“I know,” Blair sighs, sounding a bit more sincere this time as she reaches a hand across the table. Ronnie takes it, seeming to settle their differences with that simple touch.
Being in the middle of this should probably have me feeling weird and uncomfortable, but if anything, it only takes me back. As the middleman in their friendship, I often found myself reluctantly involved in their conflicts, as they had their ups and downs. However, they’ve always found a way to make up rather quickly.
“Speaking of Pete, I don’t even remember much about him,” Blair adds as she pulls her hand back to grab a chip. “If I’m being honest, he was never someone I paid all that much attention to.”
“That’s how I felt too,” I chime in, Blair’s eyes meeting mine for a brief moment before she averts her gaze just as quickly and dips her chip in the salsa.
Before I can fully analyze it, the waitress interrupts, placing their tacos on the table and multitasking by taking my order and fetching more margaritas for the ladies.
“But you like Pete now, right?” Ronnie asks the second we’re left alone, pulling us right back into the previous conversation.
“Yeah, sure,” I shrug, not sure what else to say. “I mean, we aren’t close, and I don’t expect us to be, but he seems to make you happy, so I have no complaints,” I lie, doing my best to hide all of my worries and suspicions. Besides, I’m not in the mood to open that can of worms, especially since I’ve always taken my role as the group peacemaker rather seriously.
Perhaps, as one of her closest friends, it falls upon me to step in and advise her against someone who doesn’t seem to compliment her in a way that I think she deserves, but it all feels so complicated. My ongoing separation from my ex has left me feeling jaded and skeptical about love, likely altering my perspective on things unfairly. It just doesn’t feel right to project my own issues onto Ronnie and her relationship.
The only problem is that both of these women know me better than anyone else. Even Blair seems to sense something up withmy answer, despite the two of us not having spoken in over two years.
“I think you both just need to spend some more time around him.” Ronnie tries to assure us. “I know that he seems a bit too serious and can come across as being rough around the edges, but once you get to know him he’s awesome,” she adds as their drinks are placed on the table, along with my usual Dr Pepper.
While I’m not opposed to drinking, letting loose, and partaking in the age-old tradition of five-dollar margaritas, I have a feeling that since it’s a special night with Blair finally coming home and Ronnie’s upcoming nuptials these ladies might benefit from having a designated driver.
“Well, I have the next two and a half weeks off, so I’m hopeful that we can fit in some future-husband bonding time.” Blair nods as she pushes her empty glass toward the waitress before immediately diving into margarita number two.
“Well, I’m saving my leave for my two-week honeymoon after the wedding, and I’m pretty sure Ford here,” she says, nudging her elbow into my arm, “has to work these next two weeks as well, but during the nights we are all yours. Right, Fordy?”
“Oh, uh yeah. Sure.” I nod. As a newly single man, my responsibilities these days are limited to work, and that’s about it. However, I can sense Blair’s disapproval through a cold stare, making me doubt she wants me to be a part of her nights in town. Despite everything, I continue on. “I also suspected that I’d be needed this week, so I planned ahead and have all of my lesson plans figured out for the next few weeks as well, so I’m all yours for whatever you need,” I assure Ronnie, glancing her way to a much warmer smile.
While I was a groomsman in my older brother’s wedding, I can’t say I’ve ever been part of a bridal party before or know what all is involved. However, I’ve always been someone who likes to be prepared, and since I know Ronnie, I figured it’s bestto be there for whatever she needs. She’s always been the bossy one of the group, and honestly, we love her for it.
“Ugh, that’s so smart,” Ronnie whines, blowing out a breath of air. “I’m constantly flying by the seat of my pants and can’t plan more than a day or two ahead.”
“Why does none of this surprise me, yet also fits you both so well?” Blair interrupts with a soft giggle—a melodic sound I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed until now. Growing up, I’d practically made it my life’s mission to make her laugh, especially since it was always so unique and just soher.
“Well, I’d offer to help plan, but art isn’t exactly my forte. There’s a reason I teach science and stay as far away from the arts as possible,” I say with an apologetic shrug.
“I guess I’ll just have to plan my own lessons then,” Ronnie sighs, adding an overdramatic gag as she sticks out her tongue. “I really mean it, though. We need to plan some night outings. Pete is going to be a big part of my life now, and since the two of you have always been and will continue to be some of my favorite people, I need you all to get along.”
“Whatever you want and need. You know I’ll do it,” I assure her, reaching an arm around her shoulders as I pull her into a small side hug. I meant what I said earlier. While I don’t see Pete and me becoming super close, I’m open to giving him a chance.
“Oh, I know!” Ronnie perks up, sitting up straight as some of the liquid from her glass sloshes over the edge. I quickly dodge the spill, moving back into my spot. “Maybe tomorrow night we can have a barbecue at Pete’s place. He’s got this gorgeous house just off Main Street, and well, I suppose it’ll be my house soon too. That way you can all see it.”
“Yeah, sure,” Blair agrees, taking another long draw from her straw.
“I’m in too. Just let me know what to bring,” I add.
“Oh man, you’re still such a suck-up, aren’t you, Hastings?” Blair teases with another small giggle.
“What?” I ask, an amused grin tugging at my features.
“What are you? An actual adult? Offering to bring something to a barbecue,” she further scoffs.
“I hope I’d be considered an adult. We are twenty-eight now, after all. I even have a nice big-boy job to prove it.” I try to play along, not really sure where she’s going with this. I also suspect that the now almost-empty second glass might be playing its part a little too well.
“Are you saying I don’t have an adult job?” she asks, her eyes narrowing.
“Whoa!” Ronnie thankfully chimes in, seeming just as taken aback as I am by the direction this conversation has taken.
I hold up my hands. “No, not at all. If anything, you should know how proud I am of you. We’re a bunch of high school teachers while you travel around the world taking pictures of some of the biggest and most well-known bands out there. Believe me, if anyone has a reason to be jealous, it’s us,” I assure her as Ronnie eagerly nods along next to me.