Page 38 of Into the Woods

“How’re you feeling?” I ask, not at all surprised as confusion shifts to insult. “Your head. You got hit pretty hard last night, and?—”

“I assure you, I’m perfectly fine,” he grumbles.

Of course, I know that already. First thing I did was call Dr. Hibou to check Garrick out. Honestly, I was shocked that the man wasn’t even concussed. A good knot on the back of his head and a severely bruised ego, but that’s it.

“Right. So go hang out with Winnie today. Relax, watch a movie, read a book. Hell, grab a bottle of whiskey and get her drunk.” I clench my jaw, the muscle popping, as I think over my plan for the following night. “Let her have a day before it all goes to shit.”

Without a word, Garrick boldly stalks across the room to my liquor cabinet. He pops open the door and peruses the options.It’s all good, highly sought after bottles that any whiskey connoisseur would love to get their hands on. But he pushes those bottles to the side and reaches past them to where I stash my special reserve.

Two bottles of high-proof, smooth as velvet whiskey are tucked in the crook of his arm, a pair of cut crystal tumblers secured in one palm. That should have them both on their asses feeling no pain. At least not today, tomorrow…that’s a whole different story.

“Watch your back. She’s dangerous with the good crystal,” I mutter.

Garrick executes an abrupt turn with nothing short of military precision and says, “Sir, if I may speak frankly.”

I suffer no fools and don’t take shit from anyone, but Teague and Garrick are free to say what they need. I nod. “Go ahead.”

He relaxes his stance, just slightly but enough to indicate he’s got serious concerns.

“It is not my place to question your motives, sir, but where Miss L’Ourson is concerned, I would hope you might show some kindness. Perhaps a measure of forgiveness?” The scowl that mars my features does nothing to stop his lobbying. “As I understand, Miss L’Ourson has had quite the unfortunate…life, one could say. I’m not sure if you’re aware of the hardships she’s endured in her short life, but I implore you, sir, to reconsider your plans regarding her and the dreadful situation her parents left her in.”

A dark laugh bursts free from me.

I tried to hold it back, but honestly, there was no way I was keeping that down.

Garrick, though, he looks nothing short of personally offended by my outburst. And if I’m asking a favor of him, I need to give himsomething.

I clear my throat and sit forward, resting my forearms on the smooth surface of my desk. “You’re right”—his brows rise, hovering dangerously close to his hairline—“it’s not your place. But I am well aware of the shit Winnie dealt with as a kid. Her parents were vile human beings who didn’t deserve—” I stuff down my rant because while I need to give Garrick something to appease him, now is not the time for me to show my whole ass where Winnie is concerned.


“I know her history and will take that into consideration. Is that what you’re looking for? Feel better?”

He nods, the barest hint of a smile tugs at his lips. “Thank you, sir. Much better.” He turns and strides to the door, arms laden with his spoils from my office. Again, the list of people who can get away with shit like this is wildly small.

“Garrick”—I wait for him to pause before speaking again—“make sure her day is as good as it can be.”

His eyes lose their edge and his smile softens. “That will be my honor, sir.”

Alone again, I slump back into my chair and stare at his retreating form. I would give just about anything to trade places with him. To spend the day with her in any way. To make up for years and years of avoidance. This distance is a necessary evil and not at all what I want, but right now, need has to come before wants and desires.

This just goes up on the scoreboard of life with all the other times I’ve pulled strings from deep in the wings in order to keep things from completely crumbling around her. From the very start, the first time I followed that small child through the woods to make sure she got home okay, I knew her life was shit.

There was no doubt that our lives couldn’t be more different, but I did what I could. Food when she had none. Clothes when she needed them. Hell, I had her student account funded fromthe moment I was able. The catch was always doing it without drawing attention to her. And keeping myself far, far from view.

Was it ironic that the brutal murder of my parents was the driving force behind all of that? It was.

I had a lot to learn, but I knew I had to push her away to keep her safe.

Is it even more ironic that pushing the plunger on her parents and removing them from her life is the culmination of years of holding her at arm’s length, denying her existence? Yeah, I guess it is. Nothing like killing the negligent assholes who made her life hell just to have a reason to pull her close. Not just close, Winnie’s under my skin in the best and worst ways possible.

It’s been years of games and bullshit and wearing my disinterest like a mask to keep her away from this life, in the hell that she knew, before I could strategically bring her into mine.

Now, the devil is in the details, and I have precious little time to orchestrate the finale.

Each time I spare a glance to the security monitor, Winnie and Garrick are settling into their day more and more. Much as that is exactly what I need to get my shit done, what I want is to be the one sharing that bottle of whiskey with her, to see her face light up, hear her laughter. To be that fucking carefree with her? That’s what I want.

If all goes to plan, that’s our future.