“Miles and I got married,” I blurt, figuring there’s really no way to sugarcoat it, so I may as well just put it out there.
Ford laughs, while Blair’s eyes somehow grow even bigger as her mouth drops open.
“Oh, okay, I get it. You guys are just messing with me,” she says, a disbelieving laugh escaping her lips. She doesn’t seem to believe the bomb I just dropped, and honestly, I can’t blame her. I’ve spent the past two days trying to find a way to make sense of it too.
“No, she’s telling the truth. It was an accident, but we’re taking care of it,” Miles thankfully chimes in as he finally sets Bubba back on the ground. “We’re getting this annulled as soon as we can, but things got a bit crazy when we ended up in Vegas and one thing led to another and we somehow got married,” he casually explains, as if impulsively tying the knot in Vegas is no big deal.
Ford continues to laugh. “I’m sorry,” he says as we all turn to glare in his direction, especially since the laughter bubbling up inside him makes it impossible to take his apology seriously. “That was just not what I was expecting you guys to say.”
“Believe me, we didn’t expect for this to happen either,” I promise, my gaze once again landing on Blair. “Are you mad?” I tentatively ask, since her laughter has completely disappeared. Instead, her mouth is wide open in shock as she attempts to process our news.
“I wouldn’t say mad is the emotion I’m feeling right about now,” she manages as she breaks out of whatever trance she’s in. “I guess I’m just surprised. How did this even happen? I mean, I know you said things got a little crazy, but what the hell? Getting married in Vegas? That’s a bit much, even for you, Ronnie.”
“No, I know. I get it. This is a lot to take in, but don’t go reading into things, either. We haven’t even kissed or anything,” I try to assure her before my brows furrow as I realize that’s notexactly true. “Or, I guess maybe we kissed when we got married, but we were drunk that night and haven’t done anything like it since, or even before,” I add, figuring she probably doesn’t need to know about what happened earlier that drunken night or later on during our wedding night.
“It’s really not a big deal,” Miles cuts in as he casually moves to grab his bag from the back of the car. “It was just something crazy that happened, but it won’t be for long, or at least not really.”
“Not really? What does that even mean?” Blair asks, shaking her head in disbelief.
“Apparently, annulments take a bit longer to go through than most movies would have you believe. And well, because Vee is going to be moving in with me for a while,” he casually explains, as if he didn’t just drop yet another huge bomb on his sister.
“What!?” Blair shrieks again, her eyes darting from her brother back to me.
“Don’t worry,” I say, trying to calm her down as I place a hand on her arm. “It’s nothing like that. It’s just that my lease is ending next week, and since I’m not too keen on moving back in with my parents, your brother offered to let me stay until I get things figured out.”
“He did, did he?” she asks, this time narrowing her eyes in Miles’ direction.
“What?” he asks, slinging his bag over his shoulder as he leans against the back of the car. “You’re the one always telling me I need to be nicer to your friend, and now that I’m doing it, you’re giving me shit? Make up your damn mind.”
Blair rolls her eyes. “I didn’t mean to be nice, only so you could make your way into her pants.”
“Okay,” I interrupt, lifting my hands, palms out. “First off, nobody is getting inside these pants, and it’s not like that between us. He’s just being nice.”
“Yeah, Blair. I’m just being nice.” Miles smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he seems to revel in his sister’s outrage, while I, on the other hand, am panicking.
“You aren’t helping,” I growl, sending my own glare in his direction. “But seriously though,” I continue, as I turn back toward his sister, “it’s not a big deal. I promise. He doesn’t see me like that. If anything, he only slightly tolerates me now.”
“Uh huh,” Blair says, not even the least bit convinced.
“Yep,” Miles adds, reaching into the back to grab one of my bags as well. “And as much fun as this little reunion is, I’m going to head inside, but you all are welcome to stay out here and catch up for as long as you like,” he says, shooting his sister another irritating smirk before giving me a reassuring nod.
I try not to look as nervous as I feel, especially as I watch Bubba happily trail after his dad.
“So, I guess this makes you two sisters now, huh?” Ford asks, still incredibly amused as he continues to fight the laughter that so obviously wants to come out.
“Yeah, I guess it does,” Blair muses, turning toward me with an almost apologetic smile. “I’m sorry if I’m being weird. This is just... it’s a lot to take in.”
I shake my head. “No, don’t worry about it. It’s a lot for me to take in too,” I admit, letting out a long, shaky breath. “Believe me, the last thing I ever expected was to leave Evergreen and one man behind, only to come back home married to a completely different one—one who can barely stand me at that.”
Blair scrunches her lips to the side. “I’m not so sure I’d say he can barely stand you. He barely enjoys sharing his place with me when I visit. If he’s offering to let you stay, that definitely says something.”
“If you’re worried there’s something going on between me and your brother, let me put your mind at ease. It really was nothingmore than a drunken mistake. There’s nothing going on between us.”
I see the doubt etched in Blair’s eyes—and honestly, I get it. I’m not even sure I believe myself. Sure, I was somewhat truthful when I said nothing happened beyond the night we got married. But now? I’m starting to realize I might be falling for Miles Bennett. It’s a terrifying thought, though only slightly easier to swallow because of how well I know him. This won’t go any further than it already has. Maybe he tolerates me—maybe he even enjoys my company—but anything more than that feels impossible. In his mind, I’m likely always going to be nothing more than Blair’s annoying and impulsive best friend.
“So what you’re saying is, that I should just enjoy us being sisters for a short time before you get things taken care of?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” I nervously chuckle, grateful that she now seems to have calmed down, and is embracing this for the crazy moment it was.