“Seriously though? What’s gives?” she asks, eyes narrowing as she gives me a thorough once-over. “I thought you and Ford were having a super-secret meeting today.”

“Clearly not that secret if you knew all about it.” Of course he’d spill. Then again, he’s always been the weak link in this friendship, and was the one Ronnie and I went to when we needed information.

“Really, though? What’s up? Something must have happened.”

“Nothing.” I shrug, doing my best to keep some secrets to myself, but unsurprisingly, she sees right through me.

“Blair,” she presses, tilting her head as she folds her arms and taps her foot impatiently.

“Fine. Jenny showed up, and I bolted a little earlier than planned,” I explain, figuring it best to just get it over with. This lady is relentless when she wants to be and would’ve gotten it out of me at some point. “Can we just get our nails done?”

“Yes, but you know I’m going to need more details, right?”

Despite my attempts to ignore her, I grab her hand and lead her toward Peggy at the front desk, who is innocently trying to look as though she hadn’t just eavesdropped on our entire conversation.

“Two pedicures and manicures, please.” I smile as Peggy willingly obliges before excusing herself to fill the water in the tubs for the pedicures.

I lower my voice. “So, I know you want more details, and I’ll give them to you, but can we not do it here? You know Peggy is listening in, right? The last thing I need is for the entire town to know that things are still weird there.”

She sighs. “Fine, but I expect full details at dinner tonight,” she threatens, pointing a finger in my direction.

“Pinky promise,” I assure her as I reach out my hand and we interlock pinkies.

“Alright, ladies. I’m ready for you.” Peggy smiles, waving us back as we set our purses down on the small table next to the pedicure chairs.

Settling into my seat, I relish the soothing warmth of the water and bubbles against my skin, feeling the tension gradually melt away from my body. I’m still stressed about the whole Jenny and Ford situation, but as Peggy gets to work and I listen to Ronnie rattle off more wedding details, I remember exactly what and who I’m here for.

Ronnie is my number one priority and I’m done letting Ford consume my thoughts. A decade ago, I set out to rid myself of any trace of my infatuation for my friend, and today, I remind myself that this goal is not only attainable, but crucial.

Ford Hastings, you are officially being sidelined. Out with Ford, and in with Ronnie. She makes for a far less complicated kind of love, anyway.



“You remember that pinkypromise you made earlier, right?” Ronnie asks, wasting no time as our plates are set down in front of us.

I groan. “Now? Really?”

Peggy was in an exceptionally talkative mood tonight, multitasking as she worked on both my nails and Ronnie’s, making me regret even more that I’d been stupid enough to trash my perfectly delicious muffin. I’d been half convinced I’d either die or at least pass out from hunger the longer our appointment went on, and as my Jolly Ranchers ran out, but luckily we made it to the Starlight Diner just in time.

When it comes to diner food, there are likely better places out there. Being out on the road with Max and his band, we’d stopped at many diners that served food late at night after their concerts. However, there would always be something special about the Starlight.

“Well, I guess I could wait until you’ve finished inhaling that grilled cheese,” she laughs, and she’s not wrong; I’m already on my third bite. My hunger could be clouding my judgment, but the taste of this extra gooey grilled cheese and freshly made tomato soup is even better than I remember.

Despite being caked in grease from the grill and cheese drippings, this sandwich is hands down the best grilled cheese I’ve ever had. I’m not usually much of a tomato soup person, but this house-made bowl is fresh and incredibly creamy.

“I don’t even know what you’re expecting to hear.” I shrug before tearing off a piece of my sandwich and dip it into the soup. “Ford and I were talking and Jenny came in. Things got awkward, and I bailed before she could burn a hole in me with that weirdly intense gaze of hers.”

She lets out a small laugh as she dips a fry into her hefty pile of ketchup. “Well, you could go into more detail about why she was glaring. You’d think she’d finally be past all that weird stuff from high school by now. Plus, it’s not like Ford ever told her about that kiss you guys shared on graduation night.”

A soft whine leaves my lips as I set my sandwich back on the plate. “I don’t know. She’s never liked me, and it’s not like I can blame her. Iwascrushing on Ford. It wasn’t just something made up in her head.”

“Yeah, but that’s ancient history, right? You and Ford haven’t even seen each other since the wedding. What’s there still to hate?”

I want to believe that this is all some innocent line of questioning, but I can’t help it as I involuntarily wrinkle my nose and chew on my lower lip. Ford may have told me he’d never told Jenny about my confession, but what about Ronnie?

It’s always been hard to keep secrets in our friend group, and as I sit, nervously attempting to hide my guilt, it’s clear she suspects something is up as her eyes widen.