Page 57 of Ride By Your Side

What’s more, Sam would kill for the extra hours and only left earlier because we didn’t have any work for him to complete after how much overtime I’ve been putting in.

“Alright, fine. Let me just grab my keys, and we’ll go,” I relent.

“You don’t need your keys. I’m driving you,” she insists, and I’m not sure what to think about her demanding demeanor, especially when I’ve never been all that good at letting other people tell me what to do. Worse yet, I think it’s kind of turning me on. I like bossy Veronica. “And before you worry or argue about it, I’ll have Ford and Blair bring your car home later, because I can assure you, you’re in for a world of disappointment if you think for even one second I’m about to let you drive home in your condition.”

“I have a fever; I’m not dying,” I deadpan.

“Yeah, for now, but we’re not taking any chances. I know you get off on being a grumpy and stubborn asshole who doesn’t like to listen to anybody, but we’re done here. The sooner you get that through your thick skull, the better.”

I sigh, shaking my head. “Fine.”

It’s clear she doesn’t believe me when I insist I’m not dying and can walk by myself as she links her arm through mine as if she’s the one carrying me to the car, but I’m definitely not that far gone. I may feel like crap, but I’m still standing. Yet, I can’t deny how good it feels to have her close and to know that someone genuinely cares enough to be here. It may be a small, simple thing, but damn, it makes all the difference.

Fuck. I thought being around her before was overwhelming, but this is so much worse. An odd, comforting warmth spreads through me, and I’m all too aware it has nothing to do with thefever and everything to do with the woman walking beside me. And that is truly fucking terrifying.



“Thankyousomuchfor bringing it,” I say, reaching across the doorway to give Blair a grateful hug.

“Of course. Plus, we all know Miles would freak out and throw a little temper tantrum if his car wasn’t home by the time he started feeling better,” she jokes. “The man is a drama queen when it comes to his babies.”

“And here’s the soup,” Ford tacks on, handing over the giant to-go carton from The Starlight Diner, filled with the chicken noodle soup I requested.

“So he’s currently getting some much-needed rest, but I’m sure he’d be okay if you wanted to check on him,” I offer as I take a step back and motion toward his bedroom.

Blair wrinkles her nose. “Nah, I’d rather let him sleep. Plus, if I’m being honest, I’m not looking to catch whatever germs he has going on, so just send him my love instead.”

“Will do,” I say, leaning forward one more time and giving them each one last quick hug goodbye.

After waving them off, I set the soup down in the kitchen and tiptoe toward Miles’s room, easing the door open to peek inside. Bubba lifts his head from where he’s curled up beside his owner, giving me a look that feels as relieved as I am that Miles has finally found his way back home. Not that I gave him much of a choice in the matter.

I had already marched into his office with a plan, but after walking in and realizing how sick he was, there was no way I was going to let him continue whatever annoying game he was playing.

I lean against the doorway, watching him sleep. With his mouth ajar and his messy blond locks falling haphazardly into his face, he looks a little silly, but somehow, even like this, he’s still one of the most jaw-droppingly gorgeous men I’ve ever laid eyes on.

I was never blind. Miles has always been attractive, and even from a young age, I recognized that my best friend’s older brother was a smoke show. But I never once thought about doing anything about my attraction to the older male.

Then again, with the way he’s been actively avoiding me, maybe it would’ve been smarter to stay away. But I suppose knowing something and acting on that knowledge are two separate issues. I know my reputation precedes me and that I’m well-known for my horrible decision-making, but even with things the way they are now, I’m not ready to be done with him or us.

I get that spending more time around him is only going to make my feelings grow, and that eventually, my heart is going to end up even more shattered and broken, but I can’t help myself. I’m the moth, and he’s my flame, and right now, I’m more than willing to let this attraction kill me.

He begins to stir, a soft exhale leaving his lips as his eyes flutter open. He flips the hair out of his eyes before they land onme. I should be embarrassed that he caught me watching him sleep, but as he shoots me one of those elusive smiles, I have no fucks to give.

“How are you feeling?” I ask, giving myself permission to enter as I move to sit on the edge of his bed.

With another soft groan, he attempts to sit up. “Better, I think,” he grumbles, but given his tired, exhausted eyes, and how much effort it took him to make that small bit of movement, I’m not entirely convinced.

“Let me see.”

Despite being sick, he still manages enough willpower to roll his eyes. “I’m fine, Vee. Don’t worry about it.”

I refuse to listen. Scooting closer, I lift the back of my hand and hold it to his forehead. He isn’t thrilled, but at least he’s no longer fighting me on it.

“You’re still a bit warmer than I’d prefer,” I mull it over, tilting my lips to the side as I figure out our next move.

“Veronica.” He huffs, saying my full name in what I can only assume is his attempt to show just how serious he is, but I ignore it. “I’m fine. I’ve been taking care of myself for 31 years. I can deal with a little fever all on my own.”