I let out a soft laugh. “I know exactly what you mean, and once again, don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll love him. If he’s Ronnie-approved, then I can’t imagine not liking him.” It’s obvious she’s nervous, and while a part of me feels like that’s probably warranted, I don’t want her stressing, especially so close to her big day. “I’ll love him, right, Ford?”

Ford’s eyes widen, his mouth falling open before he shakes his head. “Oh, yeah. Of course, he’s great,” he says, giving me all the confirmation I need. He doesn’t like Pete either. Maybe he doesn’t hate him, but it’s clear he’s not his favorite person.

“Exactly, he’s great,” Ronnie agrees with a nod, her voice betraying her fake enthusiasm with a slight rise in pitch.

I wish I could extend my hand and reassure her that everything will be alright, but truthfully, I’m also nervous about meeting this guy. I already had one best friend whose spouse I didn’t get along with, which ultimately led to a strained relationship, and I can’t have that happen again.

Then again, maybe I’m stressing for nothing. The situations are completely different. Yes, I love Ronnie, but not in the same way I loved Ford. If anything, we’re all likely making this into a much bigger deal than it needs to be.

Thankfully, Ford takes the lead as he walks into the kitchen first, followed by Ronnie, with me trailing at the end. Everything’s fine. Tonight will be great. It has to be.



I’m kicking myself aswe walk into the kitchen. What the hell is wrong with me? Not only did I just tell Blair how good she looks, but I let myself get caught off guard by her question.

No, I don’t like Pete. He’s a pretentious know-it-all with a superiority complex. It’s just not my style to tell someone that I dislike their significant other. I hated how obvious it’d been back in the day when Blair and Ronnie openly disliked Jenny, and while I now realize it may have been for good reason, I still don’t want to do it back to either of them.

I fucking hate Max Storm, and while that guy is a million times worse than Pete, I’ve never shit-talked him to Blair—it only seems fair that I give Ronnie the same level of treatment and respect.

Okay, so maybe Blair was right. Jenny and I weren’t right for each other, which is made even more blatantly obvious given our current separation and impending divorce, but that wasmy decision and my mistake to make. If Pete ends up being a mistake for Ronnie, then it’s her choice to make as well.

Plus, they do often say opposites attract, so while Ronnie and Pete have never made the most sense to me, it doesn’t matter. If Ronnie says he’s the one, then I have to believe her. As her best friend, my only job is to be there for her through the good and the bad.

“So, I see they weren’t lying when they said you never show up on time,” Pete starts, calling Blair out as soon as we walk into the kitchen.

Pete clearly spared no expense when he had this place built. While it feels a bit cold and sterile for my liking, it must be exactly how he wanted it. The amount of white in this kitchen and the rest of the house is a little overwhelming and a bit too much for me, but he seems to like it, given his choice of white cabinets, backsplash, and countertops. The only thing that seems to break the monotony are the silver appliances. I just have to hope or assume that Ronnie will add her own artistic flair and creative touch when she moves in after the wedding.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes as Pete wipes his hand on his “Kiss the Cook” apron before moving to offer Blair a handshake.

“Oh, come on, I’m notthatbad,” she defends, seeming to play along as she gives him her hand while I set the veggie tray on the counter next to the wide array of food that’s been prepared for our small barbecue. There’s no way the four of us can eat all of this, but it doesn’t come as a surprise that Pete has gone above and beyond. In fact, showing off has always seemed to be one of his favorite pastimes. “If this was old me, I would have been a good thirty minutes late. Five minutes is a clear improvement,” she adds with a small laugh.

“Look at you growing up,” I tack on, needing to defend her a bit. While it’s okay for me and Ronnie to poke fun at her inability to ever be on time, it’s not okay for Pete to do it.

“Well, you know me. I’ve always been on Blair Standard Time, so if anything, you all should be glad that it’s gotten closer to the actual time,” she plays along, sending a beautiful grin my way. My pulse quickens, and an annoying jolt of electricity zings down my spine. I hate how she can still send my entire body into complete disarray, all from a simple smile.

“Oh yes, I’ll never forget BST,” Ronnie laughs as she places the other tray on the granite countertop.

“Well, you know what they say; being on time is the first step to being respected; it shows you value not just your time, but the time of others,” Pete says, clearly not joining in on the joke or the fun. My lips fall into a narrow line.

Blair’s jaw flexes before her eyes harden in his direction. It’s clear she wasn’t expecting to be rebuked or called out, but luckily, Ronnie has her back and swiftly smacks Pete in the arm.

“Pete! Be nice,” she scolds, and while there’s still a smile on her face, I’m sure we all know her well enough to hear the warning in her tone. “Blair’s the best, and I will not accept any slander on her name whatsoever,” she adds, pointing a finger in his direction.

“Well, maybe he isn’t totally wrong. I could make more of an effort. I don’t want anybody thinking I don’t respect the time of others,” Blair says, her voice dripping with overly sweet sarcasm, clearly annoyed by being called out by this guy, despite the actual words coming out of her mouth.

“Don’t sweat it, Blair. Those who actually know you know that couldn’t be further from the truth. You’ve done nothing wrong and have nothing to prove here. Plus, you know what they say: don’t make assumptions because it only makes an ass out of you and me,” I blurt out before I can stop myself. I’m not normally an antagonistic person, but nobody gets to call out my friends like that, especially not some prick like Pete.

Our friendship may be strained, but as Blair flashes me a smile that’s equal parts amusement and gratitude, I have no regrets. Even if Pete was the type of guy who reacted with violence and chose to take out his anger on me, I’d do it all over again. Especially if it means I get to catch another glimpse of that perfect smile of hers—the kind of smile that feels like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day—and these days, given what I have going on in my life, that’s very much needed.

“On that note, let’s eat,” Ronnie cuts in before Pete can say anything else, which is probably for the best.

It might seem like I’m looking for a fight, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Like Ronnie, all I want is for everyone to be happy and get along. I’d love nothing more than to be wrong about Pete, and I’d love for Blair to see a side of our friend’s fiancé that I’ve yet to see, putting all my concerns to rest.

“Yes, I’m starving,” Blair agrees, looking my way one last time, that same mesmerizing grin of hers offering a small glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, tonight won’t be as terrible as I thought it’d be. Sure, we’re going to be eating and hanging out with one of my least favorite people, but if Blair keeps looking at me like that, maybe things won’t be entirely insufferable.

“This cheesecake is amazing,” Blair coos as we get started on dessert, her eyes drifting back in ecstasy, a move that has me thinking way too many dirty thoughts. I shift in my seat as I wonder what exactly I’d have to do for her to make that face again, but hopefully for an entirely different reason.