Page 48 of Into the Woods

I laugh—not a happy one, but because he’s wrong. “He already has the organization. He made sure to lock that down when my father died. Stepped in with the claim that it was just until I was older, more prepared for the role, but we’ve known all along that he’s not going to step aside. He’s proven it at every turn.”

Teague scoffs. “And still, you’re standing here doing nothing, knowing full and well, that he’s arranged to steal Winnie away tonight.”

This time my laugh is real and true.

“Teague, brother. We both knew this was a possibility, even with all the last minute changes. If you think for a minute I didn’t put additional measures in place for tonight, you’re sorely mistaken. I thought you had more faith in me than that.”

“I do, but he’s got a guy standing in the main room waiting to steal Winnie away and deliver her to his door.” He gets louder with every word, strain evident in his voice. His gestures are almost wild, jerky and full of frustration.

A satisfied smile tugs at my lips. “Alain will be outbid.” I glance at the monitors and then to my phone. The final bids are in, and the auction is closed. I hit the button to access volume from the auction floor.

“Gentlemen, congratulations to our winners. When your funds have been transferred and verified, you can collect your purchases. And as always, we thank you for your generosity.” The auctioneer glances at the camera mounted at the back of the room and subtly adjusts his cuffs before walking off stage. The move is natural, draws no attention but conveys the message loud and clear.

“Jesus, Christophe, it’s done. Alain thinks he’s the high bidder. He fucking made arrangements. Did we plan for his level of sore loser?” Teague is upset. Rightfully so since he was gone for a good chunk of my planning time yesterday and is taking things at face value. But he should know that nothing—fucking nothing—is as it seems in our world.

I tuck my phone away and slide my hands into my trouser pockets as I stroll to the door. I turn and address Teague over my shoulder.

“He was never going to win her. I made damn sure of that.”

Teague shakes his head. “How, though? What did you set up to cheat the motherfucker king of backstabbing cheats?”

It’s more than a little annoying that he’s standing here questioning my ability. I drop my head down, my chin resting on my chest for a moment before I meet his hard stare. “I’m the one who has been watching, waiting. Learning everything I could from him.”


Fists clenched at my sides, it takes a lot of effort not to knock him back into reality, but I don’t have time for his bullshit. I have to go get Winnie.

“Because Winifred L’Ourson is mine. She’s fucking mine. I have waited long enough for this day. To knock Alain off his fucking pedestal and take my rightful place in the organization.”

“And you—what?—thought it was a good idea to put Winnie in the crosshairs? You know I have your back, man, but this is alot, even for you. Do you honestly think Alain is going to accept this coup? Just take it in stride and hand things over to you without a fight? What if shit goes off the rails—what then?”

“No one is going to fuck with me. No one is going to fuck with Winnie, she’s mine. She always has been, and she always will be.” I will lay down my life for her, protect her instead of walking away like I did years ago.

Then, she was too young, still a child.

Now, she’s mine.

I stride to the door, leaving Teague to keep an eye on things from here. When I reach the door, I eye him over my shoulder. “I’m taking Winnie home now. And I need you to handle whatever bullshit comes to our door.”

There is not a thing in the world that is going to keep me from my honeybee tonight.

Chapter 21



Humiliation battleswith fear and anger.

I stood. Teetered across the stage on heels so high I was in another atmosphere. Spun around, making sure the room full of foul and disgusting human beings could see me from every angle. It was only fair they got a good look at the merchandise before shelling out an ungodly amount of money.

Hell, I’m half-shocked no one demanded my virginity to be certified by a trusted expert. Truth in advertising and all that.

One by one, the other girls who were sold off tonight disappear from the dressing room behind the stage. Security corralled us here immediately after the bidding ended and the mountain of a man standing outside the door seems to be serious about making sure we stay safe and secure. The irony isn’t lost on me.

More than half the girls have been claimed when the low buzz of conversation filters through the door. The volume grows, voices growing gruff and angry as they approach.

“You do not want to test me. She’s mine and I’m taking her now.” Christophe shoves through the door and the room is filled with…him. His broad shoulders, piercing blue eyes, and singular focus are directed straight at me. In a huff, he pulls the suit jacket from his body and wraps it around me, enveloping me in his scent, his warmth.