The air grows heavy with an uncomfortable silence, amplifying the sound of our breathing, but soon, a voice breaks through the quiet. “We forgot the ice. How could I forget the ice?” Ronnie panics as she rushes toward us.
“It’s fine, Ronnie,” Blair assures her, turning to give Ronnie her full and undivided attention. I should be grateful for the interruption, but there’s a nagging feeling that I once again screwed everything up and let another precious opportunity slip through my fingers.
“We got this, right Ford?” Blair asks, interrupting my thoughts as she brings me back to the present.
“Uh, yeah. Of course.” I robotically nod, saying what I assume is the right answer.
“You go hop into the shower, take a much-needed break, and don’t stress. As soon as Ford finishes with the chairs, he’ll get the ice, and I’ll finish up here. Everything is going to be perfect.I promise, alright?” Blair soothes, placing her hands on Ronnie’s shoulders.
Ronnie lets out a long breath, the tension visibly leaving her body, as she nods her head slowly.
“Now go. We got this,” Blair says, taking matters into her own hands as she spins Ronnie back toward the door and gives her a light, encouraging shove in that direction. “I mean it. I don’t want to see you until right before the shower.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ronnie calls back to us, but thankfully she manages a smile, one of the first I’ve seen from her all day, which, knowing Ronnie, says something. The woman usually exudes pure sunshine, rainbows, and butterflies.
After watching her follow directions, I wait until the back door is shut, before I turn to face Blair again.
“Blair, I should…” I begin, but she holds up a hand to stop me.
“No more. Not today. Please,” she sighs, closing her eyes. “Let’s just get this done like we promised.”
I pinch my lips together in a straight line before agreeing with a quick nod. “Okay, yeah. Sure.”
Selfishly, I want to continue right where we left off, but Blair’s right. Ronnie’s apparent stress makes it clear just how important this event is to her, and I’m determined not to add to that, even if it means taking on all the stress myself. Like usual, I’m going to prioritize Ronnie, and Blair’s peace of mind.
“Thank you,” she says, her voice quiet before heading back toward the house. I have to assume she’s going to grab more of the centerpieces, but it also feels like an obvious attempt to achieve as much distance from me as she possibly can.
Then again, distance is likely the best thing for both of us, especially as I think over our conversation. Blair’s mere presence is driving my senses absolutely crazy, so maybe it’s best I wasn’t invited to today’s event, especially given how on edge the two of them seem to be.
Then again, how crazy could a bridal shower get? I’m sure they’re overreacting. Isn’t today supposed to be a fun and relaxing event to celebrate the bride? Either way, I’m not about to question any of it as I do as I’m told and get back to work.
While I get that I might be making things more difficult for Blair, I’m fully committed to going above and beyond to ensure that this day is nothing short of perfection for both of my best friends.
Keeping my promise asRonnie’s maid of honor, I survey the impressive results of my and Ford’s handiwork and smile at what we’ve put together in such a short amount of time. Not only does the decor fit the theme perfectly, but the tent is alive with laughter and chatter, as everyone seems to be thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Most importantly, Ronnie looks beyond gorgeous in her stunning white wrap dress. Today, I finally see a glimpse of her true and uninhibited self, even if there still seems to be something hidden behind that smile of hers. When you know someone as well and for as long as Ronnie and I have, you can always tell when something is real, genuine, or forced, and while she looks happy, something still feels—off.
I can’t make sense of why she’s placing such high expectations on herself, especially considering today is supposed to be all about her. Everyone here, and in town, absolutely adores Ronnie, and this place is packed to the absolute brim.
I can’t even say that I’m surprised that everyone who was invited said yes and showed up. Ronnie’s dad has been the mayor since we were children. He is so loved and adored, it hadn’t taken much for the town to fall in love with his wife and daughter as well, along with their bright and bubbly personalities. It could definitely be said that Ronnie got her charming and charismatic personality from her parents, and while I gave them ample reason to dislike me growing up, they took me in and treated me like a second daughter.
Her parents are just two amazing people and is likely why everyone always seemed so ready to forgive Ronnie for all the crazy shenanigans we put this town through, and why so many people tolerated me as well. If I was Ronnie-approved, then there must be something redeemable or slightly likable about me.
“May I steal the bride-to-be?” I ask, linking my arm through Ronnie’s. I’ve been watching as she converses with a few of her teacher friends, and while she’s appeared to be less nervous than earlier, it’s still undeniably obvious that something is bugging her. As her maid of honor, I’m obligated to figure out what in the hell is going on so I can fix it as soon as possible. This is her special day and there’s no way I will let it be less than perfect.
“I guess we’ll let you steal her away,” a middle-aged woman agrees with a playful wink as I send her a grateful smile.
“Thank you.” I nod before leading Ronnie away from the small crowd.
“Is everything okay?” she asks, her face maintaining a calm facade, yet the slight tremor in her voice gives away the underlying panic that’s washing over her.
“I should ask you the same thing. You seem…distracted.” The last thing I want is to insult her or make her feel even more on edge, but clearly, something is going on, and I’m not backing off until I get to the bottom of it.
“I just need everything to go perfectly today.”