Jenny glances away, twisting her mouth to the side before taking another drink from her glass. “I can’t say that I’m ready to see you move on, especially with Blair Bennett, but I do want you to be happy, so if it has to be with her, then you need to do it.”

Although I don’t technically need her permission, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. “I’m glad, because that’s actually kind of why I’m here,” I admit, looking down at my feet as my free hand scratches at the back of my neck. “I think it’s time. We need to sign those papers and make this official,” I say, bravely doing my best to finally look up and meet her eyes.

She nods her head knowingly, even if there’s a clear sign of sadness written across her face. “I kind of had a feeling that was what this was all about, and I think you’re right. I think we’vebeen holding onto this thing that we both, deep down, knew was never right.”

I solemnly nod my head, wishing I could say that she’s wrong, but I can’t. Even though I knew we were truly over and that there was no going back after our decision to separate, I’ve still had a hard time biting the bullet and ending things once and for all.

“So, what about Monday?” she asks, and for the first time, the traces of a smile slowly spread across my face.

“Really?” I ask, surprised at just how easy this is, and how soon we can move things forward. I really had come in tonight expecting a huge fight, especially after hearing from her mom just how much they all truly disliked Blair.

“Why not?” She shrugs before taking another sip. “We both know this has been over for a long time now. I’m tired of holding on and fighting for something that never felt quite right. Let’s just make it official and meet with our lawyers on Monday after everything is finished with the wedding.”

“You’re really okay with this?” I ask, feeling the need to ensure she truly means it. As much as I’m ready to move on and be divorced, I also don’t want to bully or push her into something she isn’t ready for. Yes, I came in tonight with the idea of moving things forward, but I also don’t want to break her heart any more than I already have.

“Yes. It’s time we both get to move on, and I don’t think either of us can get there if we keep dragging our feet. Let’s just do this already. Let’s officially get divorced.” She nods, holding out her drink for another toast, and this time I clink my glass against hers.

“Let’s get a divorce.”



Miles has always enjoyedplaying the nosy and concerned big brother, but it’s a relief that, despite arriving at his apartment much earlier than expected, if at all, he chose not to ask any questions. There was probably no need for it, since I’m sure the answer was written all over my face. I’m just glad that I somehow managed to hold in the tears that have been threatening to fall ever since our run-in with Mary White.

Ford and I gave it a shot, and clearly we weren’t meant to last. I don’t even know how I let myself believe that the two of us could ever work in real life. Sure, dreaming about what could happen between us has always been fun, but that’s all it ever was—an unrealistic fantasy.

I’m pretty sure I let Ronnie get a little too much in my head, and I should’ve known better. I’m not like her. I’m not the Disney princess who ends up with Prince Charming. I may have the tragic backstory, but that’s about all I have going for me, and Ford deserves so much better than that.

I truly don’t know what I was thinking by even agreeing to go on a date with him. I’ve always known I was never meant to fit in here, and since this is the place where Ford fits in best, how I thought we could work is beyond me. The last thing I’d ever want to do is bring his reputation down with mine.

Walking into the guest room, I shut the door behind me and head straight for my skincare supplies, more than ready to cleanse my face and erase any and all traces of tonight’s date. I let myself listen to Ronnie as she hyped me up, and I went all out with my hair and makeup. She’d been so sure that this was mine and Ford’s moment, and I unfortunately let myself believe that it actually could be.What a fucking joke!

As I wipe off my makeup and hastily throw my once perfectly curled hair into a messy bun, I resign myself to the fact that I won’t be going out tonight. Honestly, if it were up to me, I’d never go out or be seen in Evergreen Grove again, but given that we’re only a few days away from Ronnie’s wedding, that unfortunately won’t be happening.

Wanting to maximize comfort for a likely long and sleepless night ahead, I change into a pair of biker shorts and an oversized band tee. Hopping into bed, I burrow myself into the blankets. There’s nothing I want more than to sleep and escape from this unfortunate reality, even if just for a few hours. Then again, if I could sleep until Saturday and Ronnie’s wedding day, that’d be the most ideal. Then I’d only have to see Ford for a few more torturous hours, and then after that, I’ll be free of him forever.

The idea of never seeing Ford again is beyond painful, especially after the last few days. Getting a small taste of what a future for the two of us could look like was not only healing, but also so much more than I could’ve ever imagined. However, it’s become obvious that the only way to truly get over him and my feelings is to make a clean break. While I may come back toEvergreen Grove occasionally to visit Miles and Ronnie, there’s no longer a need to include Ford in those plans.

Unfortunately, sleep remains elusive as I lie in the dark, my mind consumed by a constant looping replay of every single moment from tonight’s date. No matter how much it hurts, I do my best to only focus on the more painful events, but my heart and head have other plans as they unfortunately linger on the good ones, too. Why did Ford have to be so perfect and why does it all have to hurt so damn bad?

My phone pings on my bedside table, jolting me out of my thoughts. Despite knowing I should ignore it, the fact that I’m nowhere near close to sleep has me reaching over.

Ford:I know you’re upset and you’re hurting, but can we please talk?

Reading his message, I sit up straight. I’m even more convinced that I should ignore it, especially with the way my heart immediately reaches for the possibility of him knowing just what to say to make all of this better. Other than Ronnie, he’s always been the person who knows how to soothe my thoughts whenever I go into one of my downward spirals, but this is different. I deserve to feel like this; it’s the only thing that will keep me from going back on my already-made decision to leave him and Evergreen Grove behind for good.

Biting on my thumbnail, I inwardly debate with myself. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it as I finally type in a response. Before I can second guess myself again, I hit send.

Blair:I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Maybe it would just be easier if we only saw each other when we have to. Wedding events only and that’s it.

Three bubbles pop up, and his reply comes through almost immediately, leaving me little to no time to panic.

Ford:Please, Blair.

Ford:I know how you think, and I know you think tonight was a sign, but that’s not true.

Ford:I can fix things. I’m actually outside of your brother’s place. Will you please come outside?