Page 58 of Ride By Your Side

I frown, fully aware of the history he and Blair share—absent parents and a grandmother who couldn’t be bothered. Yet another unfortunate moment where I’m forced to confront just how profoundly different his childhood was from mine.

Growing up, whenever I got sick, my parents went above and beyond to make sure I was as comfortable as possible. While they couldn’t take away the pain or discomfort, they more than made up for it with their love and attention. Whether it was cuddling with me in bed or playing my favorite Disney movies on repeat, they had a way of turning even the worst days into something that felt safe, and like everything was going to be okay.

“I’m aware that you can take care of yourself, but why should you have to? Please, just let me do this,” I practically beg.

He shakes his head. “I’ve never let anyone take care of me—not even Blair.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” I grumble with a less-than-amused chuckle. “But I’m sure you’ve also noticed that I’m not someone who takes no for an answer, so you might as well just get used to it,” I add. What we have going on may not be permanent, but while I’m here, he’s just going to have to deal with a boundary-crossing wife.

“Yeah, I think I’m starting to realize that.” He sighs with another shake of his head. “But I really don’t see the point. It’s a fever. I’m not sure there’s much more you can really do.”

“Oh, believe me, there is plenty more I can do, starting with a cool shower, some soup, and settling in while we watch your favorite movie,” I say with a decisive nod.

“Soup? I thought you hated cooking.”

“I do, which is why I asked Blair and Ford to stop at the Starlight Diner and grab some soup while also picking up your car,” I casually explain, a proud smile lighting up my face.


“Really.” I nod, my head tilting to the side, not really sure why he seems so confused.

“You got all that taken care of while I was sleeping?” he asks, his eyes softening.

“Sure did. I even checked in with Sam, and just like I knew he would, not only did he finish up with the last car, but he also took care of closing up for the day. He also agreed to work the next two shifts so you can take the next few days off to recover without having to worry or stress about it.”

I can tell he doesn’t look all that pleased to know that I’m shutting him out of his own business, but despite trying to hide it, I can also see a noticeable sense of relief.

“Oh, well, thank you, I guess,” he manages.

I let out a small laugh. “That took a lot out of you to say, huh?”

“It really did. I’ve never been all that good at letting go of control.”

“Believe me, I’ve been besties with Blair since we were five. I get how you Bennetts are, but just like I often have to tell her, I’m here, so stop acting like you have to do it all by yourself. And speaking of not doing everything by yourself, let’s get you in that shower.”

“I don’t need a shower. I’m not even sure I have the energy to take one,” he protests.

Even from my sitting position, I place my hands on my hips. “What did I just tell you? I’m here, and I’m going to help. But I promise, it will feel good and will hopefully be what finally breaks that fever of yours.”

A sound halfway between a laugh and a scoff escape his lips. “I’m not a child. I don’t need help getting in the shower.”

“Maybe you don’t, but I’m going to help either way, so you might as well just give in now.”

It’s obvious he isn’t pleased to still have me bossing him around, but I think it’s finally sinking in that I’m not backing down as he lets out a defeated sigh.

“Just give me a few minutes, and I’ll have your shower ready,” I say, standing and heading toward the ensuite bathroom. I turn on the water, carefully adjusting the temperature—warm enough to be comfortable, but not so hot that it won’t help bring down the fever.

Once everything is ready, I head back to the room, helping him up as I lead him toward the bathroom. I reach for his shirt, and he once again tries to swat my hand away, but I swat his hand right back.

“Vee,” he warns, his tone serious.

“Miles,” I say, my tone just as stern.

“I can undress myself.”

“We’ve already established that you can do lots of things by yourself, but today, I’m taking care of you, so I think it’s time you stop fighting and just let go once and for all.”

His lips form a tight, straight line, but the fight seems to vanish as he lifts his arms above his head.