“Oh, come on,” I say, positioning my elbows on his desk as I lean forward. “Admit it. You love Ford.”

“Love? That’s a little much, but do I think he’s a good guy who would treat you right?” he asks. “I do. As your older brother,that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you. Even more, it’s exactly what you deserve.”

Miles has always been incredibly protective. Given his more than vocal disapproval of my relationship with Max, it’s a nice change to hear how supportive he is about me and Ford. If anything, this only makes my feelings toward my best friend even stronger. It truly feels like everything is finally falling perfectly into place. Maybe I will finally get to experience that happily ever after that so many people talk and dream about.

“He is a pretty good guy, huh?” I muse, a content sigh escaping my lips.

“Speaking of the right guy…” he trails off as I raise a brow in his direction. “Veronica is really going to marry that jerk? Pete’s been a tool since high school. I mean, I’ve always known she sucks at making good choices, but him, really? That’s a new low, even for her.”

“Right?” I ask, glad that once again, I’m not the only one who thinks so. “I’m going to forget the part where you shit on her for all of her other choices, but yeah, I just don’t get what she sees in him.”

“And as her best friend, you’re just going to let her marry him?”

“Okay, first off, Mr. Judgy Pants,” I say, sitting up straighter as I point a finger in his direction. “I don’t think I have the moral high ground here since for the past ten years I’ve been in an on-and-off relationship with Max of all people, but I have said something, and she’s made it perfectly clear that he’s the one she wants and that she’s not going to change her mind on it. I’m not really sure what else I can do or say at this point.”

He shakes his head. “I just don’t get it, especially after the way he treated her at trivia night. It’s not like I know her all that well, but to let him control her like that is weird. I didn’t take her for the type to let that kind of thing slide.”

Considering how openly my brother has expressed his disapproval of my friendship with Ronnie, I’m somewhat taken aback by how much this is bothering him. However, I can’t say he’s wrong. When even he, who has always been critical of my best friend, can sense something is off, it speaks volumes about the situation.

“Tell me about it,” I sigh once more. “But both Ford and I said our piece, and at this point, I think that’s all we can do.”

“I guess,” he says, sounding just as frustrated as me.

“Speaking of Ronnie…” I trail off as he glances up, clearly aware that I’m about to ask for something. He knows me far too well. “I was thinking that if I perhaps bribe you by offering to pick us up some lunch, you could drive me to the school afterward when she gets off work? I’m supposed to help her finish up with some wedding stuff.”


I raise an eyebrow. “On what?”

“On what you’re planning to get me for said lunch.”

“Well, I haven’t been to Simon’s Deli since I’ve been home and I’ve been craving one of those huge club sandwiches of his, so maybe that?”

“I suppose I could be up for that kind of deal,” he gives in, as a smile lights up my face.

“You drive a hard bargain, sir, but sandwiches it is!”

Bribing Miles with sandwiches had been a stroke of genius. Not only did it save me from the twenty-minute walk to the high school, but it also allowed me the opportunity to indulge in one of my beloved hometown favorites. I’ve traveled all over the country and even the world with various bands, but the tangysweetness of the secret sauce in Simon’s Deli sandwiches is unlike anything I’ve ever tasted. It probably helps that not only are all the ingredients fresh and locally sourced, but he makes the bread fresh in-house daily.

After agreeing to meet up with my brother for dinner and sending Ronnie a text that I’ve made it, she comes to meet me at the front of the school so she can walk me back to her classroom.

“Girl, spill whatever it is you’ve got on your mind,” she commands.

My eyes widen. “What?” I ask, despite knowing full well that I can’t keep anything from her. I might as well just give it up now. While I’ve maybe been a bit of a shitty friend by making it clear I don’t like her fiancé, I’ve since tried to make it up to her by not drowning her in all my drama.

With her wedding only days away, the last thing I want to do is burden her with my problems. Then again, maybe for the first time, the whole me and Ford thing isn’t feeling like so much of a problem anymore.

“Oh, don’t even,” she threatens. “It’s written all over your face. Something is going on, so spill it. Now.”

I wrinkle my nose and bite down on my bottom lip. “I slept with Ford.”

She grabs hold of my arm and stops us in our tracks. “What? Are you serious?” she asks, linking her hands in front of her as she jumps up and down. “Fucking finally!” she all but shouts as she raises her hands and wiggles her fingers in excitement.

I quickly look around, but thankfully, no students or teachers seem to be lingering in the hallway. “Shhhh,” I warn, lifting my finger to my lips, despite the full-fledged smile accompanying it.

“Okay, you can’t expect me not to react. We’ve been waiting for this for like, what? Twelve years?”

“I’m glad that you’re happy about this, too, but it’s not like this changes everything. I live in Los Angeles and travel all over theworld, and he lives here. There are still some things that need to be talked about and ironed out before we can truly get this excited about it,” I try to explain as I link my arm through hers and try to rush her toward her classroom, just in case.