, taking in the new digs. “This is nice,” I quickly add, ready for a change of subject.

“You think so?” Blair asks, a nervous lilt in her tone. Even with the nerves, it’s obvious she’s fully ready to happily show off her new place.

“It’s adorable,” my wife gushes, wrapping an arm around Blair’s waist and leaning in for another hug.

“It still needs some work, and we want to paint a few of the rooms. Obviously, I’m going to need your expertise on where to hang a few things, but we’re pretty happy with it.”

“And you should be. This is amazing,” I add, moving to the other side of my sister, draping an arm around her shoulder. “We’re so incredibly happy for you.”

“Thanks, guys.” Blair smiles, tilting to lean against both of us for a quick moment before finally pulling away. “So, Ford is out back grilling, and if I’m being honest, I’m a bit worried that he’s going to burn everything. So maybe you could do us all a favor and head out back and join him. I’m pretty sure we'd all be forever grateful,” she pleads, turning toward me, batting her signature puppy-dog eyes in my direction. “And while you do that, I can finish giving Ronnie the rest of the tour.”

“Oh, so I don’t get a tour?” I ask, crossing my arms.

She lets out a small huff. “You’ll get one eventually, and you’re always welcome to join, but that might also mean we end up with some extra well-done steaks.” She casually shrugs.

“Well, we can’t have that now, can we?” I deadpan, resisting the urge to roll my eyes once again.

“Thank you, babe,” Veronica says, giving me an appeasing smile before leaning up to press a kiss to my lips. We both let it linger, likely for a bit too long as my hand snakes around her waist

Blair clears her throat. “Um, and you two thought Ford and I were bad?”

Veronica’s cheeks blossom into a beautiful rosy pink color. “Sorry.”

“I’m not,” I simply state, leaning in to press my lips to hers one more time before finally forcing myself back.

“Well, I guess I’m even more grateful that I’m choosing to separate the two of you. Geez, you’re like two dogs in heat,” she jokes, motioning her head toward the back of the house. “Just head out back that way. You’ll see the sliding glass door,” she explains.

I’m incredibly tempted to lean in for another kiss, but I resist, at least this time. There will be plenty of time for me to kiss and be near my wife later.

“See you soon,” Veronica says, her eyes staying locked with mine before Blair finally yanks her away.