I purse my lips tightly, exerting all my self-control to refrain from unleashing my anger on this woman. If these weren’t Ronnie’s future in-laws and this day weren’t so important, I’d definitely speak my mind, but today isn’t about me, and that’s what I keep reminding myself of. Instead, I lift my glass to my mouth and take a drink.
Mrs. West seems to take notice as she looks me up and down with even more disdain and disapproval. “Let me guess. You were the one who picked out the drink for this afternoon’s event?”
I lift an eyebrow. “Yes. And they seem to be a big hit.”
“Don’t you think it’s a little tacky?” she presses, lifting a brow of her own.
“Aren’t bridal showers in general a bit tacky?” I challenge.
“No. Most events that I’ve attended have been classy and elegant. This one, on the other hand…” she trails off, letting her eyes glance around the backyard.
“Is perfect,” I cut in before she can say anything else and make this even harder on Ronnie. “Everyone is having an amazing time, and like I said, the drinks have been a hit. Just look around, everyone is enjoying them,” I reiterate, especially as I look at Ronnie, who appears to be on the verge of tears.
“Enjoying them or not, alcoholic beverages at an afternoon event are completely inappropriate, and it honestly makes me question your judgment, Veronica,” Mrs. West admonishes.
“I think it’s kind of fun. They’re just drinks, Auntie,” Pete’s cousin, Anna, chimes in.
“Fun or not, this event is not the time or place for day drinking. It’s utterly tasteless,” Mrs. West says, indicating that there’s no changing her mind on the matter.
“I’m sorry you think so, but either way, I hope you can at least try to have a good time. Ronnie here has lots of people who absolutely adore her and are dying to chat with her today, so I hope you’ll excuse us,” I say in an overly sweet tone as I grab Ronnie’s hand and lead her away before anyone can say anything else. I know I probably shouldn’t have used the dreaded nickname that Mrs. West so obviously hates, but I’ve always found it impossible not to fight back when someone pushes me first.
“Ronnie,” I start once we’ve made some distance and I’ve led her away from the small mass of guests. “I’m so sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was make things even worse or harder on you.”
“No,” she begins, shaking her head, “you said what I’ve always wanted to say, but have always been too scared. Nothing I do ever seems to be good enough, and I don’t know what else I can do to make her like me.”
“I would say just be yourself and she’s bound to love you, but for a woman like that, I don’t think there’s any chance of winning,” I huff, looking back over my shoulder at the woman who still seems to be looking at everyone as though they are beneath her. She is clearly one of those overbearing mother-in-law’s who thinks she knows best, but when it comes to Ronnie, she knows absolutely nothing.
“It’s just so hard, especially when she’s someone who’s so close and important to Pete.” She frowns, still pushing back the tears.
“I know, I’m sorry.” I place a hand on her arm. “Just don’t change yourself for her, or anybody. You’re amazing and perfect just the way you are, and I have to imagine anyone that she deems to be good enough is a boring old snob, and that could never be you. You’ve always been someone who was made to stick out and be different. Please don’t ever conform to being someone that she, of all people, wants you to be.”
In many ways, finally meeting Mrs. West and after having spent a night with Ronnie and Pete, so many of the little changes I’ve noticed in my best friend are starting to make a lot more sense, and I can’t say I like it. In fact, I absolutely hate it.
A smile slowly starts to form on her features. “Thanks, Blair bear.”
“I mean it. Don’t let these people change you, alright?”
“I promise,” she assures me with a small nod.
“Now,” I say, dropping my hand before once again linking my arm through hers, “we’re going to spend the rest of this shower having fun and partying with the people who we know love you, alright? No more stressing about the monster-in-law.”
“Alright,” she agrees, as I lead her toward the rest of the bridesmaids, determined to make her forget all about that nasty run-in, while also doing the same for myself.
I can’t exactly tell Ronnie to forget about what Mrs. West said when, unfortunately, my mind can’t help but remember the way she also called me out for my past and for my parents. While I’d held onto the hope that my old reputation would fade away with time, it’s becoming increasingly clear that some people are still unwilling to move on and forget.
Then again, how exactly can I blame them when I’m still just as stuck in the past as they are, not only with my own worries about my reputation, but with Ford’s as well. If anything, I’ve been reminded more than ever that despite wishing to move forward and forget about who you once were, it’s always going to matter, and the last thing I want to do is bring Ford down with me.
When Blair calls, Ianswer. Okay, so maybe she didn’t technically call, but she did send a text asking if I could give her a ride tonight.
After a few hiccups at the shower, the girls were insistent on letting loose and having a much-needed night out. Eventually, they settled on heading to the Timberline Tavern, where we can not only enjoy drinks but also take part in their weekly trivia night.
It’s also been decided that tonight is the perfect opportunity for Pete to get to know everyone better, especially in a “more relaxed and casual setting” as Ronnie put it. I’m pretty sure a small barbecue is the epitome of casual and relaxed, but as usual, if Ronnie suggests something, we all go along with it.
Plus, I understand Ronnie’s reasoning, but honestly, I don’t want to get to know him better. I know him well enough, and I’m fully convinced the more I get to know him, the opposite will happen, and I’ll only grow to despise him even more. He’sshown his true colors, and as they say, when someone shows you who they truly are, believe them. I want to have faith that there’s some underlying goodness in this guy, otherwise, Ronnie wouldn’t have chosen him, but so far I’ve yet to see any evidence of that.