The tremor in Winnie’s voice is delicious. I’m not a cruel man, considering my position withinLe Milieu. But I’m unexpectedly enjoying everything about this little reunion.
“Not here,” I say for her ears alone.
The remainder of the ride is silent. Tension simmers in the lush comfort of my car, shifting and amping up each time Winnie glances out the rear window. It’s no mystery what she’s looking for, or who.
My hand darts out, fingers clenched around her throat as I cut off her question. “I saidnot here. I do not like having to repeat myself so not another word until I tell you. Understood?”
Her lips part, a response ready to tumble out. I turn and stare at her, my eyes narrowed, and even through the shield of my sunglasses Winnie gets the hint. She licks her lips and presses them closed, the bobbing of her throat as she swallows nervously slides against my palm.
Jesus fuck, it takes sheer will, pulling from deep down inside, to peel my fingers from her creamy skin. The rapidly fading handprint marking a necklace I can’t wait to see on her again.
The house comes into view moments before the car comes to a stop. I don’t bother waiting for the asshole up front to shift into park before I’ve got the door open and am dragging Winnie out with me. I need to make sure we’re alone before she opens her goddamn mouth, because if I have to shut her up again, I might be tempted to shove my dick in her mouth. Fucking plump red lips would look hot as shit wrapped around my favorite appendage.
Chapter 5
I stumble after Christophe,barely escaping a full face plant on the gravel of the drive only because he catches me. Not a sweet, romantic catch, but utilitarian and efficient. Utterly powerful and in control.
My head is spinning with everything that is happening today.
It was supposed to be a simple burial. That’s all I had on my to-do list today—that’s it. But my entire day has been flipped upside down and somehow, I ended up being kidnapped. Because there is no doubt in my mind that’s exactly what this is. I’m here, at what has to be his house, for the first time ever and it’s entirely against my will.
Christophe drags me up the gray stone steps flanked on either side by concrete lions, through a massive dark wood door and into his house.
Silence hangs between us for as long as I can stand it, and then all of my simmering questions come tumbling free.
“Where are we? What…what are you doing to Tru? Where is she?”
Concern for my friend’s safety battles hard with my concern for her current state of mind. She’s…delicate. Damaged and lost in the darkness of the demons that have haunted her since before she was taken.
Maybe it’s foolish of me not to be more concerned for myself, because I’m obviously in some deep shit here.
Foolish of me, but I’m also more than a little bit intrigued. I don’t even know how much there is to unpack from this whole experience, but now is not the time to figure that out.
I can handle this—whateverthisis.
“Teague’s taking care of her. She’s fine,” he says, tilting his head in my direction.
My cheeks flush, definitely in anger this time, and a small muscle in my jaw jumps as I clench my teeth and turn, straining to look out the window at the long driveway disappearing into the trees.
“Where? Her safety, her security is being with me,” I inform him. “They turned. Why didn’t they follow us? Where is he taking her?” Panic leaches into my voice.
“They’re coming here, to my house—eventually. Miss Cochonette will have her own private suite and will be well attended. I assure you, she is fine.”
He pulls the sunglasses from his face and tosses them on the table in the center of the foyer. The clatter draws my attention back inside.
Dark wood bathes the walls in moody light and masculinity. Dark floors are covered in even darker rugs, the whole thing screams villainous hideaway or the devil’s lair.
I should be scared.
I should be shaking in my cheap thrift-store shoes.