“How is he?” Gemma asks once she notices me approaching.
“He’s fine. His hand and ego are both a little bruised though. Honestly, the guy is lucky he didn’t bust his thumb or something,” I add, somewhat trying to make light of the situation as I attempt to smile. “How are you, though?” I ask, turning my full attention to Ronnie.
“A little shaken up, but nothing another drink can’t fix, right?” she asks, and while she also seems to be making light of the situation, I can tell she is exactly what she just said she is—shaken and on edge.
I nod, especially since I could use a drink myself to settle my frazzled nerves.
Ronnie grabs my hands, as if sensing this is something we both need. “Do me a favor and go take care of Ford, okay?” she asks. “We both know our boy is likely beating himself up right about now, and that is the last thing I want. The night isn’t ruined. If anything, we’re only getting started.”
“And we’ll take care of our girl here, so no worries there either,” Maeve adds, as she wraps an arm around Ronnie’s shoulder.
“Alright. I’ll be back,” I say, giving Ronnie’s hand a reassuring squeeze before I release it and make my way out back to check on Ford and his injured hand.
Opening the door to the back, I immediately spot him leaning against the brick wall of the building.
“Is she pissed?”
I shake my head. “No. She’s fine. We’re all fine, and if anything, we’re all likely more concerned and worried about you. The last thing we need is our one and only bridesman down and out.”
“I just feel like an idiot. What if I’d gotten punched, or worse, gotten one of you caught in the crossfire? I can’t believe I was so fucking stupid,” he growls, kicking at the ground, clearly still beating himself up over all of this.
I reach out and place my hand tenderly on his cheek, letting the pad of my thumb lightly caress it as I force him to look at me. “None of that happened. We’re all okay, and that asshole is gone. Please, just stop worrying.”
He lets out a loud sigh. “Me? Stop worrying? I’m pretty sure I was built to carry the worry for all three of us.”
“Well, maybe it’s time you stop doing that, since if anything, you’re now the rebel and defender of the crew,” I tease, my thumb still spinning soft circles. “Who would’ve ever expectedmeto be the responsible one?”
“Not me,” he jokes, the beginnings of a smile slowly making its way onto his face.
“Honestly, not me either,” I laugh. Sure, maybe I’ve been able to move out and take care of myself these past ten years, but when you spend your life on tour with different bands as you travel the world, you tend to make some pretty stupid decisions, especially when it comes to a certain drummer.
“I can’t say I totally hate it. You’re here now, and allowing me to be the guy that takes you home and to bed at night, so that’s at least a pleasant change.”
“I have to say, it is a little weird to finally have your full and undivided attention,” I agree, my face relaxing into another smile.
“Honestly, you’ve almost always had my full attention. As hard as I tried to be a good husband to Jenny, I think she’s always been right, whether I wanted to admit it or not. Even with you far away and not even living in Evergreen Grove, I was never able to fully let you go. Deep down, I always knew you were the one for me. My only regret is that I wasted so much damn time fighting my feelings for you when I should’ve surrendered to them a long time ago.”
My heart bubbles over with a comforting warmth, especially since his words reflect my own truth so well. “It wasn’t just you.”I shrug, dropping my hand from his cheek as I lean back against the wall next to him. “I was so terrified of messing things up like I always seemed to do, and I couldn’t do that to us. Our friendship was too important to me.”
“Yeah,” he nods. “I felt that same pressure. I think that’s why I clung on so tightly to Jenny. I never felt for her what I felt for you, but she could occasionally make me think that I could distract myself enough to forget about you for a little while, even if that was incredibly selfish of me. I hate that I hurt so many people by denying what was in front of me the whole damn time.”
I wrinkle my nose. While it’s nice to hear that I’ve always been his number one, just like he was mine, I don’t exactly love hearing about his time with Jenny. “Can we maybe not talk about your soon-to-be ex-wife?” I suggest. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to know where you stood all those years, especially since I felt something similar, but it kind of brings the vibes down, you know?”
A very soft chuckle leaves his lips as he nods his head in agreement. “So, what should we talk about instead?” he asks, a suggestive lilt to his tone as he pins me down with a devilish stare.
“We could always talk about how you’re planning on making all of this up to me.”
“I could get behind that. I also have a few things in mind that could maybe work.”
“While I’m sure that your ways are probably just as fun, I think I already have something pretty specific in mind,” I tease, leaning toward him, giving his ear a light nip in the process.
“At this point, I’d do just about anything for you, Blair,” he says, closing his eyes as his head leans back against the wall.
“Anything?” I ask, needing to make sure.
“Perfect,” I say, grabbing the wrist of the hand holding the ice as I take him by surprise and pull him with me back toward the door. “Because I want you to dance with me.”