As he pushed the door open and walked into the bedroom, Roxie

raised her bare arms over her head and smiled at him, her body clearly defined under the sheet that covered her.

He usually had a hot, explosive temper. As he approached the bed, he felt chillingly calm.

"Get out of my bed," he said softly.

She shifted a little, the movement uncovering more of her br**sts. "Why don't you join me? You want to. You know you do."

The revulsion that washed through him almost sheared his self-control.

A triumphant look filled her face when he stepped up to the bed. A moment later, the look changed to terror.

He hadn't consciously made the decision to call in his Eyrien war blade. But the edge of that blade, honed so sharp it could make air bleed, suddenly hovered just above Roxie's neck. If he relaxed his hand, the blade would slide through skin and muscle until it gently came to rest against bone. He wouldn't have to do anything, wouldn't have to exert any force. Just relax his hand.

"If I ever find you in my bed again, I'll slit your throat," he said, his voice still calm and soft.

Roxie swallowed. The movement was enough to push her skin against the blade.

Lucivar watched the blood trickle from the shallow wound, becoming seduced by the heat of it, the smell of it. He stepped back before the temptation to let the war blade sing became too great. As he stepped back, the cold inside him broke and hot temper flared.

Vanishing the war blade, he scooped up her clothes in one hand, hauled her out of bed with the other, and dragged her through the eyrie, ignoring her squeals and protests. He flung her and her clothes out the door and slammed it shut, not knowing or caring if she got hurt when she landed.

Then he stood with his teeth clenched and his hands curled into fists, fighting the urge to open that door and purge the memories of all the witches he'd known in Terreille who were just like her. He wanted to pound those memories into her flesh, exorcising them from his own.

Minutes passed, but the feelings didn't. He still rode the killing edge.

Violence still sang in his blood. He had to purge that violence…or have it purged out of him. There was only one person who could do that for him.

Roxie was gone when he left the eyrie. That spared him the inconvenience of killing her and taking the bitch's mangled body back to her family. Hewould have killed her if she'd still been there. He couldn't have stopped himself. A Warlord Prince was a born predator, a natural killer, and the "training" he'd received under the hands of the witches in Ter-reille had honed that killing instinct instead of providing a sheath for it. Right now, he was a danger to everyone.

With one exception.

He opened his psychic senses, searching until he brushed against the dark power that eclipsed his own.

Launching himself skyward, he flew to the cottage beyond the outskirts of Riada. He landed close enough to the porch that two steps and a leap had him standing in front of the door of the neat little cottage Saetan had built for Jaenelle as a place where she could spend solitary time when she needed it. Not that she was ever really alone. There was always a kindred male with her, but a wolf or dog was content to nap for hours while she got lost in a book or would walk with her for miles without wanting conversation.

He hesitated a moment, then opened the door and entered the cottage's main room. Jaenelle stood near the hearth as if she'd been expecting him. She probably had. She would have felt that flash of temper, would have sensed him coming toward her.

He stood close to the door, wanting to go to her,needing to go to her. He couldn't do that. Not yet. Not until he'd smoothed some of the jagged edges off his temper.

"Lucivar," Jaenelle said quietly.

He stared at her, focused on her sapphire eyes.

She walked up to him and placed one hand against his cheek. "Lucivar."

He closed his eyes and breathed in the physical scent of her and the dark psychic scent that was both a balm and an enticement. He didn't want her sexually…had never wanted her that way…but the hugs and sisterly kisses kept him balanced in a way nothing else had ever done.

Hold the leash,he silently pleaded.Choke me into obedience if that's what it takes.

She just stood there, her hand against his cheek, until those jagged edges of temper receded…and made him aware of something that brought a different edge to his temper.

"Where's your escort?" he demanded.

"It's been a warm afternoon," Jaenelle replied. "Jaal is sprawled in the stream out back."

Lucivar snarled. "He didn't even rouse himself to find out who had entered the cottage."

Jaenelle lifted both eyebrows to express surprise. "You wanted to be pounced on by a wet tiger?"

Being near her had restored enough of his balance that he took a moment to consider that. "No."

"Didn't think so. That's why I told him to stay where he was." She stepped back and turned toward the archway that led to the kitchen. "I have a small keg of ale."

"I have half a steak pie, cheese, and a fresh loaf of bread." Jaenelle grinned at him. "In that case, you can stay for dinner."

He waited until they'd eaten and were sitting on the porch, watching twilight smudge the land into soft shapes.

"I need help, Cat," he said quietly, using his nickname for her to indicate he needed help from his sister, not his Queen.

"Still being overrun by helpful ladies?" Jaenelle asked.

"No. Well, yes, but…" He took a deep breath, knowing he was about to walk the crumbling edge of a sheer cliff. "I found Roxie in my bed when I got home today."

"Roxie," Jaenelle said in that midnight voice that chilled her court.

Roxie didn't like Jaenelle, and Jaenelle didn't like Roxie. The difference was Roxie didn't have enough power to do anything with that feeling. Jaenelle disliking someone was out and out dangerous.

Lucivar rubbed his hands over his face and sighed. "I need a housekeeper. I need a dragon who will…"

Jaenelle cocked her head and looked at him.

"No." His nerves jumped, making him feel like he had tiny bugs skittering all over his skin. "Not a real dragon." Not that he didn't like the dragons who lived in the Fyreborn Islands. He did. He enjoyed wave whomping with them whenever he and Jaenelle visited the islands. But the last thing he needed was a dragon the size of a pony…not including the tail…waiting by the door to flame anyone who crossed the threshold.

"It would solve the problem of uninvited guests," Jaenelle pointed out.
