Luckily, I don’t have to worry about it as the middle-aged waitress comes to take our order, saving us from any ensuingawkwardness. We both order tonight’s special blackberry margarita, and their signature three-taco plates.

“Since we have the next week and a half to discuss wedding stuff, let’s change the subject and talk about you,” Ronnie suggests before chomping into her chip. She’s not fooling anyone here, let alone me, but since she’s the bride-to-be, I let her have this one.

“Well, what about me do you want to talk about?” I ask before taking a bite of my salsa-covered chip. Although, I suspect I already know the answer. Max had promised to be my date for Ronnie’s wedding, and given that he isn’t here, I’m pretty sure she gets it without either of us having to say it out loud—Max and I are on yet another break.

“Oh, I’m pretty sure you already know the answer to that,” she assures me, a mischievous glint in her eye, reminding me once again of our uncanny connection.

“Unfortunately, I think I do,” I sigh.

“Well, in that case, what happened this time? Andpleasedon’t tell me he cheated again,” she pleads.

I shake my head. “No, nothing like that,” I assure her, just as two drinks are placed in front of us. With the tense topics that have already been brought up, it’s no surprise that both of us immediately dive in and take some much-needed sips.

“God, that is good,” Ronnie hums as I nod my head and close my eyes while I fully take it in.

Given that this is a tiny town, and even more, I’ve been all over the world and had some of the best and most unique drinks out there, I’ve yet to find anything that competes with the heavenly taste of a margarita from Sal’s. It might just be the fact that I’m home and sitting with my best friend, but even with the conversation being what it is, this moment feels perfect.

“It really is,” I agree, savoring another sip, the blackberry infusing a delightful tang and kick.

“While the drink may be good, don’t go thinking I forgot about what we were talking about. Spill it, missy.”

I let out a frustrated breath of air. While I’m not annoyed at Ronnie, it sucks that I’m having to deal with this, especially during what should be a fun and easygoing week. “It’s the usual,” I sigh, waving it off as I try not to make it into some huge thing. “He’s too busy, and despite promising to come with me and taking time off, he’s convinced that he needs to work on new music since the guys are supposed to be heading back into the studio in a few weeks.”

“Oh, so this isn’t a true break, then? He just didn’t come?” she asks, leaning down as she wraps her lips around her straw once more.

“Oh, no. It’sdefinitelya break,” I assure her as I let out a less than amused laugh. “I told him that if he didn’t have the time to come with me to my best friend’s wedding, then he didn’t have time to be my boyfriend, either.”

“Damn, girl!” she giggles, nodding her head in approval. “I obviously hate that you’re sad and upset, but I love that you’re standing up for yourself. I mean, come on, what piece of shit lets their girlfriend go to their best friend’s wedding all alone and dateless? Doesn’t he know that a single maid of honor is going to be a hot commodity and that all the groomsmen are going to be fighting over who gets the honor to hook up with you?”

“No offense, but I don’t picture myself being into any of Pete’s friends.” I shiver before letting out a soft laugh as I lift my glass to take another sip, realizing that I’ve already drunk almost half my margarita. Sure, from what I can remember, Pete had some cute friends back in high school, but pretty boys that exude frat guy energy aren’t exactly my type.

“Well, what about a hot bridesman?” she asks, wiggling her eyebrows in my direction.

“What the fuck is a bridesman?” I ask, trying not to laugh.

“Ford. He obviously has to be in my line, so that’s going to be his honorary title from here on out,” she explains, as if it’s all so obvious.

“Yeah, married men aren’t exactly my thing either,” I point out, not sure why she’s bringing him up, given all of our history. Obviously, she knew of my feelings for him all throughout our teenage years, but I’m not that desperate, even if it would be a nice way to stick it to Max.

Wrinkling her nose, Ronnie softly chews on her bottom lip. “I actually probably shouldn’t say anything, since I know Ford wanted to keep it on the down low, but you know me,” she says, waving it off, “I’ve never been able to keep anything from you.” She hesitates but finally gives in and spills. “But, uh, he and Jenny are officially separated and going through a divorce.”

My mouth gapes open. I’m not sure what I’d been expecting her to say, but it certainly wasn’t that.

“You won’t say anything though, right? I sort of think he wanted to be the one to tell you, but you know how I get when I drink.” She sheepishly winces, even if I can sense the relief she feels at finally being able to drop that big of a bomb on me. She’s right, we don’t keep secrets from each other, but in this case, I’m still debating whether this is news I wanted to hear or not.

“Ronnie, you haven’t even had a full margarita. I don’t think you get to blame this one on the alcohol,” I remind her, nodding toward her glass that is still over halfway full. “But uh, wow. I’m not sure what to say to that.”

I’ve never exactly been the biggest fan of Ford and Jenny as a couple, and every time I saw them together, I was plagued with an embarrassing amount of jealousy. However, this is the last thing I’d ever want to happen to one of my good friends. Given that he was the third member of our best friend trio growing up, I’d always wanted him to be happy. While it’s taken some time for me to be this mature about it all, I’d reluctantly realized thateven if his happiness didn’t include me, if that was what it took, then the two of them should be together.

Okay, I’ll admit it,at least to myself. His being single does capture my attention, but considering how recent this all is, I don’t see anything happening between us, andI don’t want it to either. I have way more respect for myself than that—or at least I hope so. I’m not about to be someone’s rebound girl, especially not Ford’s. I have way too much experience feeling like his second pick, especially since that’s exactly how it felt when Jenny moved into town during our freshman year of high school and stole his attention straight away. I can’t let myself go down that road,not again.

I’ve already let myself get hurt by all of this back in the day, and I’m too grown up and too far removed to let myself get entangled in this sort of thing ever again. Dealing with Max’s never-ending drama is overwhelming and exhausting enough.

“So, uh,” Ronnie begins, cutting through my thoughts as I realize just how nervous she appears as her eyes dart behind me, and my eyes narrow. “I probably should’ve warned you earlier, but uh, I maaaaay have invited Ford tonight, and he may have just walked in.”

“Wait, what? What do you mean?” I ask, my heart rate quickening as I sit up straight. The temptation to turn around in my seat and follow Ronnie’s brown-eyed gaze is strong, but fear keeps me rooted in place.

I haven’t seen Ford since the night of his wedding just over two years ago. I’d known that coming home meant I’d run into him and see him at some point, but nothing could have prepared me for the bomb she’d just dropped, especially so soon. I’d figured I’d at least have a few more days before we’d be forced to interact.