“So next up, we have Blair Bennett, who is the beautiful bride-to-be’s maid of honor and best friend.”

As more claps ring out, I stand, smoothing out my baby blue one-shoulder jumpsuit before reaching for my glass of champagne and making my way toward the microphone.

“Thank you, everyone,” I start, giving a small nod as all eyes focus on me, while my gaze settles on my best friend. “But most of all, my true gratitude goes to Veronica for not only choosing to include me in her big day, but most importantly, for choosing me as her best friend.” I smile. While everyone in the room is tuning in, this message is truly for her.

“As many of you may know, I wasn’t always the most liked kid in town and was written off pretty quickly by a lot of people, but not by Veronica. To her, none of that silly stuff mattered. I still remember how on our first day of kindergarten, when we saw each other on the playground, she marched right up to me, told me who she was, and declared that we were now best friends. I’m not sure if she just sensed what was to become fact, or if she manifested it right there and then, but either way, it became the truth, and there was no denying to anyone that we were best friends and still are to this day. While she may have gone off and found her actual soulmate,” I start, adding that for her benefit, since maybe it is time to support what she wants and not what I want for her instead.

“I want her to know that in so many ways, she will always be mine. Obviously not in a romantic sense,” I continue, glancing toward Ford with a playful smirk. “I love ya, girl, just not like that,” I laugh with the crowd as I look back at Ronnie, who has placed a hand over her heart.

“Seriously though, what I’ve come to realize is that soulmates aren’t always found in romantic partners. Sometimes, as in our case, they come in the form of a most cherished best friend who stands by your side through every single one of life’s ups and downs. Without a doubt, you are more than just a friend to me; you’re my platonic soulmate. Our friendship transcends time and space, and I’m positive that we’ve spent many lifetimes together and will continue to do so in the future. For me, you’ve always been someone I could not only spend the goodtimes with, but the hard ones, too. Ronnie, you’ve always been there for me through thick and thin, offering a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and a hand to hold whenever I needed it, and believe me, I needed it,” I emphasize, once again earning a small chuckle from those in attendance.

“This is now the time when I should probably tell an embarrassing story that happened between me and the bride, but given the town we live in, I’m pretty sure the majority of you already know each and every devious act we participated in, so I’ll end with this; Veronica and Pete, may your marriage be filled with the same love, laughter, and joy that you’ve brought into my life. And Ronnie, remember, no matter where life takes you, you’ll always have a friend and a platonic soulmate in me. And Pete, I hope you know what a lucky man you are. Hopefully you love and cherish growing old with her just as much as I loved being able to grow up with her.”

To finish, I raise my glass in the air. “Cheers to the bride and groom,” I conclude before lifting my glass to my lips and taking a sip along with everyone else in the room. I’ve never been much of a crier, but I’m feeling intensely grateful, and it feels like an utter miracle that I somehow made it through all that without shedding a single tear.

The same can’t be said for Ronnie as she and Pete walk toward me. “That was so beautiful, Blair,” she gushes as she wraps her arms around me. I do the same, holding her tighter than necessary, but I can’t help it.

“I really do love you, Ronnie. I can’t even tell you how grateful I am that you’ve allowed me to be not only your best friend but also your maid of honor,” I say, and this time, a traitorous tear does fall.

“I love you too,” she assures me, pulling back from the hug as her hands lower to hold on to mine. “And just so you know, Icouldn’t have said it better. You are without a doubt, my platonic soulmate.”

“I don’t know. I’m not too sure how I feel about you having another soulmate,” Pete cuts in, of course needing to ruin our special moment. “But for tonight and the occasion, I suppose I’ll allow it.”

“Thanks for the permission,” I say through gritted teeth as I do everything in my power to hold back from saying what I really want to say.

“What the…” Ronnie’s words trail off as I turn to see what’s captured her attention. “Is that Max?” she asks, her brows furrowing in confusion. “What is he doing here? I thought you two broke up?”

“We did.”

So what the hell is Max Storm doing here?

Taking a deep breath, I excuse myself from Ronnie and Pete, determined to keep my composure and not let Max’s unexpected arrival overshadow anything about today.

Leaning against the wall, arms folded, he wears a smug grin that I’m more than ready to wipe off that handsome face of his. It’s clear he didn’t put too much thought into what he’s wearing, given the heavily wrinkled black slacks and white button-up shirt that’s currently rolled up, perfectly showcasing his heavily tattooed forearms.

While it’s somewhat understandable given that he had to fly to be here and that his clothes were likely packed away in his suitcase, it wouldn’t have hurt for him to at least attempt to press his clothes before showing up to such an important event.

I’m sure he thinks he’s doing me some huge favor and that I’m going to be jumping for joy about him changing his mind to actually join me as my date—but clearly he thought wrong. Maybe if things hadn’t changed between Ford and me these past few weeks, a part of me would’ve been touched by the gesture, but I think it’s finally time I no longer accept the bare minimum from men.

With the speeches still in progress, I grab hold of his arm and forcefully drag him out of the small banquet room and outside of the building completely. In a town like this, there’s always someone eager to eavesdrop on a private conversation. Given Max’s high-profile status, the last thing I need is to add another mark to my already lengthy record here in Evergreen. This is definitely the kind of thing that people love to gossip about here, and I’m not looking to add any fuel to that particular fire.

“Ready to get me all to yourself I see, but hey, I don’t—” he starts.

“Cut the shit, Max,” I interrupt. “What the hell do you think you’re doing here?”

The surprise in his widened eyes makes it evident that he’s taken aback by my sudden outburst, and I can’t say I blame him. Once upon a time, I would’ve been ecstatic over something like this, desperately vying for his attention like a hungry dog looking for nothing more than meager scraps. But no more—those days are officially over.

“What does it look like I’m doing here? I came to make up and show you how sorry I am.”

“You’re sorry?” A forced laugh escapes my lips, lacking any trace of humor as I struggle to keep my eyes from rolling backward, “So tell me, Max. What is it that you’re actually sorry for?”

He lifts his shoulder in a small shrug. “I don’t know. Fighting. Not coming. Making you come alone. That was shitty of me, butI’m here now, so I don’t see what the problem is,” he says, his tone dripping with annoyance, seemingly upset at me for my apparent failure to appreciate his supposed virtuousness amidst everything.

This time, I can’t help it as my eyes involuntarily roll in exasperation. “The problem is, it shouldn’t have taken you so long to decide to join me. Hell,” I say, throwing my hands up in frustration, “you should’ve been here from day one. I follow you and your band all around the fucking world, yet you couldn’t even have the decency to come with me for two weeks to be here for my best friend’s wedding?”

He scoffs, holding up his hands. “Chill the fuck out. I don't understand what the problem is.”

“This, this is the problem,” I start again as I motion between the two of us. “You aren’t listening to me or taking me seriously. I just told you why I’m upset and instead of truly apologizing or trying to understand, you’re telling me to chill out. That’s not okay; don’t you see that?”