The wait to seeBlair after the other night’s festivities felt like pure torture—a day and a half of pathetic longing, but I’m already addicted and I’m not afraid to admit it. Plus, it’s been worth the wait. I’ve waited over ten years for this, so what’s an extra day at this point?

As selfish as I want to be, I know that yesterday was about Blair helping and spending time with Ronnie as they worked out some last-minute wedding details. The least I could do was be patient, and thankfully, that patience has finally paid off.

I couldn’t even say I minded picking her up at Miles’ place. Witnessing her emerge, only slightly late this time, made every minute apart and any inconvenience worth it. She’s every straight man’s dream in a plain black top, a short black skirt speckled with white polka dots that hits just a few inches above her knees, and her iconic leather jacket and black Converse. She’s always been skilled at doing her hair, and tonight is nodifferent, as long beachy waves fall down her shoulders and a solitary braid adorns one side.

I still can’t believe this is happening. Yes, we had sex, and mind-blowing sex at that, but it’s so much more than that, and with her, it always has been. It’s the fact that we’re finally doing this and taking this much-needed and important step.

A part of me had expected her to pull away and had braced myself for her inevitably saying once again that we could never work. There’s even been a part of me that has felt those same worries too, but I need this to happen—I have to see where this can go. If not, I don’t think I could ever properly move forward in life.

Perhaps we’ll only find out that our feelings are nothing more than just that, and we’ve somehow let our imaginations make this into some huge thing that it’s not, but deep down, I know that’s not true. I’ve always known that Blair is my soulmate, and I’m more than ready for this date to be what confirms it for both of us.

“Nonna’s Trattoria, huh?” she asks as I pull into an empty parking stall.

“I considered driving out of Evergreen for this, but that just didn’t feel right. If we’re finally going to do this, it feels like I need to take you to a place where everyone here goes for their dinner and date nights.”

In such a small town, the dining options are limited, but when people want something more upscale, this is the go-to place. Elsewhere, this restaurant would likely be seen as comparable to The Olive Garden, or perhaps even slightly lower, but in Evergreen, it’s the epitome of fine dining.

“I guess it does feel a bit poetic,” she agrees with a slight nod as she unfastens her belt with a soft click.

“Hold up,” I say, quickly undoing my own before holding out a hand to keep her from getting out. “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it right.”

As her eyebrows furrow, I waste no time in opening my door and swiftly making my way to her side to open hers before she gets the chance. “Are you serious?” she asks, shaking her head, but there’s an amused lilt to her tone that lets me know she’s enjoying herself.

“Of course I am,” I say with a smile, extending my hand to help her out as she thankfully accepts and her palm falls into mine. “If you think for one second I’m not going to go out of my way to do everything right to impress the girl that I’ve had feelings for since I was a teenager, then you’re insane.”

Okay, so maybe I already have the girl and don’t need to pull out all these weird and extra stops, but I can’t help myself. I’ve dreamed about the day that I’d finally get to take Blair Bennett out on a date, and there’s no way I’m not going to go all out to show her why I’m the only one for her. She deserves the world, and I fully plan on being the one who gives it to her.

“I don’t know; if anyone is acting insane here, it’s you, but luckily, I kind of like it. The bribery and flattery are kind of hot, so by all means, keep it up,” she encourages as she flattens out her skirt and exits the vehicle.

“Oh, don’t you worry; there’s plenty more where this came from,” I assure her with a wink before placing my hand on the small of her back to guide her inside.

Given our mutual desire to preserve our friendship, it was only logical to exercise caution and avoid crossing certain lines. We were far too aware of the possibility that it could ruin everything we’ve built, but since doing nothing left us in a place where we didn’t even talk for two years, it only makes sense to give this a true shot. That’s precisely why I plan on pulling out all the stopstonight, if only to show her just how right the two of us are for each other.

My mom went out of her way to make sure that her sons knew how to respect and take care of women. While I’ve always been taught the importance of opening the door for a lady, I meant what I said. I did my best to give Jenny everything she deserved when we were together. I planned extravagant dates, showered her with gifts, and always let her win every argument. So maybe there was some overcompensation on my part due to the guilt I felt for harboring feelings for my best friend. But now, with this date, I genuinely want and need everything to go perfectly. There’s so much at stake, and I refuse to let something small mess it up.

Walking inside, part of me wonders if I’ve made a mistake by bringing her here. It may be one of the fancier establishments in Evergreen Grove, but part of me worries that I should have picked something nicer and classier out of town. The dark red booths and the fake candles on every table attempt to create an ambient atmosphere but, I can’t help but wonder if this place seems a bit too cheesy when compared to some of the unique places that Blair’s gotten to visit on her travels. However, as the hostess gives us a friendly greeting and welcomes Blair back into town, my concerns fade. The giant smile plastered on my date’s face makes me feel secure in our choice, especially as the two of them do some quick catching up.

If anything, maybe the cheesiness is working to my benefit, especially since this is likely a huge blast from the past. While we’d each eaten here plenty of times on various dates, it was never on a date with each other. As she said, it seems fitting that this is finally where we get to have our long-awaited first date together.

I know I’m overthinking things as she slides into the booth we’re led to, but instead of second-guessing myself, I confidently slide in next to her.

Not only does Blair seem a little surprised by my choice, but so does the hostess, as her eyes dart nervously between us. “So, uh, was it just the two of you tonight? Or did I misunderstand? Is Veronica joining you later?” she asks.

“Nope. It’s just the two of us,” I say, determined not to let her judgment affect our evening. Eager to move things along and diffuse any lingering awkwardness, I reach for the menus in her hand.

“Alright, well, your waitress will be with you soon,” the hostess says a bit hesitantly before thankfully walking away.

“Well, I guess that’s one way to just rip off the Band-Aid and let the whole town know we’re on a date,” she laughs awkwardly, accepting the menu before flipping it open.

“You’re not second-guessing this, right?” I ask, my menu wide open, but my gaze firmly locked on her.

“No,” she says, turning to meet my eyes. “If this is something we’re going to try out, it’s best that everyone knows anyway, right? Plus, it’s not like I’m new to being the town’s center of gossip. If anything, this just makes me feel more at home,” she adds, a slight curl to her lips. Unfortunately, I know her too well to believe that smile is anywhere close to being genuine.

“Do you want to go somewhere else?” I ask, lowering my voice as I lean in close.

“No, it’s fine,” she says, brushing me off as she looks back down at her menu. “Plus, it’s not like word isn’t already going to get out. I’m pretty sure Lisa,” she begins, nodding her head in the direction of the hostess, a girl we went to high school with, who had sat us down, “has already gone and spread the word to everyone else who works here.”

Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure she’s right. Lisa is no longer at the front of the restaurant, ready to welcome the incoming patrons; instead she is currently near the back, talking to some of the waitstaff. I could just be paranoid, and I hope I am, but knowing Evergreen’s reputation, it’s only logical to assume that we’re the ones she’s talking about.