Page 9 of Ride By Your Side

While a huge part of my sister’s career is posting pictures and images on various accounts, I’ve done everything in my power to stay off that particular grid. Sure, like most other people out there, I’ve created an account, but for viewing purposes only. You’d never catch me dead posting on any of those sites.

“Okay, fine, this one will be for my own private collection,” she agrees. I raise an eyebrow and she rolls her eyes. “Not like that, you perv. This spank bank is completely full.”

While I’m tempted to laugh, I do my best to keep it in, even as a smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.

“Plus, come on. You know Blair would love it, and it’d likely earn you a few more bonus points in her eyes.”

“I don’t need bonus points,” I assure her, even as I take a few steps forward. “I’m always going to be her favorite, but if this gets you to shut up about it, let’s just do it and get it over with.”

Miming the action, she pretends to zip her lips as she waits for me to join her. “You’re going to have to get closer than that,” she scolds, as I leave an inch or two of space between us. However, instead of waiting for me to do it, she slides in next to me and presses herself into my side. “Now smile,” she demands, holdingthe phone down low to grab a picture of not only our faces but the large thermometer in the background.

“No,” I tease her once more, but ultimately she wins this battle as she wraps her arm around my back and pokes me in the side with her hand.

“Hey,” I call, but in doing so, the makings of a smile appear on my face just as she hits the button to capture the moment.




“Behindeverycloseddoorlies a story waiting to be unearthed. Join us in our relentless pursuit of truth, as we navigate the murky waters of deception, intrigue, and murder. Tune in next week for another chapter in the ever-unfolding saga as we seek justice for Marissa Wheeler. Until then, stay curious, stay safe, and keep questioning the narratives. The truth is out there, waiting to be discovered. You just have to be brave enough to look for it. Until next time, truth seekers.”

“You really enjoy this shit?” Miles asks as the episode of my true crime podcast wraps up.

Shocked, my mouth drops open. “You don’t?”

“Listening to people talk about the misfortunes of others, all while being reminded of how shitty and fucked up this world is? No, thanks.”

My lips curl into a subtle pout. “So, I take it this means you don’t want to listen to the next episode?”

Not only am I dying to find out what happens next, but it also made the last hour of our drive fly by. It was especially handy since this portion of the drive isn't exactly my favorite as we pass through the vast California desert.

“No, I really don’t. This part of the drive is depressing enough. The last thing I need is to listen to the gruesome details of how someone went missing and is likely gone forever. What I don’t get is how someone like you can be into all this.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Someone like me?”

“Yes, someone like you. Little Miss Bubbly Princess with constant sunshine shooting out of her ass isn’t exactly who I’d peg as someone who enjoys hearing about death and murder.”

While part of me questions whether that should be taken as a compliment, I smile despite myself. “You know, women are pretty interesting creatures and are actually known for enjoying a diverse array of things. We’re perfectly capable of loving Disney movies with their sweet love stories and happily ever afters, just as much as we enjoy the feeling of our hearts racing in anticipation as we listen to mysteries and unsolved crimes. If anything, we need this shit so we can better learn how to protect ourselves.”

“I don’t know. I still don’t understand getting enjoyment out of listening to something so sad and depressing. For me, it only ramps up my anxiety since all I can think about is something like that happening to Blair.”

I frown. “First off, nothing like that is ever going to happen to Blair. There’s something about you badass Bennetts that gives off an air of ‘don’t mess with me or else,’ and I’m pretty sure most people would be afraid to mess with Blair. And if someone did, we’d both go Liam Neeson on their ass and hunt them down,” I remind him, doing my best to lighten the mood and ease his worry. “Secondly, I wouldn’t necessarily say I get enjoyment out of it. It’s sad and depressing a lot of the time, butI think it’s important to know about these things and not forget that these kinds of tragedies do exist. These people deserve to be remembered, and their killers brought to justice.”

“I don’t know. It’s still not my thing.” He shrugs, focusing on the road while I rummage through my stash, reaching for the bag of Red Vines.

“It wasn’t Pete’s thing either,” I admit, going against what I’d told him earlier as I offer one of the red sticks in his direction.

He looks over at me, his gaze drifting toward the candy, and while I think he’s about to decline yet again, he ultimately lifts one hand from the wheel and accepts.

“You know, I’m not sure I like hearing that I possibly have something in common with your ex-fiancé,” he says with a grimace before taking a bite.

I chuckle softly. “No worries there, because that’s probably the only similar thing about the two of you.”

While Miles has that tall, muscular blond thing going on, with a body to rival a Greek god, Pete feels like his exact opposite. Not that Pete’s bad-looking—his warm brown, always neatly styled hair and green eyes make him the kind of handsome you’d proudly introduce to your parents and friends. But let’s face it, if you were to line up Miles and Pete side by side, most women would gravitate toward Miles, even with his signature broody glare that practically screams,I’m emotionally unavailable, but good luck resisting me. Of course, that only adds to his appeal. Who doesn’t want a mysterious bad boy who looks like he could bench-press you with one arm?

Okay, so maybe Miles isn’t your textbook bad boy. Truth be told, I probably racked up way more detentions and made a million more questionable decisions in my teenage years than he ever did. But that certainly didn’t stop the good people of Evergreen from painting him as some kind of rebel-without-a-cause. It’s funny how being quiet and having sharp cheekbonescan instantly make you more “dangerous” in a small town. Okay, that, and his family’s stigma. But even with him doing absolutely nothing to warrant such a reputation, everyone seemed to go out of their way to avoid him.