With my body still feeling incredibly warm, I move to check the thermometer on the wall, which reads seventy-five degrees. For all I know, that could very well be the temperature in here, but it definitely feels hotter. Or it could be the fact that I’ve gone out of my way to dress in my least sexy pair of pink flannel pajamas, which have teddy bears and bows on them.
While I’d normally never wear this set in front of anyone other than Blair, it felt like the safest option. Given the hurry I’d been in to pack, most of what I brought along was lingerie that had been carefully selected for my honeymoon. While a part of me longs for him to see me in the same light that I’m currentlyseeing him, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea right now, especially since I imagine Miles isn’t looking to see that much skin.
Sure, he got a little sneak peek of me in them the other day, but that was likely one of the more modest pairs, or maybe I’m just once again overthinking it. He clearly isn’t afraid to show off a little skin. He doesn’t even seem worried that I’m seeing him shirtless, but then again, why would he? I highly doubt he ever thought he’d need to worry about his little sister’s best friend checking him out, yet here we are.
For good measure, I turn the dial down and the old air conditioner near the window sputters to life with a loud, mechanical growl that fills the room. If I’m going to be expected to sleep next to the sexiest man in the world, then I need that air, and I need it quick.
“So,” Miles starts, his eyes finding mine through the large mirror before he sets his toothbrush down and turns to face me. “What’s the plan for tonight?”
“Well, I was figuring it would include us both getting some much-needed rest,” I cheekily reply, sending him my most innocent smile as I take a seat on the side of the bed I’d already claimed while he showered.
“Okay, smartass,” he scowls, folding his arms across his tanned chest while leaning against the counter. “I was referring more to the sleeping arrangements.”
“What’s there to figure out? It’s a king-size bed. We can both fit.” I shrug, doing my best to act like this isn’t freaking me out as much as it is. Earlier, I’d brushed off the idea, telling myself it was no big deal, but now, with the reality of it looming, I can’t ignore the nervous flutter in my chest. My body aches to be near his, and though this arrangement should be exactly what I want, it’s actually quite terrifying.
“And you don’t think it will be awkward?” he asks, his eyes studying mine way closer than I feel comfortable with.
“Not unless we make it weird,” I say, averting my gaze and reaching for the lotion I’d placed on my bedside table, then pouring some into my hands.
“And what do you think Blair would have to say about the two of us sharing a bed?”
“I think she’d want us both to get a good night's sleep and not be weird about it. We’re grown adults. I don’t see what the problem is,” I lie, rubbing my hands together before sliding the lotion up my wrists and arms.
I know exactly what the problem is, especially as the ache between my thighs continues to intensify. My eyes once again catch sight of those lines peeking out from the waistband of his sweats. I know where those lines are leading my gaze, and it’s the very place I know it should never go.
“Alright,” he says, unfolding his arms and pushing himself off the counter. “As long as you’re good with this.”
“I’m good with this,” I lie to both him and myself. What other choice do I have?
Given how uncomfortable I had been the night before, I’m surprised by how refreshed I feel as I wake from my dreamless slumber. I can’t remember the last time I slept this well, which is strange considering how long it took me to finally fall asleep. Perhaps Miles is one of those people that can fall asleep easily, but it didn’t seem like it took long before his breathing changed, leaving me alone to toss and turn.
Even with the covers, or rather the thin sheet discarded from my body, I knew I needed to change as I quietly tiptoed toward my bag to grab a large oversized T-shirt.
After changing, I felt somewhat better, but it definitely took me longer than usual to fall asleep. However, as my eyes slowly open, I become acutely aware of why I feel so damn warm and comfortable.
I’m fucking cuddling against a bare-chested Miles Bennett, my cheek firmly nestled into his chest. I slowly lift my head and take in the sight of my leg carelessly resting over his, my thong-covered ass practically sticking out, his arm holding me close as the soft heat of its embrace warms my back.
At least I’m not the only one who should be embarrassed about this situation, especially as I realize my knee is only mere inches away from his very hard, alert member.
Fuck. Isthatseriously what he’s working with?
Then again, what does he have to be embarrassed about? Sure, he’s got some morning wood going on, but I’d be hella proud and showing that thing off too if it belonged to me. Plus, it’s not like I’m the reason it’s risen to attention. That’s just a normal bodily function for men, right?
Needing to extract myself from this embarrassing situation, I do my best to carefully untangle myself from around him, taking extra care not to move his arm and wake him in the process.
While it’s not like I snuggled into him on purpose, it’s also not a conversation I want to have, especially after I was the one who convinced him this was no big deal in the first place.
Finally free, I carefully scoot back off the bed, letting my feet quietly hit the floor as I scurry to where I’d discarded my pajama pants the night before and slip them back up my bare legs.
I’m not exactly sure what my course of action is here, but without overthinking it too much, I grab my purse, slip my feetinto my sandals, and make my way out the door, careful not to let it slam behind me.
I know there aren’t many places for me to go, especially since we’re in the middle of nowhere. But wherever I end up, it has to be better than being alone in a room with the man I just woke up next to. I need to clear my head—and fast.
I’manearlyriser,but it’s not my internal clock that wakes me up—it’s the insistent sliver of sunlight cutting through the curtains that forces my eyes open. The faded, once-red curtains, though clearly meant to block out the sun, barely dim the morning light; they probably should have been discarded well over a decade ago.