Page 5 of Ride By Your Side

Is this how I imagined spending the next few weeks? Hell no! Especially considering the wrench it’s thrown into my carefully planned schedule at my shop. But deep down, I know I’m exactly where I need to be.



DidIgetanysleep last night? Probably some, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. Between all the crying sessions and the panic attacks about how I just messed up my entire life, there really wasn’t much time for anything else, and that includes sleep. I was hoping blocking Pete’s number would help, given the millions of texts he’s already sent, but if anything, it only made my guilt intensify, twisting it tighter in my stomach, so much so that the thought of eating made me absolutely nauseous.

It was nice of Blair and Miles to try and force-feed me, but I just couldn’t do it. After taking one bite of the bean and cheese burrito, my nerves had me throwing it up in record time. However, my body didn’t seem to reject the sweet and tangy bag of red Skittles, so I’m counting that as a win. Take that, Miles Bennett.

Not that I told him. The fact that he’s clearly worried about me says a lot, since most of the time I assume he couldn't care lesswhether I live or die. But at least I now know he does, in fact care, even if it’s more for Blair’s sake than mine.

However, despite the dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep, I’m determined to enjoy this time away. When we get back and I’m forced to face the consequences of my actions that’s when I’ll let myself worry. That’s future Ronnie’s problem. She’s the one who gets to deal with the fallout, and this Ronnie gets to live in the present and let go of all her problems—or at least that’s the plan. Whether I can actually do it is the question.

“Looks like you got some of your appetite back,” Miles notes as we walk through the aisles of the local gas station after not only filling up the car with gas, but also getting some snacks for the road.

Not only did I devour a heaping bowl of Fruity Pebbles this morning, but I also polished it off with a tall glass of orange juice—pure, vitamin-packed perfection. And just to prove I’m practically a health aficionado now, I followed it up with an even bigger glass of apple juice. That’s practically two whole fruits in one morning. Of course, Mr. “Health Expert” didn’t agree, rambling on about too much sugar this and too much sugar that. Honestly, what doesn’t he understand? Sugar is the elixir of life, or at least my life.

“And none too soon, either. What’s a road trip without stuffing your face full of food?”

“I personally prefer the interesting and unique views,” he disagrees.

I roll my eyes. “You would say something lame like that. Sure, the scenery is great, but it’s like when you go to a movie. Of course, the movie is the main attraction, but how are you supposed to enjoy the movie without a drink and some popcorn?”

He lets out a small scoff as we head toward the back of the small convenience store to get some drinks. “Do you always talk this much about food?”

“Of course I talk about way more than just food. Plus, in my defense, you were the one who kept pushing the subject yesterday, and you’re the one who brought it up again just now. I’m just very opinionated about the best kinds.”

He, of course, goes straight for the water, while I reach for not only a blue Powerade but also a Diet Coke. I can tell he’s judging my choices, but I’m judging his right back, so I suppose that makes us even.

“Well, remind me not to bring it up again. I’m not sure I can take much more of this,” he decides as he follows me into the candy aisle.

I, of course, start reaching for a wide variety from Skittles to M&M’s, making sure to grab a little of each. “Sorry, Bennett, but I just don’t see that happening. I’m a verified foodie, and if we’re going to make the most of this trip, we’re going to be eating out a lot. I mean, are you really going on vacation if you don’t hit up all the best local hole-in-the-wall places?” I continue, but he doesn’t seem to hear me as his vision focuses on all the treats I’ve managed to stuff into my arms.

“Think you got enough there?” he asks, eyebrows raised and eyes wide. Does he have to look that disgusted? It’s not like I’m planning on eating it all in one sitting... or at least, probably not.

“Nope,” I reply, popping the p. “In fact, would you mind going and grabbing me one of those little baskets near the front?”

“You’re ridiculous.” He huffs, but instead of forcing me to carry it all, he begrudgingly does as asked and makes his way over before returning, basket in hand. I plop the small bag of green sour straws that I’d just reached for inside, and instead of grabbing the basket like I’m sure he expects, I dump my small haul inside.

While I know it’s something he can handle, given those strong muscles of his, especially visible in that tight black top, he seems surprised by the sudden action as he falls forward. “No, no way. This is your candy haul. You take it,” he insists, but I just keep walking, ignoring his request as I grab a Carmello and toss it into the basket. “Veronica,” he calls after me, and while he could easily drop the basket and refuse, he continues to follow.

“What?” I innocently ask as I walk around the aisle, ready to add some salty snacks into the mix.

“You’re seriously not going to carry this?” he asks, stunned.

“Why would I carry it when I have such abig, strong, manly manlike you to carry it for me?” I tease, laying on a Southern Belle accent as I place a hand dramatically over my chest and bat my lashes. “Oh, bless my heart, the very thought of lifting it myself,” I add, raising my hand to fan my face, “it’s just too much to bear!”

He isn’t amused as he shoots me a deadpan stare. “Okay, you can cut the helpless act you’ve got going on. I’ve seen you in action. You’re more than capable of taking care of yourself,” he shoots back, raising a challenging brow in my direction.

“Okay, fine.MaybeI just don’twantto carry it.” I casually shrug as I grab a bag of Lays potato chips and toss it into the basket. “Plus, weren’t you the one yesterday who was so worried about my eating habits? Shouldn’t it make you happy to see that my appetite is back and that you’re playing such a vital role in making it happen?”

“Maybe that would be true if this wasn’t exactly like the whole Skittles debacle from yesterday. What’s the point of eating if you’re only going to fill your body with garbage?”

“Well, you know what they say,” I casually add, grabbing some Salt and Vinegar chips to add to the mix as well. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and junk food is definitely my treasure.”

“How do you even plan to eat all of this?” he asks, his eyes glancing between me and my basket of goodies.

“It’s not like I plan to eat it all today.” I scoff, as if he’s being so ridiculous, and honestly, he kind of is. Who wouldn’t want to fill up on yummy food and snacks on their vacation? It’s practically a rite of passage. “This is for the whole trip, or at least until I need to make another pit stop,” I add in jest, nudging my hip into his.