Waking up with Blairwrapped in my arms, her body pressed into mine, is easily one of those moments that will stay with me forever. Then again, maybe this could become routine, and each day will blend seamlessly into the next, as I lose track of these individual moments. A guy is allowed to dream, right?
Wanting to prolong the experience, I press my face into her neck, breathing in her signature scent of honey and vanilla that’s still managed to linger on her skin despite our long night of lovemaking. There’s nothing I want more than to stay wrapped up next to her in bed all day. Unfortunately, I still have to work for two more days this week before my pre-arranged days off for the wedding, so I know it’s not possible. Somebody has to be responsible here, and since that’s always been my job in this relationship, I decide to stick with it, at least for now.
I carefully untangle myself, not wanting to disturb her as she sleeps. I may have to go in for work today, but she deservesto sleep in for as long as she wants without feeling hurried or pressured to leave. I did keep her up pretty late last night, after all.
I grab my glasses and slide them on before reaching for my phone to check the time. Luckily, even after a long and eventful night, my innate ability to wake up early leaves me with sufficient time to shower and get ready. If I hurry, I may even have enough time for a quick detour for coffee and muffins to surprise Blair.
Looking down at her naked body covered by nothing but a thin red sheet, and her blonde hair splayed perfectly on the pillow like a beautiful golden halo, I’m so tempted to say ‘fuck it’ and crawl back into bed, but I resist the urge and do my best to remain strong and stick to the plan.
Doing everything in record time, I take a shower and get dressed before quietly sneaking out to grab our treats.
As I order Blair’s coffee this early in the morning, I can’t help but notice the judgmental look Buddy gives me, but I choose to ignore it. They already know Jenny and I are separated, and we have nothing to feel weird about. If anything, I have to assume that nobody would or should be surprised that Blair and I are finally together. The signs were all there for anyone who really cared to pay attention, and in this town, I feel like everyone was watching and waiting. Hell, I wouldn’t even be surprised if people were making and taking bets.
Back at my place, I cautiously insert the key into the lock, striving for complete silence. I gently prop open the door, relieved to find the blonde goddess still sound asleep, exactly as I left her.
Although I’m tempted to lean in and wake her with a gentle kiss, I decide it’s best to let her continue sleeping undisturbed. Fortunately, as a teacher with a sticky note obsession, I whip out a small yellow pad and a pen and scribble her a note about themuffins and coffee, while also requesting a text when she wakes up.
However, the note proves useless as I hear the rustling of sheets and a faint moan. Blair’s woken up all on her own as she stretches her arms above her head. With an amused smile, I watch as she takes a moment to register her surroundings, her eyes scanning the room.
From my spot in the kitchen, I lean forward on the counter. It takes only a few short moments before our eyes meet, and while a small part of me is terrified that she’s going to look at me with regret in her eyes, it’s the exact opposite as an enormous smile lights up her entire face.
“Morning.” I smile back.
“Were you about to sneak off and leave me here all by myself?” she pouts, sitting up and pulling the sheet up with her as she keeps her chest completely covered, which is honestly for the best. I can’t afford any more temptations; I’m already struggling with the desire to go to work as it is. The truth is, if she were to ask me to crawl back into bed with her, I’d do it in a heartbeat.
“Maybe, but does it help that I brought breakfast?” Pushing myself off the counter, I reach for the muffin and coffee, their delicious aroma wafting up as I hold them in front of me.
Her face lights up as her mouth drops open. “Ford,” she coos, her tone full of admiration.
Moving around the counter, I deliver them to her in bed. Reaching out, she wiggles her fingers, as if to say “gimme.”
“Here you go, princess,” I tease, handing them both over.
“Princess?” she asks, wrinkling her nose. “I think I prefer Blair bear,” she jokes before bringing the straw to her mouth as she takes a long, savoring sip.
“Really? You used to hate when I called you that,” I chuckle.
Wanting to help her out even more, I reach into my dresser that doubles as a television stand and retrieve one of my plain T-shirts and a pair of boxer shorts.
“Maybe I didn’t actually hate it as much as I pretended to,” she says, casually shrugging while I set the clothes down in front of her.
“Just in case,” I explain, as her eyes crinkle in joy.
Setting the muffin down on the bed, she uses her finger to beckon me to come in closer before tapping it against her lips.
Who am I to say no? Leaning down, I tenderly press my lips against hers, letting them linger there for as long as I can.
“Oh God,” she curses.
I pull away quickly, raising a questioning brow.
“I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.” She frowns, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth.
“You have to know I don’t care about that. If anything, you taste like your coffee,” I assure her as I move her hand away and once again lean down to press my lips against hers, as her hand softly cups the back of my neck.
“What could I have ever possibly done to deserve you?” she asks, finally pulling away.
“Believe me, I’m asking myself the same question,” I assure her.