I’m pretty sure I’m the only one overthinking this, as the right and sane answer is to choose the spot next to Ronnie. Then again, in this town, nobody would ever accuse me of being either of those things, so I go against my better judgment and slide in next to Ford, nudging his butt with mine, while also elbowing his arm. He immediately moves over, making more room onourside of the booth.
“Some things never change, I see,” Ronnie teases before crunching down on a chip. “Late as always,” she clarifies, even if I suspect the double meaning there.
“One of these days, I swear I’m going to arrive early and surprise the hell out of you,” I declare, immediately reaching for a chip myself.
“I’ll believe that only when I see it,” Ford teases, and this time it’s his turn to give my arm a playful nudge.
“Well, maybe it’s for the best,” I decide definitively as I dip my chip into the perfectly runny salsa. “If I changed, I wouldn’t be the same old Blair that you both know and love, and then where would we be? I need at least a few people in this town to like me.”
“Oh, be quiet,” Ronnie scoffs, dismissing my comment with a wave of her hand. “Do you know how many people have asked me when you were coming back into town?”
I try not to roll my eyes. “Yeah, probably so they can hide their kids and hide their husbands since the big bad Blair is coming back to town to ruin everyone’s lives.”
“No, I mean it,” Ronnie huffs, tilting her head downward. “So many people that I’ve talked to have been excited for you to come back. I also get so many people asking how you’re doing and whenever I pull out my phone and show them all the amazing pictures you’ve taken on various tours, they’re all so impressed.”
“Yeah, they’re all probably happy and impressed because I’m doing it in a whole different state, as far away from their precious little town as I can be.”
She lets out a heavy sigh, her features pinched. “You’re impossible. Tell her, Ford.”
I tilt my head and angle it upward.
My stomach immediately erupts into a fit of butterflies. Who decided it was fair for him to be this damn beautiful? Maybe that isn’t the way you’re supposed to describe a man, but it’s true. He may not have the chiseled jaw or sculpted body of a Greek god, but there’s something undeniably perfect about him. It probably helps that the light misting of facial hair has grown, giving him a more edgy look, or at least as edgy as one can be when you totally look the part of a high school science teacher. Even his glasses sit on his face in a way that accentuates his features, as if they were always meant to be a part of his appearance.
His boyish grin just tops it all off. “You’re impossible, Blair,” he says, his eyes not leaving mine. The allure of his beautiful brown eyes, accentuated by subtle hints of gold, threaten to overwhelm me as I’m tempted to stare into them all night. But I choose to maintain my composure instead, returning his smile before diverting my attention to our friend seated across from us.
“Fine. I’m impossible, but you two are delusional, so there,” I grin before sticking my tongue out at Ronnie.
Luckily, we don’t have to keep going as our server comes to take our drink orders. Learning of the special, Ronnie and I quickly celebrate by exchanging high-fives. Peach has been, and will always be, my favorite flavor. We also put in our food order, which is much needed since I’m likely to eat the entire basket of chips if my tacos don’t come out soon.
“Before the food comes, I’m going to make a quick phone call and freshen up in the bathroom. I’ll be back in just a few,”Ronnie says as she scoots out of the booth. “You two behave,” she playfully warns, pointing a finger in our direction.
“Us? Never,” I joke.
“Fine, Ford, you behave and keep an eye on our girl here. Apparently, everyone in town is concerned for their children and their husbands.” She winks as I roll my eyes.
“I’ll do what I can,” Ford agrees before Ronnie makes her way toward the back of the restaurant.
“You guys may think I’m joking, but aswe,” I start, pointing my finger between the two of us, “both know, I have indeed tried to steal a husband before.”
“Well, I’m hoping that was only a one-time thing, and only done because the husband you tried to steal was ridiculously handsome and good-looking.”
“Eh.” I shrug, a small grin slowly spreading across my face. “He was alright.”
“Just alright?” he asks, his eyes going wide. “I don’t know. For you to make such a big move, I have to assume he was more than just a little alright.”
“Fine. He’s maybe alittlemore than alright. A pretty good kisser too,” I add, diverting my attention as I casually reach for another chip and dip it into the salsa, still doing my best to act casual and brush it off, like it's not actually him we’re chatting about.
“A good kisser, huh? He sounds amazing,” he says, sitting up straight, a gloating grin playing across his features.
“Well, too bad for him it was a one—or rather, maybe a two-time thing. It’s completely over now,” I say, looking back his way as I sink my teeth into the chip.
There are definitely much sexier foods to eat than a chip, but with the way his eyes drop to my lips and darken, it clearly doesn’t matter to him.
“I don’t know about that. I have a feeling,” he says with a mischievous smile playing on his lips, “that there are going to be more than just a few kisses coming up in your future.” His eyes moving back up to meet mine.
“And what makes you so sure?” I ask, my voice lowering.
“Because if this guy is smart, and by the way you’ve described him, I assume he has to be, he’d be an idiot to let things end there.”