Page 71 of Ride By Your Side

I raise an eyebrow. “How can she miss me? We live in the same apartment.” Okay, I get it. I’m being a smart-ass, but he’s being a nosy-ass, and to me, that’s so much worse.

“You know what I mean. Plus, I’m serious. She’s been miserable these past few weeks, and it’s easy to pinpoint her shitty mood to the night she pulled away from things.”

I set my drink next to the popcorn on the table and lift my palm to cover my face. “She told you guys?” I finally ask as I drop my hand into my lap.

“Well, she sort of tells Blair everything, and since I’m the obligatory third wheel, it just sort of happens that I get told too,” he sheepishly admits, his eyes staring down at his glass.

“Figures,” I say, shaking my head.

“Are you really going to let her get away that easy?” he presses on, and I shoot him a piercing glare.

“The only thing I’m letting her do is what she wants. I’m not going to force someone to be with me. That’s not my style.”

“But she does want to be with you. She’s just scared she’s going to end up hurt like every other time she’s put her heart on the line. If you just told her how you felt, truly and honestly, I’m sure she’d change her mind. She wants this. I know she does.”

My eyes scan the area once more, this time actively searching her out, and like usual, my eyes quickly find her, even though she’s moved away from the photo booth.

I scoff. “If anyone is going to get hurt here, it’s me. Hell, I’m pretty sure she already broke what was left of my heart, so maybe it’s time everyone takes a step back and lets us figure our shit out on our own.”

“Look, Miles,” he continues, despite my protests, putting a hand on my shoulder. I glance down at his hand before looking backat him with a sharp stare. I’m not a touchy person, and I especially don’t want to be touched by my little sister’s goofy-ass boyfriend. He thankfully sees the error of his ways and removes his hand, but that doesn’t stop him from continuing. “I’m not here to tell you what to do or how to live your life, but as someone who made a lot of bad choices in the love department, especially when I got a little too caught up in looking out for other people’s feelings over my own, it left me with a lot of regrets, and I don’t want that to happen to either of you. I reallythink you both need to stop acting like silly teenagers and talk this out like adults. I think you both owe it to yourselves.”

I let out a small breath. The last person I want a stern speech from is Ford Hastings, but maybe he’s right. I have regrets, and part of me knows that if I don’t tell her how I feel and lay it on the line, I’ll always wonder what if?

“We’ll see,” I say instead, not fully ready to admit that my sister’s annoying little tag-along buddy turned boyfriend may have a good point.

He nods, a pleased smile appearing on his face. “Yeah, man. Just think about it,” he agrees before standing up. “I’m, uh, going to find Blair, but I’ll talk with you later.” His usual awkward demeanor comes back with a vengeance, likely realizing that he just got a bit more stern with me, but if anything, it only makes me admire the guy a little more. It's about time he manned up and grew a pair.

I don’t think I’ll ever see myself becoming best friends with Ford, but I have to admit, he’s a pretty good guy, and if my sister has to be with someone, I’m glad it’s him.

My biggest issue now is that her “other person” is the very one I can’t seem to get out of my head, and I’m not so sure that’s a good thing. What if Ford has this all wrong? Veronica could have pushed me away for a reason, and as hard as I try to remind myself of that, my better judgment loses out. Taking a deep breath, I rise to my feet, deciding—for better or worse—to follow his advice.

My sister’s grand opening may not be the best night for this sort of thing, but if I don’t do it now, I’m not sure I ever will. Now more than ever, I know what needs to be done.



“Thisisamazing.Ican’t believe you guys created all this in such a short amount of time,” Gemma gushes as we walk through the various backgrounds.

“It was mostly all Blair and Ford, but yeah, it turned out pretty amazing, huh?” I ask, pride beaming on my face as I take in all the blood, sweat, and tears it took to get this place ready so quickly.

It’s almost surreal to see this storefront now, transformed from the old model train shop into a professional photography studio, complete with its own darkroom. Just a few months ago, this place was nothing more than a rundown space with old shelves and cobwebs in every corner. But now, it’s everything Blair dreamed of—and, most importantly, everything she deserves.

“It really did,” Maeve agrees, her eyes also taking in all the decor. “I can’t wait to bring my kids and get an updated family picture.”

“Blair would absolutely love that,” I say with a grin, as I beam with pride. It’s incredible to see so many people eager to embrace her vision. Pouring all your money and life savings into a dream is one thing, but if nobody else sees it or wants it, what’s the point? However, judging by the steady stream of familiar faces from around town showing up, it’s clear Blair’s dream isn’t just going to work—it’s going to flourish.

“Speaking of Blair, or rather, a Bennett, it looks like someone might be looking for you.” Gemma smiles, her nose wrinkling in excitement.

I don’t even have to turn around to know who she’s talking about, but I also have to wonder if she’s misinterpreting what’s happening. These past few weeks he’s been avoiding me, just as much as I’ve been avoiding him. I highly doubt he wants anything to do with me tonight—or ever, for that matter.

“God, he’s fine. You lucky bitch,” Gemma adds, her voice low enough before her face completely lights up. “Hi, Miles.”

“Hey,” his deep voice rings out, sending shivers down my spine. I hate that he still has this much of a hold on me, especially when I’ve been trying so hard to get over him.

Glancing over my shoulder, I force a smile in his direction, doing my best to play it cool.

“Hey,” he repeats, this time speaking to me as his deep-blue eyes bore into mine.