Page 54 of Into the Woods

I jump, my eyes flying open at the feel of a warm hand on my knee.

Christophe leans over me, a warm washcloth in his free hand. He gently wipes at our combined releases, whispering sweet, sweet words when I flinch at the contact with my sensitive flesh. His tender care just confuses me even more.

“Stop.” My voice is small, throaty and unsure.

His hand stills as his gaze tracks an escaped tear sliding down my temple to disappear into my hair. “Winn?—”

I shake my head. “It wasn’t perfect, it was stupid.”

He jerks his head back, obviously offended. He exhales forcefully through his nose and slams the pink-tinged washcloth toward the bathroom.

Anger fights with frustration across his face in an epic battle. “Stupid. You think being with me is stupid.” There’s no question, he’s simply stating it like a fact. “Sorry your first time was such a disappointment, honeybee.”

Jesus Christ, men.

I push myself up to sit, wincing slightly as I settle against the headboard, the sheet clutched to my chest.

“The last thing I need to do right now is stroke your ego. It rivals your dick in size, but that’s not what I’m saying.” I pin him with a withering look, proud of myself for finding my backbone with this man. But I literally have nothing left to lose.

“What the fuck are you saying, then?” He shifts, hands flung out to the sides.

Part of me wants to laugh. Part wants to cry some more. But really, I just need to know what this is. And much as I want answers, I don’t know that I want to kick this buzzing beehive.

“Just say it. Ask me whatever you need to so we can go the fuck to sleep.” We stare silently at each other until he adds, “I’ll pay you. Five grand for your thoughts.”

“I thought the saying was a penny for your thoughts?” Why am I fighting him on this?

“Jesus, fuck. Must be a lot of thoughts.”

“So many things,” I tell him.

Ignoring his scowl, I launch into my list. “You bought me but have been telling me I can’t work off this debt. You stormed up here like a caveman, with me flung over your shoulder like a prize and then took the only thing I have of any value. So which is it going to be? Am I worth something to you? Am I here until I work off what my parents owe you, or are you going to…I don’t know, sell me off for what you can? Use me until you’re done with me.” My voice rises with each word, surprising even me. “What is this, Christophe? What am I?”

I watch as Christophe’s mouth opens, closes, and then opens again before he purses his lips and shakes his head. “Mon bijou. You are mine, just mine. That is all.” His eyes soften and a smile tugs his mouth up into the shadow of a smile. “You always have been, honeybee. I’ve known it since I followed you home the first time we met to make sure you were safe. I knew it when I found out your father was setting you up with my uncle’s men to make drops. With every year I had to stay away, every status report from Teague, every gift I left for you…I knew. Not just that you were mine, but that you owned me in equal measure.”


He climbs into the bed next to me and pulls me into his arms. “But what?”

I turn to face him, needing to see his reaction when I say this last part. “I’m not on the pill, not on birth control at all. What if?—”

He brushes his lips across mine, his tongue licking inside and dancing with my own.

“You’re mine, Winn. All of you. Every piece of you, always.” He drags me across his body, settling me on his lap so I’m straddling his thick, muscular thighs.

He kisses me until I’m pliant in his arms, needy and aching for him to fill me again.

This time, Christophe enters me slowly. Brings me to climax gently.

And I fall asleep wrapped up in his arms.

Chapter 23



Voices filterup from the entryway, pulling me from what might be the best sleep I’ve ever had. I pinch my eyes closed and bury my nose in Winnie’s hair, relishing her warm scent, breathing her in.